

Sep 7, 2020
I'm going to share my experiences. Just sharing- believe or dont it's your choice. First I had cancer at 18. I ended up on life support after my 3rd surgery. They were running my gurney down the hallway trying to get blood from a vein and couldn't due to a clot. I was fading. All I can say was it was peaceful, calm, and I wanted to go. They get me into the intubation room and my lungs squeezed shut and I was out... I was on life support again in 2013 but I don't remember anything prior to waking up due to the medical coma they had me in. I just remember waking up.

Now my older son died in a car accident 3 years ago. grieving- isn't a strong enough word to describe it. I've had quite a few medium readings. Yes, some were just guessing and I wasted money. Than there are the ones that were legit. My facebook is set to private so no one outside friends list can see anything. The legit ones have given me his name, how he died, his brothers name, his old cats name and the cat was with him, his passion he had, my grand fathers name Poppy, that I want to do something to get to him, about my life support in 2013....umm can't think what else they told me. There is no way they knew this unless he was telling them as a spirit. I also have a picture of JOE in the clouds and a face above the J also MOM in the clouds with a heart... I had a vision. I was going to bed and I was laying there- suddenly my room changed. In front of my eyes it became the most beautiful ocean with the most vivid fish. I was scared I didn't know what was happening. Than my son was in the top right corner leaning down as he swam closer to me he grew younger down to about 8. He started at that corner as the 25 yr old he was and swimming down to me getting younger. Than before I knew it that vision was gone. No explanation at all for it. I've had other crazy things happen that I can't explain.

I believe in an afterlife. DO I think it's like catholics say? nope... there is something after this life. We are in hell there is no hell to go to. I believe when I CTB I will be with my son. Because of my emphysema causing respiratory failure in 2013 I started watching youtube about NDE. Theres doctors out there who have witnessed things that went from total non believers to whoa it is real.. There is something we do not cease to exist.
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Jul 14, 2020
Totally wrong.
Your misunderstanding of the link between electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism) is frustrating.
You also have no grasp of what is meant by a 'quantum state'.
Well, according to the first law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Electromagnetism is a force, a form of energy which can take on many different forms, including a current in a wire.

How do you know what I know or don't know about quantum states or quantum mechanics in general?

All I said was "perhaps originating in quantum states" (which is a position advocated by R. Penrose, actually, specifically the wave function collapse). From that little statement, you made a huge extrapolation and assumption that I "have no grasp of what is meant by a quantum state".
I can only assume it's because you somehow felt attacked by what I said, which wasn't my intention at all.

I just pointed out that I didn't think that your argument/analogy about currents in wires and consciousness showed what you were trying to make it show.
If it did you'd be getting a nobel prize in physiology or medicine.

You responded by assuming that I'm ignorant and that I don't understand.

This is not a useful way to engage with someone.
From my understanding, it's just void and nothingness as I don't have sufficient evidence to believe otherwise.
But where is the sufficient evidence that it's just 'void and nothingness'? That's also a position of faith.
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Nov 18, 2019
Spoke to a medium about this particularly related to suicide... unfortunately she said everyone she's talked to who commits regrets it. But it exists for a reason and serves a purpose. Reincarnation is real (not sure if mandatory), time is infinite in the spiritual world, experiences are not.

In essence the afterlife/bt lives whatever is where our souls do studying, thinking, being philosophical but they are unable to experience. That is what the journey to earth is for. And with time being infinite taking a trip down to earth with some spiritual collaborators to experience bad shit seems like no big deal. Also, some people live very fulfilling lives.

Not sure how I feel about this since Im closer to starting the endlife process than the day I found this site. Is what it is. We'll all know soon enough.
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Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
But the current in a wire doesn't just disappear when you turn it off either. In a way it does go elsewhere -- in a less concentrated form in energy fields. Energy cannot be destroyed, so it still exists in the electromagnetic field.

If consciousness is an ethereal form of energy, perhaps originating in quantum states, then the same has to apply to it too.

How did you experience the passage of time? Did it feel like a really long sleep, or was it a case of going unconscious then feeling like you immediately woke up again?

past lives? Reincarnation? How do you know?

When I was about 4 yrs old I was walking home from preschool (by myself) 1971.. not a big deal then.. anyway, something came over me.. and all of a sudden I recognized everything around me.. I started naming things like, trees, leaves, sky, it all looked so familiar.. I had this incredible joy, and said , OMG, we don't die, I've seen this all before.. the feeling was intense.. I even said to myself, you are going to forget this feeling.. so remember it remember how sure u are. So u can look back with certainty that youve been here ..

My experience isn't unique btw, my attorneys son when he was about the same age used to name all the planets in the solar system., Milky way, the names of constellations etc ... He couldn't even read yet. everybody thought his dad, my buddy.. taught this to him.. he swears he didn't.. but one day all of a sudden, he became a mini scholar of the solar system..

I told my friend, I bet he forgets.. sure enough when he was about 7 yrs old, I asked the boy if he remembered knowing the solar system etc?.. he said no.. in fact he forgot all of it..

The stories about tribes that follow deaths within the tribe and new births, where the child recalls who they were within the tribe.. etc..

I've studied this extensively. It terrifies me at the thought of coming back.. I believe there are Alien entities involved.. I think there's a ton of deception that makes us come back to this prison planet..and it involves light, energy and frequency grids

I think there are parasitic beings that feed off our struggles.. it's food for them.. if we didn't have a physical form we wouldn't have to suffer, and they would starve.. this really is the matrix imho
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Jul 14, 2020
Based on my experience with partial memory of a different life in a different time and place, I am afraid it is real, reincarnation. I died, which was like going to sleep, in the 1800s in Georgia and when I woke up I was in Maryland with new parents. I remembered bits of my old life and I'm not making this up.
I was always very puzzled by this as a small child. What could have happened that I ended up in this new place.

Try to imagine going to sleep at night like usual but when you wake up you are in a different place, different house with these strangers. That is exactly what it felt like up until I was about 6 years old when that old memory faded.
That's weird.

In principle, I don't see any reason why reincarnation should be ruled out a priori.

I mean, we've been born once, which is strange enough as it is. Why not more times?


Aug 6, 2020
Well, according to the first law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Electromagnetism is a force, a form of energy which can take on many different forms, including a current in a wire.

How do you know what I know or don't know about quantum states or quantum mechanics in general?

All I said was "perhaps originating in quantum states" (which is a position advocated by R. Penrose, actually, specifically the wave function collapse). From that little statement, you made a huge extrapolation and assumption that I "have no grasp of what is meant by a quantum state".
I can only assume it's because you somehow felt attacked by what I said, which wasn't my intention at all.

I just pointed out that your argument/analogy didn't show what you were trying to make it show.

You responded by assuming that I'm ignorant and/or I don't understand.

This is not a useful way to engage with someone.
The fact that energy can neither be created nor destroyed does not imply that electricity is still flowing through a wire when there is no current.

Look back through the posts between us. You're pulling at irrelevant facts and trying to make them point towards your belief, which they don't.

Electromagnetism is mediated by an exchange of particles called photons.
It doesn't "take a different form".
You start by saying something that's half true and then move on and say something that's totally false and unrelated.

Regarding quantum states, you implied that consciousness exists as a quantum state. Please feel free to tell me precisely what you mean by this, and how you feel that consciousness is related to wave function collapse.
I need a laugh...
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lobster salad

lobster salad

overcooked :(
Aug 27, 2020
Maybe we will be reborn in the form of another human? A newborn, all memory and harsh experience erased. Some others say hell and heaven.. these places don't exist anywhere we know though so I doubt heaven and hell. Most likely it will just be nothing though, a total blank and void exactly like it was before our birth
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Jul 23, 2020
How is anyone supposed to know?
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Jul 14, 2020
does not imply that electricity is still flowing through a wire when there is no current.
I never said it did imply this.

pulling at irrelevant facts and trying to make them point towards your belief
Such as?
In actual fact, I don't have a belief one way or the other. All I'm saying is consciousness is still a mystery and that if it is a form of energy, then it can't just disappear at death. Sure, it might be transformed into a different form of energy or something entirely unknown, but it won't be destroyed.

It doesn't "take a different form"
It certainly takes on many different forms in terms of frequencies which correspond to wavelengths, i.e. microwaves, x-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared, radio.

You start by saying something that's half true and then move on and say something that's totally false and unrelated
Could you clarify this? What did I say that was totally false and unrelated?

Regarding quantum states, you implied that consciousness exists as a quantum state. Please feel free to tell me precisely what you mean by this, and how you feel that consciousness is related to wave function collapse.
I need a laugh...
Quantum gravity effects and other quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition in microtubular structures in neurons.
Read 'the emperor's new mind' by roger penrose, for a full exposition of the idea.
It's a hypothesis, and no one is saying that it's true or the definite answer to the hard problem of consciousness. It's simply an opening gambit based on our current state of knowledge in neuroscience and physics (hence why I said 'perhaps originating in quantum states' in my first message).

I really don't see why you've decided to respond to me in this way, given that all I did was to express the opinion that your original analogy didn't show what you were trying to make it show, because the currents in wires do not just 'disappear' when you turn the wires off. Sure, they don't exist in the wires anymore, but the energy that was previously in the wires still continues existing elsewhere in a different form. That's all.
Now you're just escalating it into a pointless game of one upmanship.

I'm not on this website to engage with people in this kind of way, especially when I sense that people are being passive-aggressive and sneering, so that's the last I'll be saying here.
Sorry that this interaction wasn't more cordial or generous.
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Aug 6, 2020
I never said it did imply this.
That's a red herring.

Such as?
In actual fact, I don't have a belief one way or the other. All I'm saying is consciousness is still a mystery and that if it is a form of energy, then it can't just disappear at death. Sure, it might be transformed into a different form of energy or something entirely unknown, but it won't be destroyed.

It certainly takes on many different forms in terms of frequencies which correspond to wavelengths, i.e. microwaves, x-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared, radio.

Could you clarify this? What did I say that was totally false and unrelated?

Quantum gravity effects and other quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition in microtubular structures in neurons.
Read 'the emperor's new mind' by roger penrose, for a full exposition of the idea.
It's a hypothesis, and no one is saying that it's true or the definite answer to the hard problem of consciousness. It's simply an opening gambit based on our current state of knowledge.

I really don't see why you've decided to respond to me in this way, given that all I did was to express the opinion that your original analogy didn't show what you were trying to make it show, because the currents in wires do not just disappear when you turn the wires off. That's all.
Now you're just escalating it into a game of one upmanship.

I'm not on this website to engage with people in this kind of way, so that's the last I'll be saying here.
Sorry that this interaction wasn't more cordial or generous.
Ok I'm calling it - troll.
I wish you all the best, but I'm not going to go round in circles with you on a subject you quite obviously know nothing about.
Good luck to you and I hope you find peace in whatever form is best for you.


Sep 10, 2020
Based on my experience with partial memory of a different life in a different time and place, I am afraid it is real, reincarnation. I died, which was like going to sleep, in the 1800s in Georgia and when I woke up I was in Maryland with new parents. I remembered bits of my old life and I'm not making this up.
I was always very puzzled by this as a small child. What could have happened that I ended up in this new place.

Try to imagine going to sleep at night like usual but when you wake up you are in a different place, different house with these strangers. That is exactly what it felt like up until I was about 6 years old when that old memory faded.
Well thank god I don't believe in reincarnation because that's my idea of hell. Killing yourself to escape this fucked up world only to come right back.
Also you died in the 1800s and only reincarnated 100+ years later? Why not reincarnate immediately?


Jul 14, 2020
Ok I'm calling it - troll.
I wish you all the best, but I'm not going to go round in circles with you on a subject you quite obviously know nothing about.
This isn't a good way to engage with people, and it doesn't demonstrate or even suggest that your points had any more validity than mine.

If you could have shown me that what I had to say really was misinformed and wrong (instead of just saying it was), then I would have conceded it.

I really do wish you the best, and that is sincere, as I assume you aren't a member here because your life is easy at the moment.
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Aug 6, 2020
Ad hominem attack, claiming your interlocutor is ignorant, and passive-aggression.
This isn't a good way to engage with people, and it doesn't demonstrate or even suggest that your points had any more validity than mine.
In fact, quite the opposite.

I wish you the best, as I assume you aren't a member here because your life is easy at the moment.
"I wish you the best, as I assume you aren't a member here because your life is easy at the moment".

Indeed, let's focus on that rather than our understanding of quantum theory.
If you need a chat do feel free to pm me.
I am at my lowest point and quite honestly, intellectual discussion is little more than a brief distraction.
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Jul 14, 2020
I am at my lowest point and quite honestly, intellectual discussion is little more than a brief distraction.
same here. This is all just a meaningless distraction from the burden of existing.
And I am sorry to hear you're at your lowest point, I really am.
Pm me too if you ever need to.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Well thank god I don't believe in reincarnation because that's my idea of hell. Killing yourself to escape this fucked up world only to come right back.
Also you died in the 1800s and only reincarnated 100+ years later? Why not reincarnate immediately?
Of course it's hell!
I have no insight into how it works. Like I said I was very confused how I got there when I was a small child. I've wondered about how all of this works quite a bit.
This is one reason I'm of the Buddhist persuasion. The premise of that religion is that since we are suffering and repeatedly reincarnating possibly thousands of times endlessly, there is a way out by detaching from everything we value in this world.
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New Member
Sep 5, 2020
We can't say for sure, maybe there is nothing and ALL our actions only matters to us and to those we help, maybe there is a god and a afterlife and we will be judge by our sins and the void que see is Just the fact we cant understand and remember the other side. Anyway when you try suicide always remember that it's your choice and yours only and that If there are consequences of It you should accept it
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Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
I'm glad you two left off on good terms.. I don't think anybody here is trolling.. we are all suffering greatly
And it's easy to misconstrue.

In any event, I'll leave this thread with this link for anyone who's interested to ponder

Obviously there's no scientific proof but it's what I've been feeling the last 30 years or so, even before my health took a tragic turn.. there is so much deception, I think it's naive to think it all goes away in death.. something brought us here. And even people living a charmed life currently will eventually have hardship via age, entropy etc.. it's pretty much inevitable

When I contemplate ctb this always accompanies me.. revoking soul contracts., Proclaiming my sovereignty,. and being on guard for whatever lies on the other side.

Keep in mind , many predators use light to trick their prey, I'm going to try to die consciously, I want nothing to intercept me , no matter how seemingly loving it appears..

if there is conciousness on the other side, we would need to time to acclimate to not having a physical form.. so in my case, if I see any kind of "Hollywood" type tunnel and dazzling lights I'm going the other way..

Another resource, if anybody is interested in exploring further also there are lots of YouTube vids on the subject in general.. I'm in no way affiliated with any of these links btw.

May everyone find peace.
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Jun 6, 2020
I'm absolutely fine with an eternal nothing. Personally I think it's grossly unfair we were given a universe we don't stand a chance of exploring.
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Aug 19, 2019
My guess is you get drawn to a light, possibly talk to some fake entity that pretends to love you and then get recycled back on Earth.. every documented near death experience practically entails the same story

you think deception only happens in life? I think it happens in death as well.. and I've known vividly that I've been here before.. probably several times..

This planet is one big software program, even people like Elon Musk and others agree.. it's a horrible game rigged to lose. Every day you're alive something has to die for you.. whether it's a cow, plant etc... Everything is lunch. Sorry for the rant.. haha

Even Musk? Musk is a pig, no more no less. Amazing how people think he has anything to do with science. If I kept Musk at home, I'd use him as a toilet pig like they do in Asia.


Sep 11, 2020
I'm absolutely fine with an eternal nothing. Personally I think it's grossly unfair we were given a universe we don't stand a chance of exploring.
We do get a chance to explore it, it will just not be us but the next generations, its sucks but we learn everyday about it, that one of my last enjoyment in life


Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
I believe in an afterlife evidence or no. Nothing against those who don't though! :heart:
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Jun 6, 2020
We do get a chance to explore it, it will just not be us but the next generations, its sucks but we learn everyday about it, that one of my last enjoyment in life
Fair observation, I'm referring solely to my nihilism in my belief that we won't survive long enough to explore it. I'm one of those "our species is doomed" guys
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If it sounds too good to be true it usually is.
Apr 19, 2020
Experience the feeling of death everytime you have a general anaesthetic. Nothing happens the time you went under until time they wake you up.
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Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
Even Musk? Musk is a pig, no more no less. Amazing how people think he has anything to do with science. If I kept Musk at home, I'd use him as a toilet pig like they do in Asia.
Well I know he along with a few others are working on living forever by merging man and machine.
they dont want to lose their billions.. but this is why I feel very strongly about this existence being in the matrix.. they are trying to create middle layers of "infinity" aka prison

Is this why you have strong negative feelings about him or something else?


Aug 19, 2019
Well I know he along with a few others are working on living forever by merging man and machine.
they dont want to lose their billions.. but this is why I feel very strongly about this existence being in the matrix.. they are trying to create middle layers of "infinity" aka prison

Is this why you have strong negative feelings about him or something else?

He is not working on anything himself because he's not a scientist. He is a money-man, that's all.

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