Having witnessed 2 loved ones suffer from, and ultimately die, from 2 different cancers, I can tell you that a cancer death is not something you want. It's a slow, debillitating, agonizing death. The pain killers they give the patients barely take the edge off. It's not like it was before the opioid crisis. Even when you're dying, the doctors are unwilling to prescribe the pain meds in the amounts needed to fully control the pain. And in most cases to fully control pain, so much is needed that it results in unconsciousness, anyway, and that's not something they're willing to do. They save that kind of medicating for Hospice, and even they only give that type of meds when you're near death. I watched my sister slowly decline, little by little, enduring agonizing pain for months and months, with little to know relief. Believe me, dying from cancer is not something you want. I wouldn't want it for my worst enemies.