

Mar 30, 2021
...try to remind myself how so many people over the course of this planet have experienced really horrific, slow or painful deaths, and the fact we get to choose how we die, whether it's fast, painless or whatever else, is actually kind of a luxury?

I know that's a disturbing thought, it's not a luxury at all really, and ideally I wish all of you and I didn't have to endure the kind of suffering we do day to day.. but it could be worse, right.. right?.. maybe I'm just kidding myself so it doesn't seem so bad..
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Life: you can’t fire me, I quit.
Nov 23, 2020
I think when you spend so much time thinking as one does when considering CTB it's entirely natural to have thoughts such as this. Like you say people die in so many horrific circumstances and we have control, it can be both a blessing and a curse
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Feb 27, 2021
I get really freaked out sometimes thinking I could die a horrific death by putting off ctb for too long. Honestly living life is a gamble in itself.
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Oct 8, 2018
I am not sure it is a luxury how we choose to exit. While we can control how and when we die society doesn't see it as our right which adds to the suffering that we endure. While I would not want a slow, painful death, at least I would know that the suffering had an end and I would be release from this life. I think that in a sense all of us are suffering a slow and painful end. The agony we endure with both living and trying to exit is at times shear hell. The worse part for me is getting up the energy to exit. That is torture in itself.
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Can’t go back, why go forward?
Mar 31, 2021
...try to remind myself how so many people over the course of this planet have experienced really horrific, slow or painful deaths, and the fact we get to choose how we die, whether it's fast, painless or whatever else, is actually kind of a luxury?

I know that's a disturbing thought, it's not a luxury at all really, and ideally I wish all of you and I didn't have to endure the kind of suffering we do day to day.. but it could be worse, right.. right?.. maybe I'm just kidding myself so it doesn't seem so bad..
It think acces to the World Wide Web has made the idea of relatively peaceful suicide at the least feasible and at best possible assuming you know your way around computers and technology

But no it's not a luxury. It's horrid we have to contemplate this, I would love to fix everyone's problems on here but I don't have a time machine or a magic wand.

However I do believe choosing to live or die in the most humane way possible should be a basic human right. Regardless of your overall state of physical or mental health.

Hence why I'm here trying to get the least painful and realistic way to CTB

People should always decide for themselves. It is and always should be an individual choice and that should be upheld and respected and it should come from the individual. I do think there should however be best efforts made to discourage it in case there is hope and a way that doesn't involve a premature passing.

But let's say that's been exhausted and there isn't then people should be able to choose.

No one should however be coerced or manipulated and I believe that's why we don't have world wide assisted or euthanasia implementation in society which I get. It's morally and societally hard to discuss.

it's why people choose violent methods as these are normally successful because all the realistically peaceful ones like N are regulated and monitored to discourage suicide.
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Dec 28, 2018
I get really freaked out sometimes thinking I could die a horrific death by putting off ctb for too long. Honestly living life is a gamble in itself.

This + the possibility of becoming a quadriplegic in an accident are my two biggest motivators to ctb ASAP
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Mar 30, 2021
I am not sure it is a luxury how we choose to exit. While we can control how and when we die society doesn't see it as our right which adds to the suffering that we endure. While I would not want a slow, painful death, at least I would know that the suffering had an end and I would be release from this life. I think that in a sense all of us are suffering a slow and painful end. The agony we endure with both living and trying to exit is at times shear hell. The worse part for me is getting up the energy to exit. That is torture in itself.
I agree.. I'm just trying to convince myself that it could always be worse and trying to see a positive in a bad situation. I really want to exit, I need to.. I'm just scared of doing it and need to overcome SI
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Mar 22, 2020
You certainly have a point.
Some centuries ago, there were lots of torture. For instance, inquisition or lethal poisoning.
Now, there are lots of peaceful way outs from this world such as SN or N but damn, it's certainly difficult to get the guts and mindset to go for it.

Still, I sometimes wonder if I would've been happy thousands of years ago, living in a jungle while fighting a lion and maybe dying in the battle lol.
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Can’t go back, why go forward?
Mar 31, 2021
You certainly have a point.
Some centuries ago, there were lots of torture. For instance, inquisition or lethal poisoning.
Now, there are lots of peaceful way outs from this world such as SN or N but damn, it's certainly difficult to get the guts and mindset to go for it.

Still, I sometimes wonder if I would've been happy thousands of years ago, living in a jungle while fighting a lion and maybe dying in the battle lol.
Gladiatorial combat anyone? I'm looking to be entertained
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May 29, 2020
i do the same thing and i am very thankful that my death will be at least somewhat peaceful
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May 27, 2020
...try to remind myself how so many people over the course of this planet have experienced really horrific, slow or painful deaths, and the fact we get to choose how we die, whether it's fast, painless or whatever else, is actually kind of a luxury?

I know that's a disturbing thought, it's not a luxury at all really, and ideally I wish all of you and I didn't have to endure the kind of suffering we do day to day.. but it could be worse, right.. right?.. maybe I'm just kidding myself so it doesn't seem so bad..
What is to say that those who have died/will die in horrific and non-suicidal ways do not want to end their own lives just like us?

For example: a man is driving his car to a secluded location with the intention of hanging himself - he has a noose in the trunk. On the way there he is caught up in a serious collision and dies later from his injuries. Now if you did not know about what he planned to do you would assume that he was just a man travelling somewhere, and meat an unfortunate demise. This could go for anyone in the world right now; we do not know who wants to end their own life.

This is not to invalidate your view, because you are right in a way. Suicide itself is not a luxury, it is a choice that we have. Though what could be considered a luxury is access to items or an environment which makes it possible.


Aug 12, 2018
It's not only the CTB methods, but also the methods used for killing death row inmates has become more human, quick and less painful than the old days.

For example, in my country we used AK-47 to shoot inmate before 2011. But after 2011, we use a combination of Sodium thiopental, Pancuronium bromide, Potassium chloride for execution.

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