Jumper Geo
Life's a bitch and then you die.
- Feb 23, 2020
- 2,910
I live in the UK and would like to say it won't affect me but when they elected Trump, the Worldwide sale of Fentanyl was banned I can't even find it on the darkweb that's because of the war with China, he ordered his security teams to search and track Fentanyl suppliers and close them down.
Then we had the import/export war, China lost billions the cuddly panda nation turned into a sleeping tiger and trump kept poking it and then we experenced,
Closest I could get to a Tiger, lol
Well would they risk millions of lives and financial ruin, China bounced back fast with minimal deaths and financial markets bounced back and would it make DT look bad, well it did well it made us all look bad and death and financial ruin which we will be paying higher taxes for at least 10 years.
It will never lead to nuclear war as the rich and powerful will lose there hold on society look at iran to save face after the assingation of Qasem Soleimani they bombed an empty base and that was it, game over. China are now teaching the children China is the best way, look at how we handled Covid-19 and look at the Western approach and elections, do you want to be like them.
If Biden wins he is more China friendly so will it mean Fentanyl supplies resume or will Covid-19 suddenly disapear, a vacine will be released and we can leave it in the history books.
For the UK Trump would be better for getting a trade deal, Biden didn't like the UK leaving the EU so will be harder to trade with but I think Hilary should have had another bash she would have won.
Well that's my two bobs worth, lol
Good luck America
Then we had the import/export war, China lost billions the cuddly panda nation turned into a sleeping tiger and trump kept poking it and then we experenced,
Closest I could get to a Tiger, lol

Well would they risk millions of lives and financial ruin, China bounced back fast with minimal deaths and financial markets bounced back and would it make DT look bad, well it did well it made us all look bad and death and financial ruin which we will be paying higher taxes for at least 10 years.
It will never lead to nuclear war as the rich and powerful will lose there hold on society look at iran to save face after the assingation of Qasem Soleimani they bombed an empty base and that was it, game over. China are now teaching the children China is the best way, look at how we handled Covid-19 and look at the Western approach and elections, do you want to be like them.

China to ‘rewrite the Bible and Quran to fall in line with President Xi's socialist ideology’
CHINA is to rewrite the Bible and the Quran to reflect its archaic Communist ideology, new reports claim. The bizarre order came from the all-powerful Committee for Ethnic Affairs which oversees al…

If Biden wins he is more China friendly so will it mean Fentanyl supplies resume or will Covid-19 suddenly disapear, a vacine will be released and we can leave it in the history books.
For the UK Trump would be better for getting a trade deal, Biden didn't like the UK leaving the EU so will be harder to trade with but I think Hilary should have had another bash she would have won.
Well that's my two bobs worth, lol
Good luck America
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