I was really close to become a dominatrix into BDSM. I wanted to vent the rage of being abused as a child by men. But when I read that the sub must be the leader, and to never hit in anger... I realized that I was not into Bdsm but an enraged psycho. I went in the opposite direction, abstinence. I still can only reach orgasm if I imagine heterosexual men be raped by men or machines. I don't think I can make love. I have way too much pent up rage about sex. I don't think I'd respect a sub if I dud BDSM. I'd freaking crush them with disgust & entitlement. I would probably delude myself that they like it while ignoring their safe words. I'd relish their genuine screams of fear & agony. I'm not just scared of sex as what people could do to me... I'm also scared of what I could become if I went in that dark direction.
If the girl wasn't into BDSM so much that she forgot to use safe words... Then there is a risk that her only kink was to fuck her boss... And it degenerated into kinks faster than she could comprehend.
I had a lover into suffocation. I went with the flow out of love, not fully understanding what I got into. I had to wrap him in plastic, watch him suffocate, and pierce a hole when he nodded. He admitted that he almost let himself die. I would have ended up in jail for murder. It's the last time I did BDSM with him & anyone.
I think she sucked at her job... Kept losing them. She was desperate to keep this one.
You were her boss, you had a say in firing her. You could have told your boss that you hate how useless she is and she'd be fired, even if you didn't do it yourself. We have a strong belief that boss can even if they can't. Roleplaying about it... Reinforced it.
When a woman says she's fine... She's really not. There are memes about this.
@summers could have said more politely that women have been abused enough and should be treated with care & respect... But I don't think he deserved to be banned for it. He knows a lot of women who've been hurt badly... I am one of them...
I don't think she was trying to abuse you... I think she was desperate to please you to keep a job... I think she wanted her kink to do it with her boss... But she wasn't in a position to say no freely... As a woman (we have it rough).. As an employee trained to obey... As a lover... As a sub...
Maybe she left when you left because she feared to be fired for her incompetence without your protection. Maybe she was bullied & called a slut... I don't know the full story... But why not keep her as lover after...
Only she can know... But the dynamic was risky of her being hurt more than she could enjoy and being unable to say so...
It's hard to keep a job. It's hard for women to say no... Men can become violent, harass us, dismiss us with gaslight, just plain ignore it thinking we said yes... Or they don't ask & take...
It's hard to be a woman.
I need people like Summers to protect me... He went a bit too far telling you to ctb... But his heart was in the right place.
It's risky in BDSM to slip too far... And in these circumstances (Boss, bad at job, not knowing bdsm begore) it's even riskier...
If she never hit you... But you hit her... If someone was abused in that story, I think you were less than her. I think the whole relationship was based on mutual abuse. A bad employee going out with her boss, who wouldn't be kept by anyone else... That's abuse... But taking sex too far is abuse too. She didn't know how to use safe words to say no...
I don't do BDSM because even if I was the dominant one... I'd still be in the middle of an abusive situation... Even with conscent... Abuse play is abuse...
So if you want to beat a woman who enjoy it, who don't know how to say no, or who say no... It doesn't change the fact that you enjoy hitting women ... So I understand why Summers freaked out over it... I am shaken too. But I can't judge you because I want to murder...
There is a sort of bothersome irony in being the dominant, hitting a woman who don't know how to say no and might gave an irrational fear to lose her job... And feel abused...
I think you both got what you wanted in a painful way and it ended badly for both of you...
I think playing the darkest abusive games... You shouldn't be surprised if you end up abused too...
I don't think the relationship was based on communication, mutual respect & care... I don't think she could fully express herself... I think she accepted the abuse but it's still abuse... Still traumatic... Like a double edge sword... Like people eho do self harm... They end up hurt.
I think it'd be best to do bdsm with people who already know about ut and are confident enough to express their preferences...
If she left you when you stopped being her boss, it's probable that her kink was gone, or that she was only doing it for the job...
I'm sorry ... I like you Bunny... But I can't feel sorry that you were abused by a woman that you hit as her master in bdsm ... It's like being surprised that a prostitute leave with your money and doesn't call back...
That's the risk of fucking an employee... That's the risk of doing bdsm.
It's like the old sugar daddies complaining to me that the teenager didn't appreciate what he bought her... Of course not. She didn't work for it. She expects to be spoiled in exchange of sex with someone that she doesn't even like, with no self respect... So she won't respect things...
There are types of relationships that are based on an imbalance of power... And that often go sour.
I don't Know how to have a relationship of respect & tenderness... I was hoping to find out with summers... But he wasn't returning my hugs after I said something stupid... And now he's gone...
And if he's banned for saying that it's wrong to hit women... I'm very sad about it... He shouldn't have told you to ctb, but... That's why you're here...
I don't know what happened, only your ex sub knows and it'd be best to ask her... But that romance won't be in a disney movie soon... And it didn't make me feel warm & fuzzy inside.
I think that she abused you to have you protect her job, but gave you mmore than she could bear sometimes to make up for it.
I'd suggest to find domeone already initiated in bdsm & build a relationship as lovers, not coworkers... But it might be simpler to stay single and do bdsm in special places for it with random strangers?
If I ever had a lover... I don't think I'd want to vent my rage on him... I'd just want him to hug tenderly my traumas away...
The only domination I need now is self control.
I'm sorry that your relationship ended badly, but it sounds like you enjoyed it a lot while it lasted. Good for you.
I wish Summers was hete to hug me. But I don't think he would even if he was still here. I prefer his rage at the idea of women being hit... Than your feeling of being sad that your sub abused you for money... Take comfort that you already hit her for it? That you had a relationship.... And a job... And health .. and someone who stayed with you even when you gave them your worst.
I Envy you... I feel so lonely... I don't think I could love even some prince on a white horse... Summer was a demon on a dragon... I loved you @summers... I was missing you before you left...
All I ever wanted was a hug. I'm sorry Summets that my fears made you feel accused of the worst... I was trying to say that in spite of all my fears... in spite of all the bad people I met... I love you...
I need a hug... Why must we always hurt the people we love... Like I did... Too...
I just want to feel safe, loved, cared about... I don't even feel cared about by my doctor... I've been hit by my mom, abused by men, harassed at work to the point of giving up my career... Why can't we just share tenderness as lovers...
And if we choose abuse... Can we really be surprised? If we choose harm... Can we really be surprised...
How can I stop feeling such agony... I poisonned everything I own, my home... How can I undo this... How can I stop being so unviable... Unlovable...
I wish someone could just hug me... And take N together... Since good things always end anyway...
I Can't bear being in pain nonstop... I want to die... You do it for fun? I wish someone could put me out of my misery...
I need a gentle hug... I need someone who understand my chemical problem and can fix it, can at least listen with compassion without telling me the problem is my personality... Invalidating me...
I wish I could hurt all the people who mocked my pain & gaslighted me.
Your life sounds fun... Being a boss, getting to hit pepole for fun and rhey stay with you...
People leave me when I ask for a hug...
I wish I could just Cbt...
I can't even blame you for summers because he could contact me on discord but he didn't care...
Nobody cares... They say they do... But in the end... They leave us without even a goodbye...
I'm sorry for us both. At least you got what you wanted...
He asked me what he could do, I adked for a hug, but he didn't... I wished to talk on zoom and share affection face to face... But he prefered to tell you to ctb than hug me and tell me to live (he did once though)
I'm jealous... You had his attention more than me...
He chose to focus on someone he hated instead of someone who loved him & lost everything...
I probably did it often too... So scared of mold I poisonned my new home...
I'm so fucking stupid.
I can't judge you. You wanted to share bdsm and did it... I can't tell you to be gentle because I fail to share anything at all. You had a relationship beating her far longer than me and Summers...
Why... Maybe it's like the matrix... They made one where everyone was happy, but it was a disaster, people expected to struggle & suffer... If someone gave me genuine affection I probably wouldn't believe it... Abusive relationships last longer... I guess fear is exciting...
I just want someone to hug me like a crying child & protect me... Make the pain go away or break my neck...
EVEn if I fix the poison I can't fix people's mean gaslight... Im broken... Mentally broken...
I stopped wanting anything... But I longed for a hug from summers...
Why did he defend women here instead to hug someone who missed him...
Because I'm unworthy and no one care for anyone?