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Aug 18, 2020
I considered to use the acronym SS it would make the question sound funnier. Is being member of SS a red flag in dating? That probably depends on your political views. Lol.

I think I should not mention I am member of SaSu in my dating profile (if I ever create one). Others would probably call the police on me. For me personally it is not a red flag. But mentioning it in a dating profile might be one. However, I am careful to trust people on here. There are many mentally unstable people who are on the edge of suicide. I am not that involved in private chats because of some fears. Moreover, I think there are bad apples of all sorts. A place like this attracts predators and that's obvious.

What do you think?
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Jul 23, 2022
Um, I would venture to say it might possibly maybe hurt your dating prospects....
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
I considered to use the acronym SS it would make the question sound funnier. Is being member of SS a red flag in dating? That probably depends on your political views. Lol.
I mean, are you on your first date and she says "so what do you like to do for fun?" and you open with "well I mostly browse this website for suicidal people where the choice to kill yourself is accepted and sometimes kinda encouraged and we talk about how much everything sucks and the world should just end. You know, stuff like that. And vidya games."?

I think I should not mention I am member of SaSu in my dating profile (if I ever create one). Others would probably call the police on me. For me personally it is not a red flag. But mentioning it in a dating profile might be one. However, I am careful to trust people on here. There are many mentally unstable people who are on the edge of suicide. I am not that involved in private chats because of some fears. Moreover, I think there are bad apples of all sorts. A place like this attracts predators and that's obvious.

What do you think?

I would not recommend putting it in your dating profile, lol. I think it's absolutely fine to talk about how you think suicide should be a choice once you're with someone and getting to know them, but leading with something like that is a red flag moreso for a lack of understanding time and place than the opinion itself.
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Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
I don't understand how anyone could even entertain the idea of mentioning being a member of a suicide-forum anywhere, let alone a dating-Site.
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Dec 10, 2023
Kinda. I wouldn't want to bother another person with my problems.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Yyyy, of course.
This isn't just a red flag.
It's a fucking nuclear bomb.

If someone browses "suicide" websites, they most likely have some problems.
Now be honest with yourself.
Would you like to meet a complete stranger who most likely has chaos in his head?
Of course, now you may think so, because you are here with us.
But why deceive yourself?
I would really avoid dating such people.
It's just common sense.

Of course, if you meet someone and you spend more and more time together, you have to tell that person about your problems.
Of course, if you want to have a potentially good relationship.
Trust in such matters is very important.

However, bragging about it at the beginning is a very bad idea.
It could also potentially be VERY dangerous for a variety of reasons.

I generally don't recommend doing this.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
It probably is but for me, being thirty years old with zero dating or relationship experience is probably more of a red flag because it's something someone actually already told me was a red flag when I was only 27.

If I somehow do manage to get with someone one day and they don't already know about SS and she happens to be nearly perfect for me I probably wouldn't even have any need for this site anyway.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I feel like NOT being a member of SS is a red flag in dating.

Okay, that's probably going too far, but if someone hasn't ever thought about painting the walls with their brains at some point or another, we're likely not going to vibe super well. And I don't say that to be an edgelord or anything. It's just that there's a kind of realness and cynicism that I need in a partner. Being a member here means that someone has thought about the big questions in life, and that's attractive to me.
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Mar 5, 2024
Is being member of SS a red flag in dating?
Not necessarily. The only thing that means is that you have (or used to have) troubled thoughts, or are interested in suicide in some other way. Lots of people have had difficult situations, and being a member of a support forum is not a bad thing at all.

I think I should not mention I am member of SaSu in my dating profile (if I ever create one)
I don't think you should do that. If the topic of suicidality ever comes up, that's when you could mention that if you feel the need to, but right of the bat?? That has a bit of a strange message to it in my opinion.


Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
It could go in your favour if you just used 'Sasu' and the person had to search for it's meaning…

Sanskrit dictionary
Sasu in Sanskrit glossary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary
Sāsu (सासु).—a. Having life, living.

Ironic really….
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I see only one escape
Apr 3, 2024
I met a guy who was very open with me that he has recently wanted to ctb, he said he didn't go to his parents for Christmas or his birthday so that they got used to him not being there. Now I'm a secret suicidal girl and judge nobody, you never know what folk are going through BUT I'd just been through losing my sister to ctb and hearing this guy openly tell he was suicidal made me think I need away from this because 1. We could be really bad together, in terms of maybe doing a suicide pact or 2. I could maybe unintentionally piss him off one day and I could be the reason that tips him over the edge and I am maybe the reason he decides to ctb and I couldn't live with myself if that happened.

Just giving you a reason why it would maybe put people off.


Apr 30, 2024
Before I found this website I would have 100% said yes.

But honestly it gives a lot of people a real place to vent, seek guidance, talk to people who "get it." All without feeling of judgment or scared you're going to be thrown in the psych ward.

So now, I would 100% commend someone to using SaSu, even a romantic partner. I think should a romantic partner NOT be supportive of SaSu (not CTB. That is more understandable) is an even bigger red flag. To me, that would come off as someone trying to silence me. Someone trying to force me to hide real parts of myself. Someone not allowing me access to a really good outlet.


Oct 17, 2023
Not necessarily; depends on what the viewer's life intentions are. Offhand, somebody willing to share something this personal on a dating profile or in any way before knowing me intimately is showing me red flags for emotional manipulation.
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Disabled. Hard talk, don't argue, make fun, etc
Sep 17, 2022
This avod tell u this ppl same outer no diff imgn say ctb, nxt lie etc use tctc say lie disapr etc ya many thing posbl make othre mess yea tell u this ppl this plc no undrstd wat mean life die deal this plc same outer, no undrstd any this human species scum say ok ok 1d lev prtnd no hpn say die make fake die othr prsn trama frvr, ya imgn hpn all ,this tell u human ape no undrstd cncpt liv die say same outer make trama othr prsn. Many hpn say die lie say ctblie yea tell u human ape brain nomore date forim same dngr date outer, all ppl awfl say thing btry this no undrstd cncpt unq ctb, this no same outer say die make mess othr ppl
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Dec 30, 2023
Going a step further than everyone else, never trust anyone, not even me or yourself. Trust does nothing but give someone access to hurt you, and you gain nothing whatsoever from it. No one wants the real you, just learn how to tell exactly the kind of lies they want to hear.