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Feb 13, 2020
It's simple.

If someone feels like they've been born in the wrong body, and struggle with that so much they don't want to live anymore, it belongs in " suicide"

If someone wants to have a discussion about how annoying it is to read the same topics over and over again they can post that in "of topic."

Some users have been here for years, we've seen the same topics again and again. Because every new user has his/hers/theirs own story.
And that's perfectly fine.
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Apr 11, 2023
I just don't understand, why your replies are always rude and hostile if you don't like the other person replies , I didn't mention anywhere or talk about the existence of trans people because I have my own problems, why I should ask admin about their stance because they have their own opinions and I have mine

I didn't bring it or argue about any of it, you mentioned above so I don't know why you talking about all these in this context as I told I have my own problems to deal with

You asked everyone where it should end so I gave you my opinion, It should end up in off topic ——-> politics and philosophy!
Why the fuck should it be in Off Topic or Philosophy?? That's insane! All the threads I've seen on this topic are directly related to the poster's suicidal feelings and intent.
This is yet another anti trans thread I'm fucking sick of it 😡
I have noticed more and more posts on the Suicide discussion sub-forum that focus on gender and sex. I understand that for many people their sex and their experience of being of being a man or a woman contributes to their desire to CTB, but these posts often go far beyond merely discussing the OPs own experience; they often quickly veer into discussions of sex and gender in a political context, and in my opinion political isssues do not belong on the suicide sub-forum, especially when we have the Politics and Philosophy sub-forums dedicated to such discussions.

These threads may become a major source of conflict in the future, and it might be worth considering nipping this trend in the bud before it gets worse.
Why is your thread about being bored of reading certain threads in suicide discussion? Maybe take your own advice.


Apr 12, 2023
No, but it's annoying that people try to vent and soys will invalidate their experiences. Especially when people aren't asking for advice or input. There should be an option to remove comments from your posts
Geez, you're no longer an ally, Squall. Who are you know, I don't recognize that. Once a comrade, never a comrade — always a merc, not an ally.
Who told you that?
Was a long time ago; I can't remember
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
If OP = referrng 2 th/ recnt flame-wrs tht kp happnng whn sme1 psts abt diffclties b-ing a man/womn & thn th/ whle thred bcmes mn vs womn of wh/ strggles mre thn cn empthse tht thse bcme predictble drainng 2 read -- ppl shld jst accpt tht bth suffr & eithr spport ech-othr or mve on

If OP = refrrng 2 ppl ventng rel8tng 2 thr xpernce of b-ing trns thn jst mve on bcse thse ppl r allowd thr spce jst as mch as evry1 els
If thre ws nt sch a moral panc arnd trns issus a.t.m thn trns ppl wld nt hve as mch 2 vnt abt bt sdly tht = jst sciety a.t.m
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May 6, 2023
Great, tone policing. You must be fun at parties.

I was rude because what you said was incredibly demeaning. How would you feel if I told you that every single post you make about your reasons for wanting to die belongs in the politics section? You'd be pretty irritated because of how stupid of a claim it is.

I said you should ask her because I figured that that might get you to shut up about this. You were wrong; just admit it.
Wow you just can't stop insulting people, this statement " you must be fun at parties" which is totally uncalled for and I can see who can be fun at parties

I just said "It should end up in off topic ——-> politics and philosophy!" And it is incredibly demeaning to you thats what you think, I can't do anything about it

For your question "How would you feel if I told you that every single post you make about your reasons for wanting to die belongs in the politics section? You'd be pretty irritated because of how stupid of a claim it is.", I don't care or irritated because everyone are entitled to their opinions and I can't change or trying to change, if that's what they think but my questions about ctb and reasons to die belong in suicide discussion or else no meaning of having that section in the first place

I said you should ask her because I figured that that might get you to shut up about this. You were wrong; just admit it.
I don't have to ask because as you said that's her position and I don't have to agree with that as long as I don't disrespect it and damn sure I will not shut up!
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Mar 29, 2023
Given the fact that one's gender and lack of romantic/sexual connections are a factor in suicide, it is very relevant. All because you are not on this site because of either, doesn't mean others whom are on here for those reasons cannot vent.

This site doesn't revolve around you I am sorry to say.
Did I say people couldn't vent?

I made it clear that my objection lay in the fact that these threads often veer into general discussions about sex and gender. The original post may be focused on the OPs own experience, and some of the replies will be people sharing their experiences. But you can't deny that these discussions often veer into general discussions about sex and gender, and toxic arguements about 'who's got it worse' etc.
So, what other reasons are invalid to CTB, according to you?...

Your intentions may not be malevolent, but this is a dangerous, degrading, unnecessarily slippery slope I don't think you want to slide down.

Honestly, no matter the reason (or lack thereof), everyone deserves autonomy and the ability to end their own life, if they so choose. Who are you to say otherwise?

If you're offended, tired, irritated, burnt out, overwhelmed, even crass... just turn it off, man. Move on and engage in what you find valid and important. It really is that simple.

Please tell me where I said that struggling with relationships, gender or sex based discrimination, or gender identity are not valid reasons to CTB.

I am fine with people discussing their own experiences; is that not clear from my original post?

What I object to is the tendency for these threads to derail into childish arguments usually along the lines of 'who's got it worse', and even full blown political discussions about sex, and gender identity.
if a person's post is about, or even just connects to their experience of their existence, identities will always be an inherent factor in their 'voice', 'how they got here', etc. yes, to a point identity is political but at what point do we determine their personhood as also political? I only mean that a person's motive to CTB, or considering it, will of course be informed by their experiences and those experiences will (often) be shaped by the way they individually navigate the world. whether gender, sexuality, illness or disability, financial stability, race or culture, the list goes on and on, .. any post in which a person provides any background as to why they want out or to CTB or however one might otherwise employ euphemism is automatically going to include factors of their lived experience.
to echo the many others, if a title is too vague or brief and the first three sentences trouble you, you are under no obligation to continue to trouble yourself.
breaking down these arguably, questionably 'political' posts into each their own subsection would result, probably, imo, in a large and growing number of subsections, which frankly, given that the posts of grievance aren't political stances being stated, feels unnecessarily divisive.
people have countless possible reasons to be on the forum, and to consider CTB. we don't have to agree or validate or even read. it feels a bit extreme to say, though, 'I can't relate, and find it irksome, therefore, away with it'.

edit: just want to add, if a post veers so off topic that it either is or becomes primarily debate etc., where it would be clearly better suited in a politics or philosophy subsection, I've no qualms there. I've no qualms with the existence of these sections, my response was meant to be about posts relevant for this section that might have the context mentioned by OP.
Sure, I have no issue with anyone discussing their personal experiences of being a man/woman/trans, and sharing how that experiences contributes to their desire to CTB. My issue with these posts, (tbh it's more often the replies to the posts than the posts themselves), is that they derail into general discussions of sex and gender, and toxic arguments about 'who has it worse' etc.

BTW, I never said that I couldn't relate to the content of these posts. I think it shows how toxic the 'gender wars' have become that several users made the assumption that I could not relate to their experiences of struggling with dating, relationships etc.
Don't like? Don't read.
The problem with these kinds of arguments is that they ignore that SS is a community. Discussions about sex and gender that focus on the broader social experiences of men and women, and most importantly, arguments about who has it worse, contributes to discord within the community, and users who would otherwise get along may begin to harbor resentment toward one another.
Politics come into play here in a few valid ways, like news about K. Law, dignitas, MAID, etc, or just plain right to die laws. Those are all politics. And for trans people, quite specifically, in a day by day kind of immediacy, politics shapes and withholds what they consider to be key factors for quality of life. If you need to learn that, then it's probably best if you do see such posts. But that's a little high-roadish of me, a cheap shot, and I'm ashamed of my words, even as I post them. I'm sorry for the virtue-signalling, and I promise it left a bad taste in my mouth.
On a site that exists because of free speech, it's in bad form to go around trying to edit people, especially when politics, specifically, can in a very real way, contribute to peoples' wish to have nothing to do with this life.
Discussions of right-to-die and assisted suicide are clearly relevant to suicide in general; arguments about the relationship between sex and gender (which trans threads often derail into) are not. I have seen several trans threads, and they seem to always end in arguments between the same groups of users about this topic. Why do we need that, especially on the suicide sub-forum?
What do you mean by 'sex and gender in a political context'? Please don't tell me you're objecting to discussions about gender dysphoria and being trans??
No, I don't objective to discussions about being trans; neither do I object to discussions about being a man, or being a woman.

What I have noticed, is that posts by trans people tend to derail into arguments between users about the nature of the relationship between sex and gender; these discussions are not situated in the context of the OPs own experience, but of the general relationship between the two things. The disctinction is pretty clear to me.
No, it should not. I don't get why this is so hard for you to grasp, but there's nothing political about the existence of trans people. Would you say the same if it was a different form of bigotry? Why do you feel the need to demean other people on a forum for suicidal people? If it's a person's reasoning for wanting to die, then it goes in the suicide discussion section. That's what the mods and administrator say, so deal with it. You can even ask @RainAndSadness about it yourself. She's made her position pretty clear.

The problem is not suicidal trans people making threads about our experiences; the problem is the fucking assholes who come in and start arguments every single time a trans person posts something. Maybe we wouldn't need to post this many threads if people would stop politicizing our fucking existence.

OP and not the person you responded to, but my argument is that threads posted by trans people about their experiences predictably derail into arguments between users with different political views. These discussions lead to conflict within the community, and could be avoided if both kinds of users simply limited their discussion to the experiences of the OP. The same applies to discussions about men and women.
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Mar 29, 2023
I can't even describe the feeling this post generated in me. It is partly shocking to see this type of repression in a forum focused precisely on suicide (and about the pain that it is), but also it is partly resignation due to the fact that, being a prejudice so present in society, it is clear that even here there would not be a welcoming space for people trans.

I find myself speechless. Disappointed but not surprised. After all, in a society that screams "get your politics out of my game" to any game that gets out of the curve and tries to open the range of inclusion to things beyond the ruling straight cis standard.
You've basically accused me of being a bigot without any evidence, so I'm not sure if I should even engage with this post.

First of all, I never mentioned trans people specifically in my thread. You read it: you know that. My post was actually more focused on the (many) threads posted by men and women about their experiences, and how these threads tend to derail into political debates about sex, gender and discrimination that are irrelevant to the users own experience, which is all that matters. However, I have noticed the same tendency with threads posted by trans people, and I have the same objection to such posts.

At no point in my post did I argue that trans people (or any other group of people) should not be permitted to vent about their experiences. If you read my post again, you'll see what I object to is the tendency of gender threads (trans or otherwise) to derail into toxic discussions that divide the community by their sex, gender, and gender identity, while ignoring the shared desire of the community to discuss suicide openly.

Do not believe my words? Do a little search. That's what I came up in less than 5 min research with the keywords "transgender life expectancy"
I'm not going to read what you posted, as I never made any claim about trans people as a group.
You see posts about gender and maybe think about how "boring" this is for you, and maybe want to push it to a more "comfortable" place. I see someone who feels a pain that is very familiar to me and others like me. For you, maybe it's just an intellectual matter. For me, it's visceral.

For you, it's politics. For me, it's the reality of my day to day life.

Sorry if my existence is "too political" for your privilege.
The entire point of my post is that users treat such topics as intellectual matters, which is outside the scope of the suicide sub-forum, and more importantly, divides the community in an unneccesary way.

You have implied that I am bigot who hates entire groups of people, when absolutely nothing in the original post suggests that. If you had quoted me in your reply, that would be apparent to anyone reading the thread.
where my terfs at 😛
No, but it's annoying that people try to vent and soys will invalidate their experiences. Especially when people aren't asking for advice or input. There should be an option to remove comments from your posts

More examples of the sort of posts I am talking about; both completely irrelevant to what I said in the original post.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't understand why people are thinking the original post is about transgender people, like did they even read it. But to answer the question, the whole "my gender has it worse" type threads in the suicide discussion that have nothing to do with suicide at all are tiresome and tedious, I think that kind of stuff is better suited to reddit rather than people hijacking other people's venting threads with it, or creating threads like that to deliberately cause conflict on here.

Everybody suffers no matter the gender, so to me anything of that nature is best just instantly ignored, there are lots of trolls and insensitive people on here recently and also bored attention seekers, so anything written by people like that is certainly best ignored, I don't care about other people's opinions, they mean nothing to me. I just find this shallow human species tiring in general.
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Apr 19, 2022
I don't understand why people are thinking the original post is about transgender people
It mentions gender, and trans issues are gender related.

Whether their post was aimed at trans issues or not, doesn't matter. Either way, they are in the wrong for thinking they can police who can post what on here.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
It mentions gender, and trans issues are gender related.

Whether their post was aimed at trans issues or not, doesn't matter. Either way, they are in the wrong for thinking they can police who can post what on here.

Jst 2ply devls advoc8

Am nt sre thy r tryn2 polce n.ethng

Ths pst ws off of th/ bck of 2 particlrly intnse 'mn vs womn' psts tht turnd in2 flme-wrs recntly

Ws assumng tht OP ws rel8tng 2 thse
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Cat Extremist
Dec 27, 2020
Ws assumng tht OP ws rel8tng 2 thse
I agree. The phrasing should have been 'tired of gender wars'. The rest strikes me as a misunderstanding.

I once did a survey and found that sexuality-related issues were a factor behind nearly half of people being suicidal. The challenge is acknowledging such heavy issues without turning on each other and compromising the community for all of us.
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Mar 29, 2023
I agree. The phrasing should have been 'tired of gender wars'. The rest strikes me as a misunderstanding.

I once did a survey and found that sexuality-related issues were a factor behind nearly half of people being suicidal. The challenge is acknowledging such heavy issues without turning on each other and compromising the community for all of us.
Didn't know it was this high. Probably will be a much more difficult problem to solve then.
It mentions gender, and trans issues are gender related.

Whether their post was aimed at trans issues or not, doesn't matter. Either way, they are in the wrong for thinking they can police who can post what on here.
Not trying to police anyone, read my post again.

This suicide sub-forum was created with a specific purpose in mind - to discuss suicide openly. It is not a forum for general discussion. Recently we have had two high-engagement threads that have derailed into 'flame wars' as @Dot says. All I am saying is that if this trend continues, users in the community will become divided along political lines. If people can't be trusted to stay on topic and avoid debate, then why not consider relocating these threads to the Politics and Philosophy discussion, where such debates belong.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
This suicide sub-forum was created with a specific purpose in mind - to discuss suicide openly. It is not a forum for general discussion. Recently we have had two high-engagement threads that have derailed into 'flame wars' as @Dot says. All I am saying is that if this trend continues, users in the community will become divided along political lines. If people can't be trusted to stay on topic and avoid debate, then why not consider relocating these threads to the Politics and Philosophy discussion, where such debates belong.
Ultimately, the problem is that people keep starting fights in threads of this nature. Relocating threads that are supposed to be for venting to the politics section would be a bad call, so the best thing to do would probably be to report people who try to pick fights.
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Jun 13, 2021
Everything is political. This forum exists mostly because governments refuse to acknowledge the right to die. People experience systemic, structural discrimination, which reduces their quality of life so much they end up here.

In my opinion, groups that are oppressed in the society, like trans people (especially now) should be given as much platform as possible. If you don't like it, just skip it.

What I think shouldn't be allowed are posts rooted in bigotry as genders aren't equal, the silver lining is they help find out which users to ignore.
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Apr 12, 2023
Wow you just can't stop insulting people, this statement " you must be fun at parties" which is totally uncalled for and I can see who can be fun at parties
Yeah, that passive-aggressive, tisp-vilg loving to throw the best.
Taking every little thing to heart.
all are tiresome and tedious, I think that kind of stuff is better suited to reddit
That's right.

I don't understand why people are thinking the original post is about transgender people, like did they even read it. But to answer the question, the whole "my gender has it worse" type threads in the suicide discussion that have nothing to do with suicide at all are tiresome and tedious, I think that kind of stuff is better suited to reddit rather than people hijacking other people's venting threads with it, or creating threads like that to deliberately cause conflict on here.

Everybody suffers no matter the gender
Damn right. It shouldn't even have to be said—here of all places.
Everything is political.
Get a clue, no the fuck it's not.
The majority here don't come here for that shit. They come here seeking methods.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
Yeah, that passive-aggressive, tisp-vilg loving to throw the best.
Taking every little thing to heart.

Get a clue, no the fuck it's not.
The majority here don't come here for that shit. They come here seeking methods.
You're really just an asshole.
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Feb 2, 2023
When the government wants you dead, of course there are going to be people who want to die by their own hand and retain their own sense of agency. It is inherently political but people's motivations for wanting to ctb often are. If that bothers you, that's your problem, honestly. Let people live their lives and end their lives without making it about your comfort or discomfort about the reality of lgbt peoples' discrimination, plenty of people discuss their reasons for wanting to ctb without others making a fuss about it, if it makes you uncomfortable for people to discuss these particular reasons then don't interact with those posts and threads. It's deeply personal, the same as anyone else's experiences and motivation.
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Apr 19, 2022
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Apr 12, 2023
Good job proving my point. Go fuck yourself.
Welcome, bud. And it felt goooood. This forum is not your pity play party.
Yeah, ive long since blocked them. I know a few others whom have as well. They just add nothing useful to this site.
When you gotta mention you block someone instead moving on, like the feature intends.
Add useful? What the fuck is any user trying to add to this site? More moping, misery and doom posting? That's something to be fucking proud of?
To each their own.


Sep 16, 2020
Tired of it everywhere, how it's overtook serious trauma. So people.who ensures horrific abuse get less compassion because people are intimidated / give into social pressures to lick the ass of these people. Pretty soon you won't know how to address someone /thing because they don't want to be called it or he or she them , and will.sue in this god damn sitcom bizarre shit sick reality. Best way is not to have those people/ things who have such disregard for others and such narcissism anywhere near you. You wouldn't allow a.psychopath to drain you so why let others. Only this year since quitting work and giving up on getting an answer for my physical health have things started improving. I'm not paying tax to keep this sick system afloat any longer, now dealing with the resentment I'm struggling with.
Don't like? Post to your profile journal.
Vent there.
I should do that with some of my own shit. Probably more than I care to imagine is just rambling useless to others, but alot of people here are kind enough to read Some things just just don't occur to you when your heads fucked.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
Tired of it everywhere, how it's overtook serious trauma. So people.who ensures horrific abuse get less compassion because people are intimidated / give into social pressures to lick the ass of these people. Pretty soon you won't know how to address someone /thing because they don't want to be called it or he or she them , and will.sue in this god damn sitcom bizarre shit sick reality. Best way is not to have those people/ things who have such disregard for others and such narcissism anywhere near you. You wouldn't allow a.psychopath to drain you so why let others.
You sound incredibly paranoid. Holding onto delusions like that isn't good for your wellbeing.
Welcome, bud. And it felt goooood. This forum is not your pity play party.
Don't call me "bud", and just pull your head out of your ass. You're a rude and hateful person who loves treating people like shit.

This forum is for suicidal people to discuss suicide and vent about things that make them suicidal, not for assholes like you to harass people for being different. Grow the fuck up.
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Apr 19, 2022
Tired of it everywhere, how it's overtook serious trauma. So people.who ensures horrific abuse get less compassion because people are intimidated / give into social pressures to lick the ass of these people. Pretty soon you won't know how to address someone /thing because they don't want to be called it or he or she them , and will.sue in this god damn sitcom bizarre shit sick reality. Best way is not to have those people/ things who have such disregard for others and such narcissism anywhere near you. You wouldn't allow a.psychopath to drain you so why let others. Only this year since quitting work and giving up on getting an answer for my physical health have things started improving. I'm not paying tax to keep this sick system afloat any longer, now dealing with the resentment I'm struggling with.

I should do that with some of my own shit. Probably more than I care to imagine is just rambling useless to others, but alot of people here are kind enough to read Some things just just don't occur to you when your heads fucked.
Stop making things about you. People being suicidal over gender related issues does nothing to undermine your own struggles.
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Mar 29, 2023
When the government wants you dead, of course there are going to be people who want to die by their own hand and retain their own sense of agency. It is inherently political but people's motivations for wanting to ctb often are. If that bothers you, that's your problem, honestly. Let people live their lives and end their lives without making it about your comfort or discomfort about the reality of lgbt peoples' discrimination, plenty of people discuss their reasons for wanting to ctb without others making a fuss about it, if it makes you uncomfortable for people to discuss these particular reasons then don't interact with those posts and threads. It's deeply personal, the same as anyone else's experiences and motivation.
How's your reading comprehension?

Did I say that discrimination based on one's sexuality or gender identity is not a valid reason to CTB? Did I say that I was bothered by trans people venting?


Feb 2, 2023
I am aware that it is was not the implication of your post. I am saying that when it is an immediate and worsening situation, people are going to want to talk about it, including on their threads in the suicide forum. The purpose and message of the post was not to say you don't think our experiences are a valid reason to ctb. My post did ramble, so to make my point clearer, specifically referencing your original post about the volume of these politically-charged discussions in threads in the suicide forum instead of the politics forum: I get that there is a politics forum where gender and sexuality can be discussed in a separate manner, but when it comes to peoples' suicide forum threads, and them talking about the things contributing to their motivations, I don't think it's inappropriate to have long discussions that bring up politics and its effects on us in the lgbt community. Right now you cannot separate gender or sexuality from politics, especially the impact of being directly attacked by politics, and I think you're not fully understanding where we are coming from here when we want to discuss this stuff on our suicide-focused threads and not just in the politics forum, even at the volume there is of it right now.
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Mar 29, 2023
I am aware that it is was not the implication of your post. I am saying that when it is an immediate and worsening situation, people are going to want to talk about it, including on their threads in the suicide forum. The purpose and message of the post was not to say you don't think our experiences are a valid reason to ctb. My post did ramble, so to make my point clearer, specifically referencing your original post about the volume of these politically-charged discussions in threads in the suicide forum instead of the politics forum: I get that there is a politics forum where gender and sexuality can be discussed in a separate manner, but when it comes to peoples' suicide forum threads, and them talking about the things contributing to their motivations, I don't think it's inappropriate to have long discussions that bring up politics and its effects on us in the lgbt community. Right now you cannot separate gender or sexuality from politics, especially the impact of being directly attacked by politics, and I think you're not fully understanding where we are coming from here when we want to discuss this stuff on our suicide-focused threads and not just in the politics forum, even at the volume there is of it right now.
Fair enough. It just surprises me that people enjoy these kinds of arguments, especially in threads where the OPs intention was just to vent.


Road to nowhere
Aug 12, 2022
Bores me to tears... So I just scroll past... Females are females.. Males are males.. Sick to death of all the gender shit... Wtf has happened to the world is beyond me anyway
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Apr 11, 2023
Bores me to tears... So I just scroll past... Females are females.. Males are males.. Sick to death of all the gender shit... Wtf has happened to the world is beyond me anyway
So you're another transphobe in a nutshell??
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Road to nowhere
Aug 12, 2022
So you're another transphobe in a nutshell??
No actually I'm not.. I have very good friends who are a variety of genders. In their head and physically.. So don't assume and brand me. Not that I care anyway. Just stating my opinion. Fed up of hearing and seeing the word gender.
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