

the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I relate to a lot of what you've said, I am basically completely isolated and only talk to my mother. I hardly ever leave my home, I don't see anyone besides my parents.
I have to remain this way as to avoid any more trauma, but none of my family is interested in me, as a person, regardless.
The way they see me is worse than the reality in which I view myself through.
I'm not going to be around people where my only purpose is to take up empty space and make them feel better about themselves, all while I sit back and watch them treat others with the type of care they never displayed toward me, someone who actually deserved it and internally begged for it.

I have no friends. The ones I had when I was younger still treated me as a second class friendship, I never felt secure, even in platonic relationships, it was more of a convenience rather than a true investment in me as a human being. Some were better than others, but I usually was made to feel like I was "less than", and on thin ice, though I had not done anything to justify it.
The closest I've come to recent friends is conversing with people online (this site included) and previously finding a few decent people I spoke with over the phone for awhile, but because we were all suffering (the very reason for the initial connection), things got a little out of hand and I am currently unable to be supportive nor be much of a friend-as I have every intention of killing myself and putting an end to this misery, I am at my wit's end.

I did not get to have all the experiences that most people my age have had by now, not by a long shot. Even my education, something I put stock into, was cut short because of the social aspect of school which was so unkind toward me.
I too, was discriminated against heavily for my appearance (btw if you have legitimate concerns and have been bullied, BDD is a very dismissive diagnosis and can be incredibly damaging to those who are not actually attractive nor delusional) and my looks made me an unfortunate anomaly which began the domino effect which has effectively destroyed my life.
Now I suffer the consequences of not only being trapped inside a flesh prison that I am forced to filter every essence of my being through, but I also suffer the pitfalls of someone who has learned to exist by way of fear and thus, avoidance.
Not only do I look like shit, I now have nothing else to show for the years I have been stuck in the mud, suffering pointlessly, unable to move forward or succeed in anything. (Even my appearance itself has gotten leagues worse, for various reasons, like the universe playing a sick joke.)

I was also never able to express myself as I desired to, was never able to self-actualize because I had to play by other's rules, always on the defensive, never able to go on the offense and give my honest opinion, or else I risked being attacked with the low blows, which would of course hurt me.
I never got to be ME. I never got to be a fucking person!
Because of that, I have less than nothing to live for.
And you bet your ass that I am the one who is blamed for it, and expected to live with it until I die of natural causes.
The worst part about the type of hell I have endured, is the trivialization and the fingers pointed at me, simply for succumbing to the things outside of my control, which society used to poke and taunt me, discarding me as invisible or only worth insults. Yet somehow, still, the onus is on me!?
Fuck that. I'm done with this world, and all the people in it.

You are right, we were set up to fail, we are treated as less than animals, and then treated even worse for yielding to the wounds inflicted upon us!
The definition of kicking a dying/dead horse.
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Aug 21, 2019
I still live with my parents so I'm not completely isolated but otherwise yes, I am homebound all of the time now and even if I had friends come back in my life I wouldn't have any interest in socializing because of depression.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I'm in such complete and total solitary confinement with no socialising whatsoever that i've started having severe issues speaking.
My ability to articulate via spoken word has went to shit, since I so rarely ever speak outside of typing words on a screen.
(It doesn't help that I have issues with my mouth and jaw area which contribute to poor speech in general).
My throat hurts very easily when talking for extended periods of time, it feels so foreign to me.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
Yes I'm lonely.

I get social interactions when at work and I also have children who I look after some days of the week but other than that I am by myself. I don't like it and miss intimacy with someone and having friends.

I've "met" many cool people on SS though, so that's something!
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Mar 21, 2021
We have a few circumstances in common - although my life REALLY went down the toilet in almost every way when I was around 27 and first diagnosed with endometriosis (and a few other health issues), when I was 20 my first boyfriend (we'd dated 3 years) dumped me by sending me a letter that he mailed on his way out of town to move to another city 4 hours away for college. We'd been planning to move to that city together but then I get this 'see ya' letter. He moved on from our relationship pretty much immediately and also I discovered hed been cheating on me with a mutual 'friend' for the last year of our relationship. It was awful. I have never experienced the kind of mental deterioration and loss and betrayal I felt then. I'm actually surprised now that *I* never ended up hospitalized during that, and it literally took me decades to even start overcoming the trauma from it. (I had trauma and abandonment issues, and low self esteem before meeting him but his behavior validated all that for me and also I had NO friends to talk to or find comfort in during this time so that made it harder).

I related very much also to what you wrote about how much worse it is dealing with life now after experiencing, even for a short while in your youth, what life is like to NOT be so tormented and miserable on a daily basis, and to know you'll NEVER get that back. It's soulcrushing is one of the major reasons I'm just DONE with this life. Add on my age and well...not looking forward to the increasing misery, loneliness, MORE health problems and suffering that aging brings a person. Why bother to try anymore. I've tried and tried for over 30+ years to better my life and failed at every turn and attempt.

I too get extremely anxious whenever I have to go out anywhere, which is usually only dr or ER visits these last 15 years or more. I was wondering if the pills you take are anti-anxiety meds, specifically benzos. That's what I've been on for about 7 years now. Started with Ativan which really helped at first, but then I tapered off those finally (not fun) and when I was hit with another health issue 2 years ago they put me on Klonopin (very low dose) but they do virtually nothing to help my anxiety symptoms. Like you, I feel the meds have done more harm than good in the long run: my mind doesn't function like it used to, I am terrified to take the pills indefinitely but also afraid to not have them/take them because the anxiety symptoms are so horrible and debilitating in and of themselves. It's a catch-22 for me.

I'm so sorry you're going through all you are. I'm assuming youre younger than me...someone like you deserves life to be a wonderful adventure to be experienced and to look forward to great things in your future, one of hope and fulfillment. It's not fair or right you are being denied that right now and I hope for you that somehow things will change for the better. I know those are just words from a stranger but I mean them with all my heart because I see so much of what I went through in your post, and I feel for you. Sending you a hug.
That is horrible that he did that really horrible, people can be so cruel. I don't understand how some people can be so casual about things I wish I could then it wouldn't be so bad, I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding. I don't take benzos I take pregabalin for the anxiety which is meant to be give the same effect I think. I couldn't cope without them at all and wish I could take more but the Dr said they are moorish so it is best not to but I take extra when I feel really bad. Here the the Drs do not like to prescribe benzos at first and will try something else because of the addictiveness I think but they give them to people for alcohol withdrawl and things like that. THe pills that I think really mess up my head are the anti-psychotics those side-effects are quite debilitating, like thinking is in slow motion, taking me about 20 minutes to write this response.

Thankyou for your kind words I liked reading them.


Mar 27, 2021
I can relate and I find this is something that contributes to my poor mental health, it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am sorry you experienced bullying. I found the critical comments I received came from within my family and at a point, social media. Despite trying to fight these things and keep my head above the water and stay socially active, I always find myself thinking 'what is the point'. I do miss just talking to someone at times, about my day, about what they think, just general companionship.


Apr 24, 2021
I am completely isolated. My boyfriend and my parrot are the only ones that keep me company. I wish it wasn't like that. But I was treated so bad by some people that I feel safer to stay in my bubble. And my relatives don't care about me much to reach out.
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Nov 27, 2019
I am very isolated. I feel so detached from everyone and everything. Like the distance between me and others is so big it's impossible to overcome.
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Jan 29, 2020
Yeah I'm actually all alone unlike most people . And dont have a girlfriend or any friends to speak of
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Feb 20, 2020
Yes I'm completely socially isolated. The internet, particularly sanctioned suicide, is my entire social life!
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Aug 16, 2019
Chronic loneliness carries similar risks to heart health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, just one among many other dire correlations.

my God, what are the odds for me who is isolated AND smokes like crazy ?
i should be dead by now, what am i doing wrong ?


Jun 27, 2020
Oh yes. Especially the last 3 years. It is getting so hard to maintain friendships for me. It is a fight against the loneliness which is so exhausting.

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