
Aug 18, 2020
It probably depends on the individual. The comparison I hear from so many PC players is for this money you would never come close to a PC with similar graphics and power.

For a long time the PS5 was sold out in my country. Since some months you can purchase it. However only with an extra game or controller which makes it even more expensive. The best bundle I found was a PS5 with 2 controllers for 599 euros. I am tempted. But that is so fucking much money for me. Poverty is one of my main reasons for suicide and I try to use my money strategically. I had enough to buy one. But there are some valid contra points for me.

My favorite Playstation game Fifa is still available on the PS4 that I own.
I use my Nintendo Swtich way more often than my PS4. For me it is luxury to own two modern gaming consoles. And I don't want to get used to luxury lifestyle. I played some a few thousand hours with my PS4. But with my Switch even more in a shorter period. I rather save my money for the new Nintendo console. I love the handheld mode. I love to play in my bed. However the desire to get a PS5 will become huge when GTA6 will be released.

The equation gets complicated. How long will the PS5 live from now on? It is was released 2020. The console got even more expensive from 500 to 550 euros. I think without that I would already own one. I am ruminating a lot about it. It would give me a neurotransmitter boost for sure. However 600 bucks is too expensive. I bought a new smartphone and notebook last year - combined they costed roundabout that amount.

A reason for buying it would be I will probably boycott digital only consoles. I think this development is very bad because I love to buy games used. The gaming industry is going down. The trend goes to gacha and digital only. So it goes where the money flows.

What do you think about it?
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
It's a tough decision. Maybe you could wait until you find a cheaper second hand one? Second hand ones should drop in price pretty quickly. But yeah I have little doubt that it's more effective than buying a PC for the same price. Besides, PCs are always so prone to problems. Bad connections, failing parts, problematic drivers, viruses and malware, you name it. Plus they're bigger and use more power generally.


Feb 21, 2022
I don't think so, because after having been resigned to a Playstation for years and then becoming a PC gamer, I find there are far more games accessible for PC.

And you can get a refund for many games if you play under 2 hours, whereas when you buy from the Playstation Store, if you realize you don't like the game, you're screwed.
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Nov 5, 2022
I personally think the steam deck is the best option. Of course it is a matter of what your personal opinion is, but it's just the best in my opinion considering that it's a handheld capable of everything that a gaming computer is (running the majority of games and having access to modifying it however you'd like, plus being capable of being projected to a larger screen). I recommend you research it plenty if you end up considering it. the cheapest one is like 300-ish dollars and a 512 gb micro sd card would help compensate for the undesirable internal storage of 64 gb. I got one not too long ago and it really helps me when my depression borders being catatonic.
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
My gf got me it for Christmas, it's pretty bomb. I like the upgraded graphics. I got Gran Turismo 7 right away and the realness is pretty amazing. You can tell right away you're playing something special. The console is about $500 now which is sort of in the realm of normalcy. For a decent gaming computer you're looking at $1000+ easily, so I really don't find it that cost prohibitive. But then I would say that, since Santa paid for it.


Dec 31, 2022
I have one it's worth it honestly I try to play mine everyday but only if you can find one in a good price range
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Think worth, ps5 upgrade os upgrade perform. Take clip vid etc share all fast. Wish get ps5
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I will buy it after the summer (if it can be bought in a store at once) if I'm still alive. But not the current version, there are rumors that a new smaller model will be introduced soon that will replace the two current models.. it will be a model that will have a removable version of the BD's/DVD'S/CD's player unit.

I think this new version will be presented at GDC (Game Developers Conference), although rumors say that it will be finally presented in April for sale in late summer or early fall.

I'm going to buy it because my PS4 broke and I don't want to buy two consoles (too much money).


Jo la compraré després de l'estiu (si es que es pot comprar a botiga d'una vegada) si segueixo viu. Però no pas la versió actual, hi ha rumors de que aviat es presentarà un nou model més petit que substituirà al dos models actuals.. serà un model que tindrà una versió extraïble de la unitat reproductora de BD's/DVD'S/CD's.

Crec que aquesta nova versió es presentarà a la GDC (Game Developers Conference), tot i que els rumors diuen que serà presentada finalment a l'Abril per ser posada a la venda a finals d'estiu o principis de la tardor.

La compraré perquè la PS4 s'ha m'ha fet malbé i no vull comprar dues consoles (massa diners).


Aug 18, 2020
I bought one today. For the regular market price. Fuck I excessively ruminated in the last days every single day. One of my friends encouraged me to get one. I needed that otherwise I would not have been able to do so. I am still anxious I might regret it but that might be overthinking. I still played my playstation 4 almost daily after one decade. Lol.

Made me a little bit manic today. The excitement was a little bit too much for me. But I am also quite happy that I finally got one. I wanted to buy it since their release. Though I never wanted to buy one of scalpers. I don't want to support their business.
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Trapped in space and time
Aug 29, 2019
@noname223 Good to see you around still! Hope you have been doing as good as you can be. I was going to say yes go ahead and get one if you can swing it but yeah it is a lot of money. I upgraded to one recently, after a lot of overthinking the hell out of it for quite a while. I'm lucky I was able to get it and I did get the disk version also. The controller is very nice. I heard the rumor too @Dead Ghost of a potential slim model sometime later in the year which would be nice but I just decided to pull the trigger and not wait it out any longer since it's already been out 2 yrs. Time is always running out and I needed it's help to fight the depression. There won't be a new console for another 5-7 yrs and it seems like it's better to wait to buy one after it's been out for at least a year or 2.

It's only a matter of time before gaming stores such as GameStop go out of business in my opinion, but I hope they can stay around. It seems to be going all digital which can be convenient in some ways but I do prefer the disk and the experience of going into the store to buy the game and walking out with the physical copy. It brings back a bit of nostalgia from the childhood days of going to rent games and movies in video stores. It was something to look forward to and exciting.

You also get the huge savings from the ability to buy used games which can't happen when it's digital. It's nice they will buy back your used games if you have any you don't want even though they don't give too much for them but it's something. I think to resale in eBay you could get more. For now we are still good so game on!
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