Hi everyone, I just joined the forum after months of lurking. First stumbled on SS while looking for peaceful methods to escape back when Covid first hit. I'm male, 43 and am supposedly borderline. I feel (there's a joke there somewhere) that I have undiagnosed mental health problems which are conveniently ignored or 'covered' by the BPD/EUPD diagnosis. I have struggled with addiction and self harm since childhood and have been on/off suicidal and depressed since then. I seek something which seems impossible to find... meaning & purpose, the kind that stops me falling into this pit of self loathing and despair over and over and over again . I'm tired of searching but still don't feel I've searched hard or consistently enough to justify giving in just yet, but I'm very close.
I had everything at one point in my life, a good job, a wife, family, house, cars, friends but it wasn't enough and through my illness and behaviour I lost it all, or the vast majority of it. I've exhausted the help of mental health services available to me and made nothing of which I was given. I hate myself and can't shake my core belief that I'm a useless, selfish piece of shit. I'm currently so depressed I can't get or stay out of bed and live every day in fear of losing the financial help I receive through benefits.
9 months ago I was on top of the world and thought things/life was looking up and that I could get and hold down a job again and that life was worth living. I thought I could build "a life worth living" and that whilst living said life the missing piece that I've been searching for since childhood would at some point appear & fall into place. However the therapy I was then just starting proved to be unsuited to me & just too much digging up old trauma and by January I fell into a pit of anxiety, depression and despair which is pretty much where I'm now at.
I didn't need to join SS in order to garner the information needed for me to one day peacefully ctb but lurking the forum and seeing various posts from people who I can relate to has lead me to do so, I have a few friends irl but none of whom I could talk to honestly and openly about how I feel on this subject. I don't honestly know from one day to the next how I feel about it myself... I just know that I struggle immensely with life, people and my mental health and that A LOT of the time ctb seems like the only real answer...
I enjoyed yoga and callisthenics for a couple of years as well as getting outdoors and various other physical activities but am now completely deconditioned and physically fucked. My muscles have all completely atrophied through lying in bed 24 hours a day and I struggle to walk or even sit upright for very long. I'm run down through poor diet (go long periods not eating or drinking at all), lack of fresh air and exercise. I look as well as feel like shit and am plagued with minor ailment after minor ailment. Conjunctivitis today to accompany my boils, spots, migraines, reappearing fybro and ibs shit.
Anyway... pleased to join you all.
Hello everyone, I am new to this place did lurk for a few days before joining.
I'm female 40's from the UK. Single and no children. I live alone but 'care' for my dad who lives nearby.
I have battled with MH issues for 20 years and I am definitely mis-diagnosed and that it not helping matters because my current diagnosis means it normal in the UK to not give support to people. I am diagnosed with BPD when I believe I have Bipolar which reared its head back in the late 90's. It's a long story and there is plenty of evidence I'm Bipolar and that I don't have BPD.
I frequently get suicidal when unwell and have made several attempts on my life all overdoses and once with insulin, the latter I ended up in ICU.
This year there were three overdoses in the space of 7 days in May, followed by a 4th at the beginning of June. In between 3 and 4 I was sectioned on a section 2 and spent just 4 days in hospital, told the psychiatrist what he wanted to hear to get out and back home. I was under the homebased treatment team from the beginning of May till the middle of June, then they discharged me - basically they did nothing whilst I was under them except section me!
I'm so done with fighting for mental health support and going through crisis after crisis. Dad always been a protective factor to keep me hanging on but even him is not enough now to keep me living much longer. I need a method that won't see me survive. I'm ready to leave and find peace and hope I'll be reunited with my mum who died 11 years ago.
I'm new here too, also diagnosed bpd which I think is correct but think that I also have BP and OCD neither of which is or will be recognised by ICMHT. Been crushed by severe depression for months now. Once you get the BPD diagnosis you are treated like shit and EVERYTHING is put down to it!