Hello Hobbs: how are you. I was thinking about what you said, having grown up without computer, and living life playing stickball outside with the neighbors, school dances, community events, meeting with teens at the bowling alley, or going to a movie theater with friends; to have come to this age where so many young people are locked in their rooms with their cell phones or some other absurdly distant means of communication. I think if I grew up in this age where everybody's head is stuck on some cyber device oblivious of the world around, detached by real human contact and interaction. Oh, it's so sad for me to see so many young people suffering like this.
Hobbs: can you tell me how I find out if I can PM someone and how to do it. I read the instructions and can't find what they are saying. Hope you are having a decent day today. You should have a pet, dogs are the most loving creatures in the world, and much smarter than humans give them credit for. My last dog was a pit, she was so smart, if a door was just cracked, she'd take her paw and open it. I'd had about 20 other dogs and never seen one do that. A dog thrives on love. Perhaps it would help you. xoxoxo Cleo
Hi Hobbs: Just came by to say hello and send a hug, but a real one, for if you were near, I would surely hug you, and mean it. How are you feeling. You speak lovingly of your family, do you think you could feel closer to the outside world, if you spent more time with them. xoxo Cleo
I'm Jasmine. 26. I hate talking about myself but I guess it's comforting given the circumstances? I've had a really...hard life. Nobody likes a sob story I know so I'll keep it short lol. Have been abused for most of my life. My mother is a narcissist and has done things to me that are very hard to talk about. One of those is she's isolated me from all family. Nobody talks to me. Everybody believes anything she says about me. I'm not even allowed to go to funerals. Wasn't able to say goodbye to alot of people. But fuck them lol. I have been there for alot of people including my so called best friend who only calls when she wants something. Nobody checks on me or even makes an attempt to be there for me Including my shit family ofc lol. Because I'm a depressed, mentally unstable loser who can't control their emotions I'm losing everything including a 6 year relationship which is basically all I had. Even if he is an emotionally abusive and insensitive asshole that makes fun of me for being a suicidal weirdo. He's still the closest thing I had to normality. So now I'm going to be homeless again. Alone. Jobless. No family to help me hell they don't even know what's going on. I have no one to go to but him. No real friends. Family. His family was the closest thing I had to a real family even though they're assholes too. I still enjoyed having somewhere normal to go for the holidays....Spent father's day in bed alone in tears for example. My family has gone so far as to go on secret family vacations for holidays so now I really won't have anywhere to go....To make matters worse my therapist recently said some messed up stuff to me and shamed me for my personal appearance even going so far as to make embarrassing comments about me being bigger chested. I sobbed in my car after the session. I have been depressed, abused and a mentally ill fuck my entire life. I am ready and excited to end my suffering. I tried really hard to be a good person to everyone hoping they wouldn't feel lonely like I did but in the end I ended up alone.
And I also draw and I like anime. And spend all my time online and isolated.
Hi Jasmine: I think if you had the love and support you should have, you would not be feeling like an "unstable loser". So I am learning to my dismay, there is an ever increasing amount of young people diagnosed with mental health problems. Why is a looming question for what kind of culture has developed; what we don't know is if your mother's behavior created that, or excellerated that because of her behavior. As a nurse, I knew of children who were born with or developed problems, and I have usually seen parents do their utmost to help their children adjust and feel loved. But, you can learn to handle your problems better, if you just realize that this is not your fault; even if you did have problems, I don't know, a kind loving family should have helped you.
I had a mother who just did not want me. She divorced when I was 6 months old, in that era, men were reluctant to marry divorced women with children. In the 1040's-1950's divorce was much less accepted; and my stepfather, a bad tempered unpleasant person, was very unkind. However, I kept myself busy, no computers, I had a good friend in school, I read books, wrote poems, listened to Bob Dylan and all the blues and folk music I could, and went out. I didn't care that much about their attitudes to me. I was really not part of the household, I lived in the upstairs attic; I had a stepbrother when I was 7 and I can't remember his room, or him being around because they were not interested in including me in their family. So I got away as soon as HS was over. I learned nothing at home about good values or choices, but I left home, sent myself to school. Until my mother died, she was a continual problem; lol, her own sister said so. Who knows why people are so lacking in love and compassion. It's hard to believe your therapist treated you that way, you have such a pretty face, perhaps if she thought you were wearing something innapropriate, she could have been much nicer about it. But, the main point is, it seems to me you have absorbed all the negativity of the selfish people around you and are stuck there. The only attitude to take, is to know that you have to rise above them. If you have any psych issues (I was a psych major too), have the attitude that you CAN rise above; all that was given to you was negativity. And of course, made you feel like hiding and isolating yourself. With all the controversy about abortion, I can't help but wonder, where are the people to help the youth that is suffering to a degree now that is, to me unbelievable.
I have a son with schizophrenia, now 35. I've spent the last 20 years trying to save his life from streets. He's done many things he doesn't remember, over the years, but he didn't ask to be given this illness when he was a teenager, it's not his fault, and he has suffered so many losses, I may sometimes feel hurt, but all I can do is keep telling him, no matter what, that I love him.
Hi Hobbs: Just came by to say hello and send a hug, but a real one, for if you were near, I would surely hug you, and mean it. How are you feeling. You speak lovingly of your family, do you think you could feel closer to the outside world, if you spent more time with them. xoxo Cleo
Hi Jasmine: I think if you had the love and support you should have, you would not be feeling like an "unstable loser". So I am learning to my dismay, there is an ever increasing amount of young people diagnosed with mental health problems. Why is a looming question for what kind of culture has developed; what we don't know is if your mother's behavior created that, or excellerated that because of her behavior. As a nurse, I knew of children who were born with or developed problems, and I have usually seen parents do their utmost to help their children adjust and feel loved. But, you can learn to handle your problems better, if you just realize that this is not your fault; even if you did have problems, I don't know, a kind loving family should have helped you.
I had a mother who just did not want me. She divorced when I was 6 months old, in that era, men were reluctant to marry divorced women with children. In the 1040's-1950's divorce was much less accepted; and my stepfather, a bad tempered unpleasant person, was very unkind. However, I kept myself busy, no computers, I had a good friend in school, I read books, wrote poems, listened to Bob Dylan and all the blues and folk music I could, and went out. I didn't care that much about their attitudes to me. I was really not part of the household, I lived in the upstairs attic; I had a stepbrother when I was 7 and I can't remember his room, or him being around because they were not interested in including me in their family. So I got away as soon as HS was over. I learned nothing at home about good values or choices, but I left home, sent myself to school. Until my mother died, she was a continual problem; lol, her own sister said so. Who knows why people are so lacking in love and compassion. It's hard to believe your therapist treated you that way, you have such a pretty face, perhaps if she thought you were wearing something innapropriate, she could have been much nicer about it. But, the main point is, it seems to me you have absorbed all the negativity of the selfish people around you and are stuck there. The only attitude to take, is to know that you have to rise above them. If you have any psych issues (I was a psych major too), have the attitude that you CAN rise above; all that was given to you was negativity. And of course, made you feel like hiding and isolating yourself. With all the controversy about abortion, I can't help but wonder, where are the people to help the youth that is suffering to a degree now that is, to me unbelievable.
I have a son with schizophrenia, now 35. I've spent the last 20 years trying to save his life from streets. He's done many things he doesn't remember, over the years, but he didn't ask to be given this illness when he was a teenager, it's not his fault, and he has suffered so many losses, I may sometimes feel hurt, but all I can do is keep telling him, no matter what, that I love him.
So, whatever happened to you Jasmine is not your fault, and was made worse by your family's inability to help you. Be not like them Jasmine, reject and forgive their own inabilities, which are just as real as your's, and rise above with the realization that you are better than people treated you. And, I once did have an abusive relationship out of stupidity, and wow what trouble that was. Perhaps you are with someone who is hurtful, because you are repeating the only treatment you knew as a child. Life is hard and sometimes truly sucks, but there are good things too. Do you have any interests of your own, sports, creative, helping others. I hope you can somehow strive toward that. Wish I could give you a real hug, but as real as I can, from someone who has always believed love is the best part of ourselves, I send you hugs and kisses. xoxoxo Cleo