- Jun 20, 2018
- 145
A thread for posting videos of the Anti-Natalist vlogger Inmendham aka Gary
Though I do appreciate him making the amount of videos he has, I must say that the movement (if there is such a thing) could really use a better spokesperson than some crazy 80's hair band meth-head looking wanker who probably turns more people off from any ideas of antinatalism than he brings into the fold simply by virtue of his bug eyes, persona, and general craziness.
I love how he describes life as an additction, a ceaseless futile striving for fulfillment—when one desire is satiated yet another begins.
His philosophy strongly resonates with me but I agree he could be less acerbic in order to reach a wider audience. I shared one of his videos with a friend and they couldn't stand him even though they might agree with part of his message.
This video never gets old. Gary at his best and very funny.
Title cut off. It's Matthew as Inmendham.
A friend shared with me and I enjoyed it.
Not to sound too harsh, but, honestly, Gary's a bit of a long winded, unhinged twat, especially these days. Cioran bless him for doing what he does and spreading the good word of efilism, but, sadly, that doesn't make listening/watching him any easier. Thank fuck for the likes of users like "GrayTaich0" on YouTube. Pretty much the only thing that makes Gary even remotely palatable to a wider audience (including myself), by trimming down his enormously tedious rants to the bits & pieces that actually matter and are worth hearing/listening to.
Not to sound too harsh, but, honestly, Gary's a bit of a long winded, unhinged twat, especially these days. Cioran bless him for doing what he does and spreading the good word of efilism, but, sadly, that doesn't make listening/watching him any easier. Thank fuck for the likes of users like "GrayTaich0" on YouTube. Pretty much the only thing that makes Gary even remotely palatable to a wider audience (including myself), by trimming down his enormously tedious rants to the bits & pieces that actually matter and are worth hearing/listening to.