I'd like to hear you guys' experiences with jobs n studies, I wanna be sure I'm not the only crazy ergophobic maniac out there.
I put forth enough effort into university that I had a perfect GPA. That never got me the job I wanted. I worked at a manufacturing plant for a year and a half out of pressure from my mother to be "productive to society." I also wanted to earn my own money and live away from my parents. I did accomplish that until now. I've been out of a job for the past month. The job I worked was nothing but mind-numbingly boring repetitive tasks in a very hot environment where I'd go home exhausted and sore every day, just to do it again. And for what? Just enough money to get by? Productivity is meaningless, especially in such a setting where you're looked down on as a working-class loser. You shouldn't have to suffer so much for so little.
I'm not entirely sure what my point is so take it for what you will.
I make any mistakes or am not being productive enough, to be honest, I think this idea of "productivity" is a kind of mind control device placed in effect all over society making people work themselves to death (literally, sometimes) because production is so glorified and being an achiever, a successful person
Very few people are truly successful, career-wise. I have such a hyper-focus on careers since I don't have any success in friendships, relationships, hobbies, or anything else, and it's the only thing that I feel like I sort of can do anything about. I was wrong in putting my focus on my career. If you can try to focus on something else, hobbies, friendships
anything other than production you'll be able to live better. It's just a scam. Working hard almost never gets you rewarded. Most young people especially believe this, ever heard of quiet quitting or acting your wage? The world is beginning to wake up to the productivity sham.
I'm not sure what you're expecting at your job to make you think you're successful. Is success to you working your way up to manager? Is success merely holding the job? Being better than the other employees? Having a job that you're proud to tell others that you work at? For me, I just wanted the money. I didn't give a damn about being the best employee, and neither should you. The best employees are just given more work for the same pay (depending on where you work, of course).
Find success in other areas. Don't put everything on your job. If success to you means you can do basic chores, I'd say that's good enough, even if all the normies think you're lazy because you can't do chores. They don't know how much more you have to put in than they do. Maybe success for you is learning something new. I don't know.
Yeah yeah I know, I basically said some Youtube guru shit and also said "just don't care about career success" over the course of a few paragraphs. But, take it from me, I wish I had listened to what I just wrote a year ago because man trying hard to be good at my factory job absolutely did not pay off.