There are about 8 to 10 billion people on the planet...
Are you suggesting that only 1 to 2 people on the earth have a life worth living?
I know you're just being rhetorical but around 4 out of 5 people do not live with a mental illness. Health psychology and humanistic psychology research has reliably shown that the majority of people are happy overall; despite experiencing some stress.
If anything those of us who are driven to suicide due to unrecoverable conditions are the minority. I hate to admit it because it feels insidiously unfair but I also can't deny the facts
I agree, we are in the minority being suicidal. Even people who live difficult lives aren't necessarily suicidal. It's interesting you brought up mental health though. Do you think you
have to have a mental illness if you are suicidal? I'm really curious. I'd say I for instance don't have debhilitating mental illness. I'd likely be diagnosed with mild depression but in that case- I've had it for 33 years. And to varying intensities. I find I don't fit the symptoms for the
really serious diagnoses. Yet- I'd also agree- it can't really be 'normal' brain functioning to feel suicidal. I guess I just find it curious. What makes one person experience horrible life events yet carry on normally, while another person becomes suicidal?
I guess it must be our coping resilience but I think it's more philosophical than that. A huge percentage of people here have come to the conclusion that life- or- the best quality life they could feasibly achieve isn't going to be worth the effort. It's not that they necessarily
can't cope. It's that they don't want to. Is that mental illness or, is that using logic to assess your situation, come up with all the likely outcomes and realise you don't much like the look of any of them?
Sorry for derailing the thread OP. I'm so sorry for your situation. I sort of feel similarly. I just feel really disillusioned with life.