

A pointless life had in a pointless world
Mar 11, 2019
I'm extremely superstitious and think I'm going to reincarnate into an even worse life that's full of the things that I fear (being disfigured ect.)

It's not going to make much sense to anyone but me but it's really edging away at me.

I still want to kill myself and see it as the best option but whenever I see people that have deformities, are homeless ect. I think that I could get reincarnated into a life like that.

I'm so exhausted. I hate life and think its cruel and pointless. I just want to die, be at peace, and never exist again.
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Dec 18, 2019
I'm extremely superstitious and think I'm going to reincarnate into an even worse life that's full of the things that I fear (being disfigured ect.)

It's not going to make much sense to anyone but me but it's really edging away at me.

I still want to kill myself and see it as the best option but whenever I see people that have deformities, are homeless ect. I think that I could get reincarnated into a life like that.

I'm so exhausted. I hate life and think its cruel and pointless. I just want to die, be at peace, and never exist again.
I fear being reincarnated into some type of livestock at a slaughterhouse :mmm:

So many forms of existence are pure suffering
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I'm extremely superstitious and think I'm going to reincarnate into an even worse life that's full of the things that I fear (being disfigured ect.)

It's not going to make much sense to anyone but me but it's really edging away at me.
If it's any consolation, those fears are all some people on here talk about
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Apr 5, 2020
I personally don't think that is very superstitious. You know you were born here once and experienced consciousness, it's not a huge leap to imagine it happening again. Lots of people are incredulous to the idea which confuses me.
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
You know you were born here once and experienced consciousness, it's not a huge leap to imagine it happening again.
I'd say it's a gigantic leap. Vain human animals think that their consciousness is special/indestructible. Everything about our mind can be damaged by damaging the brain.

Sam Harris:
"Now, we know this from 150 years of neurology where you damage areas of the brain and faculties are lost and they're clearly lost, it's not that everyone with brain damage has their soul perfectly intact and they just can't get the words out, everything about your mind can be damaged by damaging the brain. You can cease to recognize faces, you can cease to know the names of animals but still know the names of tools... the fragmentation in the way in which our mind is parcellated on that level of the brain is not at all intuitive and there's a lot known about it, and what we're being asked to consider is that you damage one part of the brain and something about the mind and subjectivity is lost, you damage another and yet more is lost, and yet if you damage the whole thing at death, we can rise off the brain with all our faculties intact, recognizing our dead grandma and speaking English."

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May 6, 2021
Yeah; Hidden base,we love you,but that comment lacks logic.
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Feb 18, 2021
What @Hidden Base wrote makes sense to me... I didn't take it to mean that our consciousness is indestructible, only that it can come from "nowhere" after billions of years... and could subjectively pop up in another universe / in 10 billion years / the day after you CTB (and that those durations all subjectively "feel" the exact same, by the very definition of unconsciousness)
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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
What @Hidden Base wrote makes sense to me... I didn't take it to mean that our consciousness is indestructible, only that it can come from "nowhere" after billions of years... and could subjectively pop up in another universe / in 10 billion years / the day after you CTB (and that those durations all subjectively "feel" the exact same, by the very definition of unconsciousness)
What is "you" & where is it stored? Are you the same "you" that you were as a baby & will you be the same "you" if you live to be 60/70/80? You won't because your "you" is stored in your brain & your brain is changing all the time. Which version of "you" will pop up 10 billion years after your brain disintegrates & where will it come from?
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Don't even worry about stuff like that. You have no control over it anyway and you wouldn't even remember your former self anyway. I personally think reincarnation is a lot of hog wash.
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Apr 19, 2021
I get scared much often. Apart of my future fears (what will happen to me, what is going to occur ... i have no future..etc), I fear life itself. A sudden noise can scare me, traffic noises scare me, even the sun light scares me. It's weird. I fear life itself. Hug you tight my friend. You need some warmth and love, we all need them, unfortunately, life decided to abandon us, and now we have noone around but each other. Thanks to this forum, at least we can talk about our pain and suffer openly. Much love <3
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Mar 22, 2020
Look at it this way, if that happens to us, we might just ctb in that world too.
I'll probably do that if things suck just like this hell does.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I personally believe there is nothing after death, and that thought gives me comfort. I believe we return to the same nothingness that we were at before we were born. I guess it is just the unknown though, we don't truly know what happens, but it is simply inevitable that we will be faced with it.
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Apr 5, 2020
Everything about our mind can be damaged by damaging the brain.

Sam Harris:
"Now, we know this from 150 years of neurology where you damage areas of the brain and faculties are lost and they're clearly lost, it's not that everyone with brain damage has their soul perfectly intact and they just can't get the words out, everything about your mind can be damaged by damaging the brain. You can cease to recognize faces, you can cease to know the names of animals but still know the names of tools... the fragmentation in the way in which our mind is parcellated on that level of the brain is not at all intuitive and there's a lot known about it, and what we're being asked to consider is that you damage one part of the brain and something about the mind and subjectivity is lost, you damage another and yet more is lost, and yet if you damage the whole thing at death, we can rise off the brain with all our faculties intact, recognizing our dead grandma and speaking English."

I agree with the above and I'm 100% on board with Sam Harris' views about the brain. I want to be clear that when I refer to reincarnation (and this confusion seems to happen every time, understandably), I don't mean that anything carries over from one life to the next (I don't believe anything does). I mean that you will find yourself in the seat of an experience again (we can expect it to be a totally different experience, because no 2 organisms are perfectly identical). It won't be 'you' that has reincarnated. In some sense all conscious beings are equivalent - in that they're all aware that "something is happening"/"the lights are on" (to quote Harris). Now could there be different degrees of consciousness? Maybe, but the point is the average person seems about as aware that life is happening, as the next. The sense of self isn't an essential component of consciousness (this is speculative, but I think a very reasonable view to hold, and one held by Harris). As I said in another thread, it's more accurate to call the idea incarnation, not reincarnation. But people aren't familiar with the word used in that way, so it's difficult to make it work.
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Oct 4, 2020
We all die at somepoint.
Nobodys different from the next person that dies.
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
I dont really believe in reincarnation but there are many things in this world that hasnt been discovered yet. Science couldnt even explained about consciousness yet and also there are things like 4th dimension, dark matters, etc and many thing that still in the beginning of discovery. Look here.

also there are many cases how people can give evidence and pass the test of their previous life. One of them is dorothy eady

@hotelbeneathground @paulstrong
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
I have the same fears! If I hadn't had these fears, I would have committed suicide long time ago.
The possibility that even a worse life comes after I CTB terrifies me!
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Oh Lord GIF by memecandy
extratv GIF


May 6, 2021
Look at it this way, if that happens to us, we might just ctb in that world too.
I'll probably do that if things suck just like this hell does.
Do they have SN in the faraway galaxies?
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Apr 5, 2020
There's a worm that has just 300 neurons (nerve cells). now these nerve cells are exactly the same as a human has , all neurons in a human , fish, work, monekey, cat etc are exactly the same. the only difference is the arrangement of those neurons. Okay this worm's 300 neurons and their connections were actually modeled into a robot . and with just 300 neurrons this robot can navigate just like a worm. Each nueron can connect to thousands of others so the complexity of these connections is what models reality and creates behaviours etc. now a human has 86 billion neurosn . so if a fly can fly avoid capture etc with much less nuerons and a worm with 300 can do so much. is it far fetched to see how the complexity of 86 billion neurons each connected to 1000's of others can create consciousness ?


That's very interesting, and yes I do agree wholeheartedly that consciousness is generated by neurons.


Jun 26, 2018
Same, I envy those people who ctb cause they're absolutely certain that death is the end - to me it sounds too good to be true. I'm not religious, never have been, but there are so many theories about what happens after from reincarnation and eternal recurrence to terrifying shit like you'll re-live the life of every single organism on this planet.
The mere possibility of consciousness arising out of nowhere is fucking terrifying.


Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
But thats not really consciousness though? Thats just the autonomic nervous system. Science hasnt fully known about consciousness and how they work.

Even in anesthesiology they dont fully know how it works and comma, vegetative patient they still havent figure it out.

Consciousness, pain, memory also work differently. And the study found even in unconscious patient they still respond&feel pain and some patient that seem unconscious still can move and some still could remember.

And consciousness also work differently than other system.

i even follow the progress about head transplant just to know what happen to the consciousness but they still havent succeeded with it for years.

Also what about multiple personality disorder/DID, im not even sure if its true or not. How many consciousness is that. its just odd and its still a controversy.

it seems consciousness still a mystery. Im still curious of finding more info about it

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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
It looks like you guys gave poor @pthnrdnojvsc a nervous breakdown, he deleted all of his comments. Don't let them get to you, buddy! :))
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021

i recommend people to watch this. From science standpoint. Whats death? is cell alive? is dna alive?
If everything in this universe made of same stuff, does this mean everything in this universe is alive or everything in this universe is dead?

anyway what im afraid most is not about being reincarnated to another person/animal since im not sure thats possible.

but what certain is what happen to our cell and brain&what we feel when were death or dying and rotting...

Especially since many study reveal how dying patients in hospital still can feel even when theyre unconscious and how every cell inside the brain still firing signals fighting to be alive even when dying&unconscious :'(:'(


Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
There are many books and websites on evolution of consciousness, DNA,evolution , the Brain that show that the brain generates consciousness.

The advances in Ai imo can also prove that a machine will generate consciousness. do you believe that a computer wil become conscious, self aware , in the future? i do . I think with ai and super ai a computer will soon surpass a human brain in every area including consciousness and self awareness.

I read about consciousness even long before join here cause i wanna know what happens when people die.

But theres still many things couldnt be explained yet. As in multiple personality disorder or how some people can born with ability and memory out of what happen in their life&the 4th dimension, etc

But this thing about consciousness still vague. Its too far talking about robot they still unsure wether plant is conscious or not, or bacteria....

The study mostly examine about which part of brain process sensor and stimuli.
And like i said theres still a debate and they still didnt know the mechanism of how consciousness work in comma vegetative patient and anesthesia

But whats exactly the definition of consciousness?
Because consciousness is also only all process from nonconscious.

all brain's work is conducted in different lobes and regions at the unconscious level, completely without consciousness. When the processing is done and there is a decision to make or a physical act to perform, that very small job is served up to the conscious mind.

When in deep sleep it is considered unconscious but we can still feel. There's a reason we don't stop to contemplate whether we should pull hand off a hot stove, and instead simply do it.

The bottom line is, theres still no definite answer of what we feel when were dying and dead. Are we gonna feel what happen to our cells and the signals input from all sennsor?

Ive been reading many studies about death, dying, etc and the evidence/result is still limited.

When viewing an anesthetized body reacting to a scalpel cut, one senses, however faintly and feebly, a mysterious presence — the pain of a still-sentient being. How can the pain experience be a property of consciousness if an unconscious patient's body also reacts to pain?
Anesthesiologists cannot resolve these vexing questions and contradictions raised by their work.
A patient can experience a noxious stimulus while unconscious under anesthesia, and then later, after waking up, recall the event in the form of a painful memory.

We do not know how the experience of the body under general anesthesia can sometimes cross the boundary between unconsciousness and consciousness
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
There's no evidence of any type of reincarnation and never has been. It's an illogical concept made up by humans so convinced of their self importance that the "universe" will go out of its way to somehow revive you again. Even if there were an exact clone of you with the exact same composition it would still not be you because "you" reside in your body and your brain.

These things cannot even be called theories, they're hypotheses or even thought experiments. There's no reason to believe in them or give them anymore credibility then you would a fictional story.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Heya @Thisgirlwantstosleep,

I suspect that what you are experiencing is another aspect of SI - SI is so incredibly strong and insidious.

With respect to reincarnation, interestingly, my sister, at the age of 3 or so, used to talk about her past life all the time. Now, this was in the mid 70s, and my parents were very religious and never spoke about other religions - I don't think they even knew about reincarnation. Also, at that age, the only access we had to outside or different viewpoints was a very small black and white tv that had about 3 channels. Odd thing is, my sister is what some people would call an "old soul," i.e., wise beyond her years.

However, this does not constitute proof of reincarnation in any way. My mother may have been lying for attention (common with her), and sadly, so many people crave attention, it would not surprise me that others do this as well. Also, there has been no scientific evidence to support reincarnation without a shadow of doubt that I have observed to date.

However, suppose for a minute that reincarnation does exist. Who is to say that the pain of this life is not a learning lesson that leads to a better life in the next incarnation (aside from one particular religion - and religions IMO are nothing more than modern-day accepted cults)?

The thing is, we do not know and will not know until we die. And everyone will die one day. So, in my opinion, it is not worth worrying about now or letting SI latch onto you - if it is in fact yet another aspect of SI.

Also what some here have said about the brain is spot on! I have had at least 4 severe head injuries in the past 10 or so years (this does not include what I sustained as a child), and I am not the same person I was before these head injuries - other examples of this would be dementia-related illnesses where the ego or sense of self disintegrates and is lost over time while still alive.

Please know I am not encouraging suicide, just hopefully giving a different perspective on life and death than what many are typically taught.

Much hugs and love to you, that feeling of terror in any situation is beyond awful
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Apr 5, 2020
I recommend you all watch this.

I don't agree with Watt's opposition to anti-ageing efforts, and absolute resignation to death. I personally think ageing is a horrible disease, I would love to live young indefinitely. I don't think there's anything wrong with dying voluntarily, but people should be able to live for as long as they wish to, not be slave to nature's idea of how many years is enough. He cites overcrowding as a reason why extending human lifespan is a bad idea, but doesn't consider potential solutions to this, e.g. branching out to claim more space in the cosmos. That is already assuming that the human population would always keep growing, when in fact it may not, or there may be ways to avoid it (e.g. maybe we could engineer the urge to reproduce out of ourselves).


Mar 11, 2019
No one really knows what happens. But from my experience everything you are is your brain and we do NOT have freewill whatever the hell that is
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