While it is really easy to say that "I don't fear death, either I go out on my own terms or die because of something outside my control." I think the only people that actually believe this are fools. Everyone is afraid to die, even just a little. Because we recognize the chance, that we could lead a better life. People who dies for a cause they give their life too are no different, they are also scared, they have just convinced themselves that their life is not as valuable as the thing they are willing to die for. No one escapes death, and no one is okay with that. Ending your life is not something that will be without fear, it's just not realistic. When people do things impulsively, it's not normally seen as something good, like buying food at 3am because of a craving. Please don't kill yourself impulsively, give yourself the dignity of being in sound mind, making sure it's your decision, not just because you crave ending your life.