
Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Does Joiner say that watching videos of other people dying weakens our SI? I think he claims that it's only the ability to physically hurt oneself that helps a person overcome SI. An anorexic girl who's not into gore is far more likely to successfully ctb than dudes who watch that shit all day long but can't skip a meal without whimpering that their tummy hurts
To be comfortable with oneself experiencing the pain and hurt that the one in the video is suffering. To be okay that your blood and entrails are spilling out over your hands and knowing that you're going to die, but instead of surrounded by love from family, it's from society's hatred of you. Society saying you deserve the pain, the agony of death, and that they hope you suffer endlessly before you go.
  • Aww..
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
To be comfortable with oneself experiencing the pain and hurt that the one in the video is suffering. To be okay that your blood and entrails are spilling out over your hands and knowing that you're going to die, but instead of surrounded by love from family, it's from society's hatred of you. Society saying you deserve the pain, the agony of death, and that they hope you suffer endlessly before you go.
I don't think that most people who regularly watch gore vids are able to empathize with the victims; in fact, you can't get desensitized to that stuff unless you start perceiving those poor bastards as unhuman/unreal, as dummies in a horror flick. Med students who think of cadavers as dead people instead of mere objects puke or pass out when they have to dissect them... But maybe you're right & this approach actually works. I know I'm too much of a pussy to experiment with it, my nightmares are disturbing enough already.


Jun 24, 2021
I do not like gore, but I saw a lot of shit in the past because I did not want to ignore what was happening in the world, especially I saw videos related to armed conflicts and negligence in the meat industry, apart from watching it to raise myawareness, I saw it to toughen myself up, as he was too sensitive to bear society.
If for example, I now put a video of torture and murder without context, it is very difficult for me to see the suffering of the victim, and it only makes me want to kill the sadistic scum, but seeing the death of people who deserve it can be up to satisfactory.


Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
When younger I would never be able to watch such stuff. Got to a stage a few years ago when life was so bad I finally watched some and it snowballed for a while. But once you become desensitized to the gore you can stop I think.
Dear Agony

Dear Agony

The Void
Jan 24, 2020
I am too, and currently looking for websites that have self harm videos/pics, but can't find any because google keeps offering me resources out of nowhere. It makes me mad as hell.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Whether I have to leave SS or die I hope to never read anything like this ever again
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Nov 4, 2018
I remember I used to regularly visit the watchpeopledie subreddit before they banned it. I watch the videos out of morbid curiosity.


Jul 17, 2018
Maybe I'm super fucked in the head or just curious but damn, I can't stop watching people die or suffer, pretty fucked up. I've been watching gore sites for years, I've basically become desensitized to death. I can watch the most gory deaths/suicides/murders/torture and feel nothing inside.

Don't know if anyone shares the same "fetish", it's really messed up.
I'm sorry but I can't relate. Although people are our own worst enemy. I personally would rather we didn't live in a world that harmed animals and each other. At the same time, I'm not ignorant of the dangers around us. As a matter of fact, I accepted a friend's request on Facebook and then they asked me to join 4one of those gory sites and I accepted it. I watched some stuff out of curiosity but don't feel happy about it. I have empathy for people and animals. I don't like suffering and hate that others are suffering too and worse. I've seen beheadings with machetes and chainsaws from gangs and drug cartels, saw a guy get electrocuted by jumping into powerlines, seen a guy drench himself with fuel and burned himself alive, seen a guy get shot in the face (nothing was left, the bullet blasted all the skull brain). I've seen more stuff but my curiosity is fine but knowing this happens everyday makes me sad. I've seen suicidal videos too and I truly feel for these people because they're like us, hurting inside and shouldn't have to go through this pain. I hope I don't die the way these people. I understand that reality is not pretty and we don't always get what want. I've read some the comments on here it hurts to read this stuff because it seems like people are becoming more empty/void inside. I understand curiosity and some people can handle things better than others and I feel like if a person wants to watch then it's their right/freedom to even if others don't understand. I just hope that people don't lose too much of their humanity when looking at this. This world is already evil enough.
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Jan 10, 2021
Maybe I'm super fucked in the head or just curious but damn, I can't stop watching people die or suffer, pretty fucked up. I've been watching gore sites for years, I've basically become desensitized to death. I can watch the most gory deaths/suicides/murders/torture and feel nothing inside.

Don't know if anyone shares the same "fetish", it's really messed up.
same here ...


quiet is violent
Jul 9, 2021
gore videos are fine i can stomach most that arent animal related, i prefer self harm vids and ctb vides out of pure fascination
I remember I used to regularly visit the watchpeopledie subreddit before they banned it. I watch the videos out of morbid curiosity.


I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
I have a lack of empathy for everyone and everything - not by choice. Like many here, I've watched gore sites for years and have collections of places I frequently visit. Most of the time it's comforting to know that one day I'll die, too. I'm not sure about the other times, in all reality.

It scares me how far detached I am from everything, whereby the most vile shit have no effect on me. Animals, children, people. Nothing. I'm disgusted with myself, as anyone would be. I've read about many serial killers, and during their youth, they felt similarly. It terrifies me that I could be grouped with them. Capable of doing what they have. Likely not but it's still a possibility.

It makes me feel worse, and more suicidal when I think about it.
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Apr 22, 2019
I always watch them I love it, well in a sick kind of way at times i wish i was the one in them videos. The suffering calms me


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Does Joiner say that watching videos of other people dying weakens our SI? I think he claims that it's only the ability to physically hurt oneself that helps a person overcome SI. An anorexic girl who's not into gore is far more likely to successfully ctb than dudes who watch that shit all day long but can't skip a meal without whimpering that their tummy hurts
Yeah i think that what anorexic people do the hard work of running and pain tolerating (running a marathon with a broken ankle) would help beat si more but i hate hate pain and have problems so i can't even really jog. so i'm looking at anything else that might help.

i think in his book Joiners says that "executioners" ( going by memory here so this is what is popping in ) have a higher rate of suicide .and i think he says it's because executioners are exposed to Death so much that it desensitizes them to Death which allows them to increase their ability to commit suicide. so i think any repeated exposure to Death as others have commented here as with repeatedly watching videos of people dying or committing suicide will tend to desensitize you to Death ( that will lessen the fear of Death). I have to go reread that book imo definitely a must read to help one combat si , if that's what you want. i want to beat my si so i'll plan to watch some of those Death videos

Amazon product ASIN 0674025490

i remember you linked his video which is also highly informative.

There could be other examples in Joiner's book . i only read some of it and my memory not that good of it right now.
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Jan 22, 2021
I watch it sometimes but it is more to hurt myself.
I am still not used to, ;)
I thought it was mental self harm. I do it. It's like it's all im worth and it does affect me. I'm on the brink of a mental health crisis at the moment I can feel it. Can't believe live gore is gone. The difference between life and death fascinates me. How being g hit by a car can literally bash your life out of you. My brain's not functioning properly I can feel some of the cylinders aren't firing
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I have a clinical view of gore websites from studying forensics, which involves suicides quite a bit. I assume most who frequent those sites are detached emotionally or they wouldn't look at them. I looked mostly to see methods to ctb. Aside from some more unusual methods used, it's boring.
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May 29, 2020
while i have looked at pictures of dead bodies (no children or animals) i can't imagine actually watching someone die.. that idea kind of sickens me


You see it too? For me, it's always like this.
Feb 21, 2021
I went down that rabbit hole when I was younger to see how far I could go and what I could stomach and once I thought I had seen everything I stopped. Funnily enough nowadays I'm much more sensitive then I used to be I guess you can get sensitized again just as easily.


Jun 28, 2021
Just in the last month or so I have looked at it on a sub on Reddit. I don't understand how the photos get out. Some are total crime scenes...the cops are not taking pictures...it's really fucking weird. Watched gross shit today...I know I need to stop.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Maybe I'm super fucked in the head or just curious but damn, I can't stop watching people die or suffer, pretty fucked up. I've been watching gore sites for years, I've basically become desensitized to death. I can watch the most gory deaths/suicides/murders/torture and feel nothing inside.

Don't know if anyone shares the same "fetish", it's really messed up.
Please share some.

I used to regularly visit Death Addict, but it's now behind a paywall.


Jun 28, 2021
I am too, and currently looking for websites that have self harm videos/pics, but can't find any because google keeps offering me resources out of nowhere. It makes me mad as hell.
Eyeblech sub on Reddit is disgusting.
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Jun 15, 2020
Been watching gore videos since I was a teenager on the internet. I don't exactly enjoy watching them, but I have a morbid fascination with taboo videos like gore. Perhaps I find it fascinating because it's real. Gore is the cold hard reality of life, that we all die, and that human beings are the most evil and sadistic beings to ever exist. I am so desensitized that I can watch a human die and suffer the most horrible death and I feel nothing. ....An animal being tortured on the other hand, it makes me weep and hurts my soul.

I'm a 27 year old woman, never found another girl who also watches gore and finds it fascinating.
Me. I'm a girl and watched all those sites. Not recently though. And I never watched murders. Well beheadings in the Middle East. My heart has softened now ugh lol


Jan 22, 2021
I don't know how to work reddit I need something to normalise me. Eyeblech do I have to join their community? I'm spiralling man
Live gore is still on
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May 20, 2020
Maybe I'm super fucked in the head or just curious but damn, I can't stop watching people die or suffer, pretty fucked up. I've been watching gore sites for years, I've basically become desensitized to death. I can watch the most gory deaths/suicides/murders/torture and feel nothing inside.

Don't know if anyone shares the same "fetish", it's really messed up.
Ah I get you, for me it helps confronting ny own mortality and the fact that people die so "easily". I don't open them as much lately though opening them is a hassle since they're banned in my country.


Jun 15, 2020
Are there any websites that show suicide livestreams or videos?


Aug 10, 2021
Are there any websites that show suicide livestreams or videos?
I don't know about livestreams, but the gore sites have suicide videos on them. Not sure if it's against the rules to link them


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I find it disturbing that there are websites that exist that are dedicated to gore. So much pain and suffering must have been experienced to create the content on them. Life is so cruel. The fact that people choose to look at that content is just so horrible. I could never do, it, it would traumatise me. I see it as extremely disrespectful, especially in the case of a murder victim. In regards to suicide research, there is plenty of written information, there is a SN written documentation.
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Dec 1, 2020
as a Suicidal person i think its good to watch them to prepare for the final day


Oct 4, 2021
I am the same. I visit them a lot more frequently in the last 6 months or so.
Lifeless mindset

Lifeless mindset

See you on the other side
Oct 20, 2020
I've been watching gore videos for years but the one thing I don't like about gore sites is how racist people are in the comments


Sep 27, 2021
People suck. I like seeing them getting smashed to bits :) Any nice site now bestgore is off?