"People will always gravitate to a answer they can either comprehend or agree with. I don't blame people for believing different theories about what's really going on, because nobody really does know. Official statements and protocols are subject to change at any moment." I so agree with everything you've said here. People do want answers, especially when faced with a potentially deadly disease where even the "experts" have no definitive answers and keep changing the protocols or SOPs they put in place to combat it. Different theories are a good thing IMO - I would say that they need to be based on documented evidence or observational evidence that shows a pattern, but in any situation one faces, the more knowledge you have, the better the outcome.
"The reality is, it's real. People are dying. Im surrounded by a extremely vulnerable demographic, the homeless. Focusing on the "who what when and why" of Covid is a rabbit hole that has little to no answers." Yes, it is real, I lost a distant family member to it. He was a first responder. Covid is very much a rabbit hole right now - great way to describe it. And the more fact-based information we can get, the more we will know about it and be able to aid those in the future - either in a what not to do way and/or a what to do way. I am sorry you went through this and are surrounded by this - it is hard to watch people hurting.
"I rather discuss the social impact regarding those who suffer most from the lockdowns and restrictions. We have nowhere to go. Nowhere to sit and be productive or rest, nowhere to use the washrooms, nowhere to warm up, nowhere to use reliable wifi. I don't even want to tell you how many times I had to shit in a alley when everything was closed. That was in summer. If we experience another lockdown during the long harsh winter, a lot of people on the street will die." This broke my heart to read. I am so very sorry you are experiencing this. It is one of the reasons I have decided to ctb. I will soon lose my home and be on the streets. I have no place to go or anyone to help, and at my age with my health already compromised, I am well aware it is a death sentence, a long tortuous one verses one I can control so I am choosing to leave this life before that happens. I cannot fathom why more empty hotels or other empty buildings (such as abandoned malls, etc.) have not been opened to aid those on the streets in such dire straights.
"It's a moral confliction I personally have. On one hand, I want to die...yet I spend a majority of my time focusing on survival. Life may not have much meaning to me, but I want my death to count for something at least. Maybe I don't make sense, I don't know. I've always struggled to make sense of my own points I try to make haha." You make sense to me and I think you are a voice for many who may not have the opportunity to speak for themselves because of their situation. That moral conviction you spoke of resonates so deeply with me. I live in a medium sized house and if foreclosure were not imminent, I would open my doors in a heartbeat to help others, no matter the risk to me. I would rather go down helping someone than drinking a cup of SN. <3