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Jul 3, 2018
I recently found out my husband has a harem of webcam women he spends 99% of his life talking to.

He needs to get a job but turns them down because of this addiction. It's like I was with codeine and benzos, it becomes the only thing that matters in your life, your next fix.

He has no control over his emotions and cried for two days over one of them last week.

I also found out he has sent them intimate pictures of himself.

He has tried to crush my spirit, but I am forced to live here as I have NOWHERE else to go. I do NOT want to live here anymore, but I have no money and no way out of this situation. I have been trying to find one for a long time now, and keep hitting the same brick walls.

He says once his money has all gone, money has had to beg my mum for, that he will walk out, so my only hope is to try and cut this money off, convince my mum not to pay him another penny, and let him walk out. I think this may be feasible. He has NO idea who I even am anymore, and how much damage he has done. I don't show how I feel, I don't walk around the house crying, that's not me.

It's mainly since the benzo withdrawal, I am not the person I was before that, I cannot hide behind drugs anymore, I am still facing the very reason I did that to myself, and that was to make the unlivable, livable.

I'm only still here thanks to one friend of mine who lives 500 miles away (otherwise I think we would probably be something by now, I really do like him, I don't think he knows or even feels the same way, but I do) I can talk to and for lack of a decent plan to ctb.

I do want to ctb, but I will no doubt screw that up too. I was going to make sure he didn't find me, mainly for the sake of my poor innocent dog, but now he can, if I do this, he will find me, I will make sure he has to live with that forever. I know this sounds horrible, but it wouldn't come close to what he has done to me.

My biggest fantasy is not winning the lottery, having a big house, marrying a billionaire, owning ten luxury cars or whatever, my biggest fantasies are to one be dead, always wondered what that's like, or two, get out of this place, that's it, I have never asked for a lot. I often wonder what that would feel like, and if I am going to CTB, I will make sure I find out by leaving for a day, and pretending I left for good, stupid I know, but I want to know what it would feel like to not have to come back home to this each time I go out, which isn't very often now I must admit.

Maybe even if I got out, the damage from the benzo withdrawal and this never ending prison sentence may just be too much for me after all, and I would still land up ctb, but at least I'd know for sure, it is looking like I never will know if this would have been possible, to live on my own, I am a survivor, I would have no problems with it physically. I do not need anyone else, period.

I don't get it, I survived the most horrific thing, the cold turkey benzo withdrawal, something that no human being is equipped to survive, just to land up like this anyway. The benzo withdrawal changed the very person I am, I went from being really 'needy' and 'emotional' to someone who is very strong, mentally anyway, logical and stoic. I learned how to react to situations and happenings better, and told myself that while I cannot change the situation itself, I can try and change how I react to it.

Also if there is one thing I DO understand, it is anyone who is in any kind of suffering. I understand you, I do not care what ails you, I get it, chronic pain, mental illness, I understand you now. I empathise with you.

Yes this used to be good, I did once love him like he was the last guy on Earth, but things change, people change, health problems come and that's the mainstay of this, this STUPID STUPID STUPID spinal condition of his has wrecked both of our lives to be fair.

I was thinking I could get some money whoring myself on the internet while he sleeps 15 + hours a day and use that to get out, I mean if he can do it, why can't I?. Sex sells, may as well sell the only thing of any value I have and use it against him. I'm not that attractive, but hey, tits are tits and pussy is pussy right? :pfff:
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Sep 18, 2018
That sounds awful but seems like you can still salvage life
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Empty RN

Empty RN

Oct 25, 2018
You're in .a rough spot. What if you did leave for a few days? Could you stay with your mom for some time?
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Oct 27, 2018
I'm so sorry you have discovered this. I'm not sure what I should say here because my story, the host of experiences that brings me to this site, involves my ex-wife discovering that I, the love of her life and father of her child, was cheating on her and cheating on her with escorts. Today, the only emotions or feelings I seem to experience are shame, remorse, regret and the terrible sense of loss for the beautiful life I threw away. I guess I just wanted to say, perhaps because I've never been adequately able to say it to my ex-wife, is that I'm sorry for what you have experienced. I've imagined countless times what it must have been like for her to discover the truth about me. In my case, my wife simply kicked me to the curb, and rightly so. What I did was unforgivable and she did what any woman in her position should do. I see that you are not financially in a position to leave, and I'm sorry for that too. I just wanted you to know, from someone who was on the other side, that I get how much pain he has caused you. I dearly hope you find relief from this somehow. peace to you.
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Jul 13, 2018
You're being severely emotionally abused, and you do not deserve that.

I hope that you find the strength to get out of your living situation.
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Jul 3, 2018
I told him I am sleeping downstairs now, I cannot take the constant light from his phone, the chit chat going on and if I see it, I am getting tempted to open the front door and put his phone down the drain in the street.

My other concern is the sites he is accessing, he has NO technological or IT skills at all, his awareness is very limited, it's only a matter of time before one of these 'girls' uses one of his dick pics to try and extort money from him. I found out the other day that despite his business failing, and our money running out, he has paid for 'credits' on these sites too. If I find out he has spent my mum's money on it, actually, as angry as it would make me, I could use it to my advantage and get my mum to cut the money off, leaving him stranded and hopefully he'd carry out his threat of leaving. These cam girls are based out of foreign countries, places with less laws than the UK regulating such things, I wonder how these girls are treated, for all he knows they could be slaves.

I am LIVID that he is scrounging off my family, he needs to get off his ass and get a damn job, that's something I would quite literally chop off body parts to be able to do, my Asperger's Syndrome has never allowed me to, if I could, I would be long gone by now.

I honestly think this will end in me ctb, I was planning on it back in the spring this year, something keeps pulling me back, something keeps saying that things will somehow fix themselves. I know they won't, I know nothing will change. I asked myself the other day now many more years of this I will have to do. I must have done something really, really BAD in a previous life to warrant this prison sentence.

I often feel really bad when I talk to friends, like the guy who lives miles away, because they just don't treat me like this at all, I once thought everyone was the same, that this was normal, it obviously isn't. The benzo withdrawal opened my eyes to the world, I see people for what they really are now. It may sound stupid, but that ordeal, that horrendous thing, has left me with a new outlook, a strength I never knew I had.

I am a different person now, I am not the woman this man married, I am something else entirely.

Perhaps the worst thing he did for himself was be part of forcing me to go cold turkey from the benzos, he didn't know that once my mind healed (my body is shot, I am in so much pain each It's changed me. I am not afraid of anything now, I have no fear, him leaving doesn't bother me at all. I can't bury my head in the sand anymore, I must face problems head on as they arise, not pretend they do not exist like he does.

Many benzo withdrawal survivors will tell you that this experience is like facing all your fears at once, there's nothing left to be afraid of after that, I am no different, I am not afraid of anything.

This is not really a matter of strength, yes I have plenty of that, thank the withdrawal for that, but it's more of an issue of resources.

I can't go back home, my mum doesn't want that, she's getting on now in her age and wants to live peacefully and well, she doesn't want or need her adult kids coming back home. I have a very large dog too, all round I understand her reasons for saying no. Perhaps if I told her how bad this was for me, but then again I don't know, it would sound as if I was just saying that to get back in the door again.

She says if he walks out, she would help me, but she has no idea how bad this is, regardless of if he walks out or not, I want out more than I want to live, nobody gets how soul destroying it is to have webcam women shoved into your face day in, day out by your fucking husband, to hear your husband saying 'anal' and 'wank' into his phone mic from downstairs in the dead of night. These girls are like his second family, he spends HOURS a day on there.

If I could have one wish, it would be to just get up one morning and go, not to have any problems with it like money etc, just go. Feel what it's like to be free before I decide on my next move.

That's just a distant dream though, it's not going to happen, I am not suddenly going to get up one day and be free, I am tired, don't forget I still suffer loads of painful symptoms from the withdrawal, death would bring me as much peace as getting out MIGHT do, if I got out I would only be free from him, I would not be free from my decaying body. Only ctb guarantees me both of those things, freedom from this situation and freedom from my body.

Also thank you everyone here for listening to this crap, I have NEVER ever in my life spoken openly about these things, I think my mind thinks it is a betrayal of him, but now, now he has betrayed me, I do not care anymore.

This is why I became a drug addict, because I hate it here so much, and that made it easier to live with. There you go, that's truth more honest than you will ever hear in your entire lives, that's the reason people, specially the drug 'treatment' place, have been almost torturing me to reveal for years. There, it's been said. Can't take it back and hide now.

These things, nobody will ever understand.
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Nov 1, 2018
If I find out he has spent my mum's money on it, actually, as angry as it would make me, I could use it to my advantage and get my mum to cut the money off, leaving him stranded and hopefully he'd carry out his threat of leaving.
Is there any reason you couldn't tell your mum that he already has done that? I know it'd be a lie, but if it helps you out of this situation, it might be worth it. As bad as things are now, it seems a reasonable course of action.

Sometimes the end does justify the means.
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where is the truth?
Nov 1, 2018
aw thats such a horrible thing to go through, i hope things get better for you
are you able to move back in with your mum? i know its not ideal but you could stay wither her until you're able to get your own house or something
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Nov 8, 2018
You need to get with a divorce lawyer. Your mom might even help you out with that too because this guy has dug enough himself so far down the shithole that he'll lose everything in the divorce and rightfully so. You deserve a better life, even if you CTB in the end, you can do it knowing that he's not scrounging off your family, not using your death as a sob story for his escapades, and you can do something good for you when you're away from all that.
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Jul 30, 2018
I hear you, my wife is cheating on me. she has no idea that i know. i saw some postings that she made and text messages from her bf. i have to say he is so much better than me in every way. better looking, better job. figured this is the the last of a long list of reasons i want to end myself. it'' make it easier for her when im dead anyways. I'm just in the planning stages right now i just made the decision back in july to finally do something for myself and end me.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I recently found out my husband has a harem of webcam women he spends 99% of his life talking to.

He needs to get a job but turns them down because of this addiction. It's like I was with codeine and benzos, it becomes the only thing that matters in your life, your next fix.

He has no control over his emotions and cried for two days over one of them last week.

I also found out he has sent them intimate pictures of himself.

He has tried to crush my spirit, but I am forced to live here as I have NOWHERE else to go. I do NOT want to live here anymore, but I have no money and no way out of this situation. I have been trying to find one for a long time now, and keep hitting the same brick walls.

He says once his money has all gone, money has had to beg my mum for, that he will walk out, so my only hope is to try and cut this money off, convince my mum not to pay him another penny, and let him walk out. I think this may be feasible. He has NO idea who I even am anymore, and how much damage he has done. I don't show how I feel, I don't walk around the house crying, that's not me.

It's mainly since the benzo withdrawal, I am not the person I was before that, I cannot hide behind drugs anymore, I am still facing the very reason I did that to myself, and that was to make the unlivable, livable.

I'm only still here thanks to one friend of mine who lives 500 miles away (otherwise I think we would probably be something by now, I really do like him, I don't think he knows or even feels the same way, but I do) I can talk to and for lack of a decent plan to ctb.

I do want to ctb, but I will no doubt screw that up too. I was going to make sure he didn't find me, mainly for the sake of my poor innocent dog, but now he can, if I do this, he will find me, I will make sure he has to live with that forever. I know this sounds horrible, but it wouldn't come close to what he has done to me.

My biggest fantasy is not winning the lottery, having a big house, marrying a billionaire, owning ten luxury cars or whatever, my biggest fantasies are to one be dead, always wondered what that's like, or two, get out of this place, that's it, I have never asked for a lot. I often wonder what that would feel like, and if I am going to CTB, I will make sure I find out by leaving for a day, and pretending I left for good, stupid I know, but I want to know what it would feel like to not have to come back home to this each time I go out, which isn't very often now I must admit.

Maybe even if I got out, the damage from the benzo withdrawal and this never ending prison sentence may just be too much for me after all, and I would still land up ctb, but at least I'd know for sure, it is looking like I never will know if this would have been possible, to live on my own, I am a survivor, I would have no problems with it physically. I do not need anyone else, period.

I don't get it, I survived the most horrific thing, the cold turkey benzo withdrawal, something that no human being is equipped to survive, just to land up like this anyway. The benzo withdrawal changed the very person I am, I went from being really 'needy' and 'emotional' to someone who is very strong, mentally anyway, logical and stoic. I learned how to react to situations and happenings better, and told myself that while I cannot change the situation itself, I can try and change how I react to it.

Also if there is one thing I DO understand, it is anyone who is in any kind of suffering. I understand you, I do not care what ails you, I get it, chronic pain, mental illness, I understand you now. I empathise with you.

Yes this used to be good, I did once love him like he was the last guy on Earth, but things change, people change, health problems come and that's the mainstay of this, this STUPID STUPID STUPID spinal condition of his has wrecked both of our lives to be fair.

I was thinking I could get some money whoring myself on the internet while he sleeps 15 + hours a day and use that to get out, I mean if he can do it, why can't I?. Sex sells, may as well sell the only thing of any value I have and use it against him. I'm not that attractive, but hey, tits are tits and pussy is pussy right? :pfff:
You can do it, I do this right now but working on getting out of it. I could talk to u about it if you want privately. It depends where u live too to a degree. It might work better if u live in a decent sized city. My friend is in smallish town and it still works I guess.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I hear you, my wife is cheating on me. she has no idea that i know. i saw some postings that she made and text messages from her bf. i have to say he is so much better than me in every way. better looking, better job. figured this is the the last of a long list of reasons i want to end myself. it'' make it easier for her when im dead anyways. I'm just in the planning stages right now i just made the decision back in july to finally do something for myself and end me.
That's insane! Hate to hear that. Idk what I would do in that situation. I just hope you get out of it one way or another.
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