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Nov 15, 2021
you should just lie down and wait for death
You're putting words in my mouth.

Of course, even if you're friendless, unacquainted with anyone, the receiver of your umpteen's rejection without every experiencing acceptance, you might still end up with friends, popular, sitting at the cool table, even. But that's not what my message was about. It was about those who don't get there—not everyone can hold on, can last until chance happens upon them and everything changes. Some people last all their live and still miss it.

I didn't say that one should give up because one doesn't have any friends—if I were to advocate for that, I'd be a hypocrite. I would've had to have killed myself a long time ago by that logic.

What I am saying is some people—be it you, me, your hairdresser, a hermit in the forest who loves being a loner, whoever—simply don't have friends. They don't have acquaintances. Who knows, maybe they don't even share a coffee with their colleagues at work now and again, as is often customary. They don't make an impression, and that's okay.

What's not okay is telling them they're going to be missed by all their friends and loved ones. That they're going to impact so many lives, hurt so many people dear to them. Because when they ask 'Who?', they'll be met with a stammered, empty phrase, a rehearsed, slapped on bandaid without any meaning, and they'll feel worse for it.
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Dec 25, 2023
If I had friends who I had regular contact with then I'd be 50% less suicidal. If I had a romantic partner I'd be 100% less suicidal.

The number of people who would miss me is tiny, and it grows ever smaller.

If I live another ten years I could definitely become one of those people with absolutely no one at their funeral, or maybe just one person.
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I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
Apr 22, 2024
Good. I hope it hurts all the people who "love" me.
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Nov 1, 2023
Anybody who pre-ordered and played it on launch probably considered ending it all back in 2020
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May 11, 2024
If I had friends who I had regular contact with then I'd be 50% less suicidal. If I had a romantic partner I'd be 100% less suicidal.

The number of people who would miss me is tiny, and it grows ever smaller.

If I live another ten years I could definitely become one of those people with absolutely no one at their funeral, or maybe just one person.
You have people who die alone, homeless, on the street. The it gets better you are loved rhetoric needs to die, it's the false hope many of us don't need.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Because in one case it's a natural part of life, in the other you cut short more than 85% of your life. Affects people differently

You die of old age ? Sad but hey inevitable
You take your own life at 20 ? Not the same, hits much worse
any one can die at any age , accidents , anuerysms , stroke cancer not only from suicide.

You don't have to read all of this. i'm unloading on you and i'm very tired. it's that i've been wanting to vent to people about this when they say similar things but haven't been able to because in other platforms i'd be banned where here more freedom of speech is allowed. i can't say things like this irl, at work, other websites because i'll be banned or sent to a mental hospital. it's full of typos . i didn't get much sleep tired.

to me what's sad is that every day i'm under threat of something horrible happening to me . And i'm not living for any reason but to work all day , chores all day , struggle solve problems , suffer , all for no purpose and just to exist another day risking even more extreme pain or something very horrible happening to me. all the supposed "good" or "enjoyable " or "important" things they tell us is all that is meaningless garbage to me . plus we all will die and forget all that garbage and everything we did will be gone quickly anyway because life is short.

to me it's not sad that i get out from under this situation of risking something horrible happening to me and working a job fixing problems , chores etc. no if i could die today through my suicide or by an accident that would be the best thing that could happen to me by a trillion times. while living great harm could befall me . living is dangerous. one of the many blood vessels in my brain could break today and then what? i get brain damage disabled and become homeless on top of that. all for what for eating a sandwich for watching a clickbait youtube video for what? there is no reason.

if there could be someone that might be "sad" because i die of natural causes or suicide . they suffer because they are alive i didn't make them be alive. they suffer because they don't know reality that it's what i want and i'll be better off in non-existence. i'm not going to go through extreme torture because some other human might be sad because they are in the matrix and don't see reality or because they choose to be alive and then that's what can happen when you are alive pain grief 1000 other horrible things and even worse nightmares.

what i wrote above is i guess the same generally for all humans .but my situation is even worse and no one knows . and i never have said my specific situation. just be afraid , be afraid of pain and existence : it's not something good at all but the worst thing you can imagine a trillion times worse than the worst thing you can imagine
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Death is new departure and beggining of a journey.
May 27, 2024
Just to say,

Their bests were not enough for me and I know they would not have done anything differently. People often say that when they see their friends ctb, but honestly, ultimately what they care most about is their lives as they should be. They can say all the kind words, but do they take actions? I don't think so.

I think most people here is experiencing that and thus they are here. For me, it is to the point where their words are just not enough.
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Sit and stay
Oct 7, 2023
I feel that this belongs in the Recovery section of SS. There is the option to hide that category for a reason.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
This screams massive pro lifer vibes to me. What the hell. I don't care about how my "loved ones" react to my suicide and I put loved ones in quotes because the only people in my life irl is my family and I don't really consider them as my loved ones. Even if they were my loved ones, I wouldn't care how they feel because the one thing I care the most about is prioritising my own peace. I've been born in this world against my will so I don't see why I should be obligated to care about my family. Besides, a family is a human construct anyway and nothing substantial.

Also, grief will happen regardless of one kills themselves or dies a natural death. It's just that, with suicide, the grief comes earlier
My family didn't give a rat's ass while I've been alive and they won't give a rat's ass when I'm dead.
Whatever they consider more convenient, they will favor.
They're making the most of either, at my expense.

I don't completely spit in the face of the concept of family, but I don't belong in this one. I don't even belong in this body, never mind tied to the people around me who choose apathy or cruelty as their response to my already miserable existence.
I also gave up (under duress and influenced by obviously doomed circumstances) the only loved one who I would have even considered continuing to suffer for.

I am so tired, I just want this to be over.
I don't owe these people anything.
Other way around, at the very least.

I wish I had prioritized my own peace a long time ago. Or anything that would have benefited myself for once, rather than other people. Family or not.
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Jan 9, 2023
I love cyberpunk. But u finished it like twice or 3 times already. Now I just go in there and start killing all the NPCs because efilism has fucked me up that far…..
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Alex Fermentopathy

Alex Fermentopathy

Feb 25, 2024
There are such mental states when you cannot even enjoy a game.
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Mar 22, 2024
I did not like what CD projectred did, in regard to releasing a buggy, broken, and frankly unfinished game. A company with hundreds of millions of dollars, forcing workers to endure crunch time, all while serving shareholders and investors, individuals who have no business in the art form. The utter hypocrisy to dive into the cyberpunk genre, with no self awareness of the very evils the corporation behind the game has committed, is frankly disturbing, and morally disgusting. This company has no regard, no respect, to those who would actually live such a life.

What does any company want? A society of consumers. Hypocrisy. They lied about what it is. We know that they lied. Hell, even more than that, they know that we know that they know they are lying. Yet...still they lie. The game is a corpse, a product, a commodity packaged and stamped and patented to be out in the footlights, gawked at by investors and appeasing a genre that has been taken by the very entities that it has long since criticized.

I also find it's attempts of the cyberpunk genre frankly inept. Deus ex, blade runner (the first movie especially), metropolis (super old but good movie), do androids dream of electric sheep, among other movies, games and books have done a far better job illustrating the death of the human soul. A snake consuming its own tail, oblivious to its own suicidal actions. Not suicide according to pain or suffering. Nor is it a suicide according to some techno fetishists. No. It's a suicide, when an appetite for greed and vice become so strong, that you die bursting from within, a carnal death for a carnal life. But they kill everyone else, and harm everyone directly by doing so. Yet why aren't you criticizing them? Why is the onus on such a person, living in an abusive household, beaten, molested, poor, no one to help them? Why are they at fault for their suicide, for seeking freedom, away from this consuming monster?

The Games suicide ending is everything that is wrong in regard to understanding the nuances of death and life. It attempts to give a preachy ending, as if they could monopolize the meaning of life and death. It certainly does not help when Keanu Reeves decides to just take over your body. Victim blaming at its finest.

What the games does offer, it does not do well. Just because there are flashing neon signs and lifeless NPCs, am I supposed to be impressed? That's foolishness.

Suicide, depression, mental illness. All of this disturbs me, but for a certain few reasons. First, in many ways they can be akin to a personalized cancer. One thing I have learned, in my short time of being in this Forum, is that there are many individuals from all walks of life here. What helps or doesn't help them also varies. This is what makes mental health so difficult. But there is something more insidious at hand, something I have noticed in academic discussions especially.

Mental health is treated still as an individual flaw. Why is it the person's fault they committed suicide? What does it say about their family? Their home? Their community? Their country? The reality of it is, is that if we actually looked into a holistic approach for treating suicide, you would finally realize that suicide is not an individual fault. For years, centuries, we are told that it is the individual who has to heal. My answer is no.

In order for the individual to heal, society must heal. Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside of you.

Why are you even here? Why aren't you sending this to your local government? When Ronald Reagan decided, alongside the rest of his entourage, to undo mental health protections and wards, the assumption was that the "churches" and the "people" would pick up the slack...they didn't.

50,000 committed suicide in the United States last year. That is unacceptable. It does not suggest that they were at fault. No. The government, the leadership, the community, all have failed. No one wants to assume responsibility or guilt for it.

My only regret with commiting suicide, even though I haven't already, is that I wouldn't be around to fight against this cancer of victim blaming, gaslighting, and pushing guilt and responsibility into others, especially among the most vulnerable in society.

When Jesus Christ entered into the temple of Jerusalem, and found Money changers, profit seekers, and those looking to take advantage of others sacrifice and time, what did he do? Did he cry? Did he say nothing? Did he walk away? Did he ask them to leave?

No, he drove them out.

Your video game, CD projectred, and frankly any plutocrat or any form autocracy, and all governments, represent that very reality. You speak of being pro life, of thinking about our families and friends, when the environment, the community, the city, the government, the policies, the laws, the culture, the families and friends, even the very language, all scream the opposite. You cannot oppress and create a world that worships hardness and strength, the death of the human soul, and be surprised when those that look at this wasteland, realize that there is nothing good left here.

One last thing. I know you might take my comment as rude or offensive. Truly believe me, when I say that I do not wish to make enemies out of anyone. Nor do I wish anyone to suffer. I am glad you are doing better. I hope everyone and everything, from the tallest of trees to the smallest of animals, could be better. But we don't live in that world.

Genie, the feral child's story changed me. Reading about children being bayoneted to death haunts me, as described in the Brothers Karmazov. And reading how corporations, governments, and leaders abuse and refuse to take care of their people, angers me beyond all description.

There are many things I can tolerate and forgive. But one thing I will not tolerate, is the abuse of the most vulnerable. Victim blaming and gaslighting them into a belief system that got them there in the first place. A raw visceral torment, that started not with them...but with others. Guilt, love where it cannot find home. Guilt, where pain cannot turn into relief.

Perhaps I said a bunch of useless words, being the ignoramus that I am. It's late, and this 25 year old fool needs his bed rest. If anyone is interested in any art forms that actually do the genre justice, send me a DM or just message me here, and I'll send out a list to you. Once you realize that power does not share, nor does it care, you see patterns. Patterns of abuse. Rewards for abuse...even celebrations of abuse. This world runs on trauma and suicide.

Trauma and suicide are not bugs or defects of any nation. They are features, proof that the system is working as intended.
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