
May 25, 2024
Now I know what you are all thinking by reading this title. Yes it may look off topic but there's a very good reason I'm making this post so please bear with me.

First of all, to those who can afford it I would HIGLY recommend you play through the full game so you can really get immersed in this universe and grow attached to the characters. That way you'll be able to truly experience what I'm about to tell you about. It's on sale right now, it's really not that expensive, but if you can't, then you can just look it up on youtube.

So to make it short, in Cyberpunk, you play as a mercenary who after a heist gone wrong wake up to realise he/she is slowly dying, you have like a few weeks left and your primary objective is to find a way to survive.

Right at the end tho you are given a choice, you can fight to your last breath OR you can give up, you can take your own life. It's a really dark but realistic choice since by that point your character has been through hell and back and is understandably tired by everything.

Should you choose this option, a cinematic will start, you don't see it happening but you hear the gun shot. But while another game would've just ended there this one doesn't, it continues, the end game credits start rolling but this is where the game does something really incredible.

You get to see the reaction of EACH of your friends who just learned you took your own life. You get to see them totally devastated, angry, blaming themselves, wondering if they could've done more.

One of them says : Just wish I had done more....So things might've come out different. I.... we're gonna miss you kid

Another one calls you in her bed, her room is in the dark, she's absolutely devastated by the news and breaks down crying before ending the call

Another call you get is one of your friend angry at you for not even giving her the chance to help you with this to say: What were you thinking huh ? Or did you think about nothing at all ? Is that it ? And after everything I did for you, EVERYTHING ! And what's the first thing you go do huh ? Off yourself, that's what

Another friend will then call you saying: I'm sure you think you're soooo fucking original huh, but the only think you proved is that you don't give a shit about your friends. What a waste

But the MOST important call for me is the last one: She's understanding of your choice even if she doesn't approve of it and says this :

I mean, in the end... in the end it was your choice. Your choice to make. But, well, you should know it didn't just affect you. It hits your friends too. I don't think, I don't think you knew just how many friends you really had.

This one sentence "I don't think you knew just how many friends you really had" hit me like a damn truck. This entire scene hit me like a damn truck. I think the developers (willingly or not) made the BEST suicide prevention message I've ever seen in a long time.

When you're in a deep depression you don't really think about what the consequences will be. You tell yourself that your friends and family will eventually move on or you persuade yourself that you are just a burden because it makes it easier. But deep down we all know it's not true.

We don't realise how many lives we've touched simply by existing, how many people we've helped or influenced one way or another. We truly do not realise how many friends we really have

When I watched this scene and saw the pain and sadness I caused to all those people I grew attached to, it truly opened my eyes and gave me a new look on life and CTB, in real life we wouldn't have to deal with the consequences or watch the reaction of our loved ones. But here the game forced me to, which is why I highly recommend anyone to play this game or at least watch this scene.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
This screams massive pro lifer vibes to me. What the hell. I don't care about how my "loved ones" react to my suicide and I put loved ones in quotes because the only people in my life irl is my family and I don't really consider them as my loved ones. Even if they were my loved ones, I wouldn't care how they feel because the one thing I care the most about is prioritising my own peace. I've been born in this world against my will so I don't see why I should be obligated to care about my family. Besides, a family is a human construct anyway and nothing substantial.

Also, grief will happen regardless of one kills themselves or dies a natural death. It's just that, with suicide, the grief comes earlier
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I suck at playing long games even in genres I like. I haven't even finished Chapter 1 of Baldur's Gate 3 yet. 😅
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May 25, 2024
This screams massive pro lifer vibes to me. What the hell. I don't care about how my "loved ones" react to my suicide and I put loved ones in quotes because the only people in my life irl is my family and I don't really consider them as my loved ones. Even if they were my loved ones, I wouldn't care how they feel because the one thing I care the most about is prioritising my own peace. I've been born in this world against my will so I don't see why I should be obligated to care about my family. Besides, a family is a human construct anyway and nothing substantial.

Also, grief will happen regardless of one kills themselves or dies a natural death. It's just that, with suicide, the grief comes earlier

You are far more gone than I am myself, I don't know your story or what kind of painful experiences you've been through, but I truly sincerely hope it will get better for you my friend
I suck at playing long games even in genres I like. I haven't even finished Chapter 1 of Baldur's Gate 3 yet. 😅
Totally fair, it is a long game, but you can truly get sucked into it, the Cyberpunk universe is truly something else


I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
Played it at launch. Some futuristic video game with it's scripted tragic ending is not going to cancel out the 25 years of depression I have suffered nor the circumstances I find myself in daily that are slowly taking my will to live. I get that games can be powerful, life changing experiences for some people but if you think you're going to change minds here with a video game, you're mistaken.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
You are far more gone than I am myself, I don't know your story or what kind of painful experiences you've been through, but I truly sincerely hope it will get better for you my friend
Yes, I guess I am more far gone but that's just to be expected as I was never really attached towards life to begin with and your words won't change that for me. For me, it will only get better once I'm dead
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May 25, 2024
Played it at launch. Some futuristic video game with it's scripted tragic ending is not going to cancel out the 25 years of depression I have suffered nor the circumstances I find myself in daily that are slowly taking my will to live. I get that games can be powerful, life changing experiences for some people but if you think you're going to change minds here with a video game, you're mistaken.
I'm not here to change anyone's mind, if you think CTB is the way to go and it's a choice you thought about long and hard then by all means go ahead.

My message is for those like myself who are sitting on the edge, not truly convinced about the right think to do. Sometimes all you need is a push in the right direction


May 24, 2024
Now I know what you are all thinking by reading this title. Yes it may look off topic but there's a very good reason I'm making this post so please bear with me.

First of all, to those who can afford it I would HIGLY recommend you play through the full game so you can really get immersed in this universe and grow attached to the characters. That way you'll be able to truly experience what I'm about to tell you about. It's on sale right now, it's really not that expensive, but if you can't, then you can just look it up on youtube.

So to make it short, in Cyberpunk, you play as a mercenary who after a heist gone wrong wake up to realise he/she is slowly dying, you have like a few weeks left and your primary objective is to find a way to survive.

Right at the end tho you are given a choice, you can fight to your last breath OR you can give up, you can take your own life. It's a really dark but realistic choice since by that point your character has been through hell and back and is understandably tired by everything.

Should you choose this option, a cinematic will start, you don't see it happening but you hear the gun shot. But while another game would've just ended there this one doesn't, it continues, the end game credits start rolling but this is where the game does something really incredible.

You get to see the reaction of EACH of your friends who just learned you took your own life. You get to see them totally devastated, angry, blaming themselves, wondering if they could've done more.

One of them says : Just wish I had done more....So things might've come out different. I.... we're gonna miss you kid

Another one calls you in her bed, her room is in the dark, she's absolutely devastated by the news and breaks down crying before ending the call

Another call you get is one of your friend angry at you for not even giving her the chance to help you with this to say: What were you thinking huh ? Or did you think about nothing at all ? Is that it ? And after everything I did for you, EVERYTHING ! And what's the first thing you go do huh ? Off yourself, that's what

Another friend will then call you saying: I'm sure you think you're soooo fucking original huh, but the only think you proved is that you don't give a shit about your friends. What a waste

But the MOST important call for me is the last one: She's understanding of your choice even if she doesn't approve of it and says this :

I mean, in the end... in the end it was your choice. Your choice to make. But, well, you should know it didn't just affect you. It hits your friends too. I don't think, I don't think you knew just how many friends you really had.

This one sentence "I don't think you knew just how many friends you really had" hit me like a damn truck. This entire scene hit me like a damn truck. I think the developers (willingly or not) made the BEST suicide prevention message I've ever seen in a long time.

When you're in a deep depression you don't really think about what the consequences will be. You tell yourself that your friends and family will eventually move on or you persuade yourself that you are just a burden because it makes it easier. But deep down we all know it's not true.

We don't realise how many lives we've touched simply by existing, how many people we've helped or influenced one way or another. We truly do not realise how many friends we really have

When I watched this scene and saw the pain and sadness I caused to all those people I grew attached to, it truly opened my eyes and gave me a new look on life and CTB, in real life we wouldn't have to deal with the consequences or watch the reaction of our loved ones. But here the game forced me to, which is why I highly recommend anyone to play this game or at least watch this scene.
Try being sick for a long time, no better way to find out who your real friends are. Not many, I assure you! All those mourning after you pass, nothing but crocodile tears. Best they could do is "give me a call when you feel better, we'll have lunch". I don't give a damn how they feel when I'm gone.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
I don't need a game to show me that people I love will be sad when I die.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
We all will die anyway.

I'm wondering why would it matter to a stranger if I kill myself in 1 week or die anyway later of some natural horrible disease. I'm going to be dead either way.

After death I won't remember all the garbage I did from now until I die .so nothing that I do from now until I die will matter.

All I'm interested in is minimizing my own pain. Only non-existence forever can guarantee not suffering extreme pain ever. After death is non-existence forever
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May 25, 2024
We all will die anyway.

I'm wondering why would it matter to a stranger if I kill myself in 1 week or die anyway later of some natural horrible disease. I'm going to be dead either way.

After death I won't remember all the garbage I did from now until I die .so nothing that I do from now until I die will matter.

All I'm interested in is minimizing my own pain. Only non-existence forever can guarantee not suffering extreme pain ever. After death is non-existence forever
Because in one case it's a natural part of life, in the other you cut short more than 85% of your life. Affects people differently

You die of old age ? Sad but hey inevitable
You take your own life at 20 ? Not the same, hits much worse
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I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
May 12, 2024
"How could you do this to us???"
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Crayon eater
May 9, 2024
Have you entertained the possibility that there is going to be no one who cares if I die? I've burned bridges with people in my life pretty thoroughly. I know I did it to myself but that doesn't change the fact that I don't matter to anyone.
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May 11, 2024
I love Cyberpunk, I do (check username) but if you play the dlc ending, all those characters you mention get over you rather easily in the two years you were in a coma and presumed dead. Which is fine, people should move on, but it takes a little steam out of the other ending. Honestly, I recommend the game because it's ultimately about coming to terms with your own mortality. I hope I can make my last months count like V does in most endings, or face my death with as much boldness as Johnny Silverhand.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I have an issue with this because you're pretending to know what goes on inside someone's mind when they're thinking about ctb, that a deep depression somehow staggers their ability to think clearly when plenty of users here have been able to demonstrate otherwise and I'm also sure those thoughts of who we leave behind and in what state they'll be in is something we've all had to confront one way or another, it's not something a deep depression necessarily negates the ability to think deeply about.
Nah this is crap imo, most of us who've experienced the immediacy of suicide and come back from that position would assert that their thinking was flawed in some way, l get that there's a reflexive position on here to defend the "rational suicide" of the online pdeudo intellectual but it's also fair to observe that "overcoming SI" is a similarly common theme here and one usually has to be within a disconnected mindset to achieve this. There's a real difference between actual suicide irl and the conceptual suicide chatted about by teenagers on this website and it's probably way past the time for this to be appropriately checked.
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May 25, 2024
I love Cyberpunk, I do (check username) but if you play the dlc ending, all those characters you mention get over you rather easily in the two years you were in a coma and presumed dead. Which is fine, people should move on, but it takes a little steam out of the other ending. Honestly, I recommend the game because it's ultimately about coming to terms with your own mortality. I hope I can make my last months count like V does in most endings, or face my death with as much boldness as Johnny Silverhand.
Well the DLC makes perfect sense (even if it's truly bitter sweet) because they all knew that V was a mercenary living a dangerous life in a dangerous city. It feels kinda logical that after a few months of radio silence they would all assume that V was killed like so many before him/her.

It's a "Well he knew the risks" kinda thing. Like if a cop gets shot you understand that it's part of the risks that come with the job. But if that same cop takes his life you'll have that feeling that "Damn, he survived in such a dangerous job, did it all and he was the one who took his own life"

So V's friend moving on after they thought he was dead makes sense. Especially when if you check your phones you notice they called you a TON before finally giving up


May 11, 2024
Well the DLC makes perfect sense (even if it's truly bitter sweet) because they all knew that V was a mercenary living a dangerous life in a dangerous city. It feels kinda logical that after a few months of radio silence they would all assume that V was killed like so many before him/her.

It's a "Well he knew the risks" kinda thing. Like if a cop gets shot you understand that it's part of the risks that come with the job. But if that same cop takes his life you'll have that feeling that "Damn, he survived in such a dangerous job, did it all and he was the one who took his own life"

So V's friend moving on after they thought he was dead makes sense. Especially when if you check your phones you notice they called you a TON before finally giving up
But V is terminally ill and doomed to die anyway, why should s/he not take matters into their own hands? She also takes a burden off those same people by not involving them in her dangerous plan. She's going to die either way. It's like what Johnny says. "People die. It's the way of things." He even takes a pro choice stance and accepts V's choice because he understands her resolve to go out how she wants. I personally don't think it's preferable to be murdered over taking my own life but eh.
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Jan 1, 2024
If people really cared about us they would be trying to help us more..
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May 25, 2024
But V is terminally ill and doomed to die anyway, why should s/he not take matters into their own hands? She also takes a burden off those same people by not involving them in her dangerous plan. She's going to die either way. It's like what Johnny says. "People die. It's the way of things." He even takes a pro choice stance and accepts V's choice because he understands her resolve to go out how she wants. I personally don't think it's preferable to be murdered over taking my own life but eh.
See this is my point exactly ! When you choose the suicide ending V says "Am I worth they sacrifice ? Are you ?" because while in that state he/she doesn't think clearly. V sees himself/herself as a burden that will drag his friends to certain doom. But the thing is....yes, V is worth their sacrifice, know why ? Because V did the exact same thing for them. He also could've died at any moment, he was also dragged in dangerous situations he had nothing to do with but he did it anyway for the sake of his friends

This is the most telling about V in his depressed state, he doesn't realise that they would all storm Arasaka's front gate if he asked them because he would've done the same for them and already helped them so much.

It's proven when you watch how all of them react, none of them thinks "Well it was either that or we died with you" no, they are all devastated because they would've gone to hell and back for V
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May 11, 2024
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May 25, 2024
Yuuuup. People only have a tendency to care when it's too late.
No, I don't agree with that. People with depression and suicidal thoughts usually don't walk around with a sign that says it. Like me for example, while I might want to die, to anyone around me I'm a happy going, smiling, always positive person

So when the day comes that I do take my life, does that mean they didn't try to help me ? That they didn't care ? Of course not, they simply didn't know because most of the time it's not something you talk about.

Ever heard of "No one saw it coming" ? That's because it's true 90% of the time
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May 11, 2024
See this is my point exactly ! When you choose the suicide ending V says "Am I worth they sacrifice ? Are you ?" because while in that state he/she doesn't think clearly. V sees himself/herself as a burden that will drag their friends to certain doom. But the thing is....yes, V is worth they sacrifice, know why ? Because V did the exact same thing for them. He also could've died at any moment, he was also dragged in dangerous situations he had nothing to do with but he did it anyway for the sake of his friends

This is the most telling about V in his depressed state, he doesn't realise that they would all storm Arasaka's front gate if he asked them because he would've done the same for them and already helped them that much.

It's proven when you watch how all of them react, none of them thinks "Well it was either that or we died with you" no, they are all devastated because they would've gone to hell and back for V
And again, so what? Even in those endings, V is given six months to live. She can choose to live out those six months with friends but what if she doesn't want to let the illness take her, with all the potential suffering that might entail? Going to hell and back in one ending but then not even wanting to speak to you in another. At least in the rooftop ending, there's closure and they don't have to spend years wondering what happened. Anyway, worst ending is still the Devil ending. That's the one where V chooses life at ANY cost.
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Nov 15, 2021
Honestly, that 'You don't even know how many friends you actually have', 'You don't even know how many lifes you've touched' is starting to get on my nerves. Not to be overly bitter or pedantic, but have people who repeat those phrases like a mantra ever entertained the idea that there are others for whom those statements may simply not be true? There are outcasts, friendless oddballs, weird scrawny kids who got bullied and died off before they'd ever had the chance to experience life outside the confines of school. There are people with social phobias, social anxiety, massive social ineptitudes. Face it, there are people with funerals that lack attendance the way a screening of Morbius does. There are people dropping dead in their flats, people who are only found when the neighbours notice that nauseating smell seeping through the walls.

That phrase invalidates those people; it adds salt to the wound.

Great game, though.
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May 25, 2024
And again, so what? Even in those endings, V is given six months to live. She can choose to live out those six months with friends but what if she doesn't want to let the illness take her, with all the potential suffering that might entail? Going to hell and back in one ending but then not even wanting to speak to you in another. At least in the rooftop ending, there's closure and they don't have to spend years wondering what happened. Anyway, worst ending is still the Devil ending. That's the one where V chooses life at ANY cost.
You said V would be a burden for his friends, I proved you he's not, you can't brush that aside with "so what ?"

Yes V is dying, but he wants to live, really bad, he says it himself throughout the game. If your own mother was deadly ill and had 1 year left to live, would you prefer to enjoy every last day you have left with her or would you think "Well you're gonna die anyway might as well shoot you right away" ? No of course not.

Even with 6 months left to live there's hints here and there that V could actually be cured (and I'm not talking about the DLC)

That's what I'm trying to explain, you have people who care about you, people that would rather try EVERYTHING rather then give up if it means you can stay one more day with them. You're not a burden to them, not one bit


May 11, 2024
No, I don't agree with that. People with depression and suicidal thoughts usually don't walk around with a sign that says it. Like me for example, while I might want to die, to anyone around me I'm a happy going, smiling, always positive person

So when the day comes that I do take my life, does that mean they didn't try to help me ? That they didn't care ? Of course not, they simply didn't know because most of the time it's not something you talk about.

Ever heard of "No one saw it coming" ? That's because it's true 90% of the time
Not always but many do. Often, people turn a blind eye because they don't automatically assume the worst. There's almost always a warning sign, like withdrawing from activities, change in demeanor, giving away belongings, etc... People just don't see what they don't want to see. As for those who legit don't see it coming, sure, that can be forgiven if you don't know the person very well.
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May 25, 2024
Honestly, that 'You don't even know how many friends you actually have', 'You don't even know how many lifes you've touched' is starting to get on my nerves. Not to be overly bitter or pedantic, but have people who repeat those phrases like a mantra ever entertained the idea that there are others for whom those statements may simply not be true? There are outcasts, friendless oddballs, weird scrawny kids who got bullied and died off before they'd ever had the chance to experience life outside the confines of school. There are people with social phobias, social anxiety, massive social ineptitudes. Face it, there are people with funerals that lack attendance the way a screening of Morbius does. There are people dropping dead in their flats, people who are only found when the neighbours notice that nauseating smell seeping through the walls.

That phrase invalidates those people; it adds salt to the wound.

Great game, though.

You're talking like it's something definitive. Something set in stone that will never change. I was also bullied in school, no friends, no one to talk to, everyone avoided me. I was as socially awkard as you could imagine. I had every reason to end right then and there right ? But if I had I would'nt have lived long enough to see the rest of my story. Where I actually changed, became a better person, made friends, came out of my shell

Life is a ride, you have ups and down, now granted, of course life is shit, of course life is though, of course some have it MUCH MUCH worse than others but that doesn't mean you should just lie down and wait for death
Not always but many do. Often, people turn a blind eye because they don't automatically assume the worst. There's almost always a warning sign, like withdrawing from activities, change in demeanor, giving away belongings, etc... People just don't see what they don't want to see. As for those who legit don't see it coming, sure, that can be forgiven if you don't know the person very well.
Tell me something, be honest.

If someone came to you and asked you to open up about what's troubling you, to lay it all on the table, would you ? Or would it be difficult to do so ?


May 24, 2024
No, I don't agree with that. People with depression and suicidal thoughts usually don't walk around with a sign that says it. Like me for example, while I might want to die, to anyone around me I'm a happy going, smiling, always positive person

So when the day comes that I do take my life, does that mean they didn't try to help me ? That they didn't care ? Of course not, they simply didn't know because most of the time it's not something you talk about.

Ever heard of "No one saw it coming" ? That's because it's true 90% of the time
In my case, if they didn't see it coming it's because they weren't listening. Most because they never bothered to even keep in touch. But those people closer to me, if they didn't see it coming it's because they're deaf and blind. I'm a straightforward person and although I don't say everything I think, I do think everything I say. And I've often said I don't want to survive in this state of non-life that I'm in.
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May 11, 2024
You said V would be a burden for his friends, I proved you he's not, you can't brush that aside with "so what ?"

Yes V is dying, but he wants to live, really bad, he says it himself throughout the game. If your own mother was deadly ill and had 1 year left to live, would you prefer to enjoy every last day you have left with her or would you think "Well you're gonna die anyway might as well shoot you right away" ? No of course not.

Even with 6 months left to live there's hints here and there that V could actually be cured (and I'm not talking about the DLC)

That's what I'm trying to explain, you have people who care about you, people that would rather try EVERYTHING rather then give up if it means you can stay one more day with them. You're not a burden to them, not one bit
Considering said friends (Rogue, Saul) fucking DIE if they help V, I think V is pretty fucking justified in not wanting to involve anybody else. Yes, V wants to live. But she can choose to opt out under extremely taxing circumstances as is her right.

Such a pro lifer tactic to bring someone's mom into the mix. I'll think you'll find a lot of us here don't have those sacred connections with loved ones. But for the sake of the argument, sure. If a loved one had cancer and one year left to live, but she wanted to avoid prolonging her suffering and exit early via euthanization, I'd support that 100%. It's her life and death situation, it's not up to me to make it about myself and say "no, you need to stick around for my sake". THAT would be selfish.

As for loved ones, I'm happy for you if you have that support but to say we all have loved ones who would do anything for us is a lie. Some of us were neglected, abused and alienated in every conceivable way by those who were meant to protect us. If you haven't experienced that, wonderful. But not every person is that privileged.
In my case, if they didn't see it coming it's because they weren't listening. Most because they never bothered to even keep in touch. But those people closer to me, if they didn't see it coming it's because they're deaf and blind. I'm a straightforward person and although I don't say everything I think, I do think everything I say. And I've often said I don't want to survive in this state of non-life that I'm in.
Yup. Apparently me coming home crying every day from school and shutting myself in my room and avoiding my friends, and not eating wasn't sign enough, I had to spell it out.
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May 25, 2024
Considering said friends (Rogue, Saul) fucking DIE if they help V, I think V is pretty fucking justified in not wanting to involve anybody else. Yes, V wants to live. But she can choose to opt out under extremely taxing circumstances as is her right.

Such a pro lifer tactic to bring someone's mom into the mix. I'll think you'll find a lot of us here don't have those sacred connections with loved ones. But for the sake of the argument, sure. If a loved one had cancer and one year left to live, but she wanted to avoid prolonging her suffering and exit early via euthanization, I'd support that 100%. It's her life and death situation, it's not up to me to make it about myself and say "no, you need to stick around for my sake". THAT would be selfish.

As for loved ones, I'm happy for you if you have that support but to say we all have loved ones who would do anything for us is a lie. Some of us were neglected, abused and alienated in every conceivable way by those who were meant to protect us. If you haven't experienced that, wonderful. But not every person is that privileged.

Yup. Apparently me coming home crying every day from school and shutting myself in my room and avoiding my friends, and not eating wasn't sign enough, I had to spell it out.
Pro lifer ? My god, this isn't politic friend, it's not a war. Just because I'm debating you on something doesn't mean I'm some kind of enemy trying to sway you to my side.

You can want to die and ALSO see a glimmer of hope, just because I don't agree with you 100% doesn't automatically makes me an evil pro lifer who wants to shame you for your choice. As if things could ONLY be black or white


Nov 15, 2021
you should just lie down and wait for death
You're putting words in my mouth.

Of course, even if you're friendless, unacquainted with anyone, the receiver of your umpteen's rejection without every experiencing acceptance, you might still end up with friends, popular, sitting at the cool table, even. But that's not what my message was about. It was about those who don't get there—not everyone can hold on, can last until chance happens upon them and everything changes. Some people last all their live and still miss it.

I didn't say that one should give up because one doesn't have any friends—if I were to advocate for that, I'd be a hypocrite. I would've had to have killed myself a long time ago by that logic.

What I am saying is some people—be it you, me, your hairdresser, a hermit in the forest who loves being a loner, whoever—simply don't have friends. They don't have acquaintances. Who knows, maybe they don't even share a coffee with their colleagues at work now and again, as is often customary. They don't make an impression, and that's okay.

What's not okay is telling them they're going to be missed by all their friends and loved ones. That they're going to impact so many lives, hurt so many people dear to them. Because when they ask 'Who?', they'll be met with a stammered, empty phrase, a rehearsed, slapped on bandaid without any meaning, and they'll feel worse for it.
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