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I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
My answer is no bc imo it each induviduals choice whether they wanna live or no, plus forching someone who's in outch to live is inhumane imo. I would make sure they are safe tho and maybe give them some last wishes.
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Apr 28, 2024
I don't know that I would "save" them, I'm not so conceited to think that I could, but I'd probably talk to them if I could, or if there was some immediate danger to their life that I could avert I might step in, on the off chance its some kind of accident or whatever. I'd try to be there and listen, and if they were really dead-set on doing the deed right there I might stick around and psychopomp 'em off to wherever. But I don't think I would save them. Even if they reconsidered after speaking to me I wouldn't consider that me saving them, that would be them making a decision for themselves, same as any person who follows through to completion.
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there’s nothing for you (it/its)
Dec 14, 2023
no, i would never do that. i think it's immoral to intervene in anyone's attempt. all of us should be able to exit whenever we want, regardless of our reasons and circumstances, because we were brought into existence without our will or consent in the first place. i would just ignore them because even paying attention to them could be stressful for them due to how restrictive suicide is treated in our society
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
Of course not, I have compassion and I'm not sadistic like pro-lifers are. Forcing people to suffer in this hellish existence they never consented to being in should be a crime. "Saving" people from suicide is just harming them and making them suffer way more, it disturbs me how anyone would do that especially as existence is beyond undesirable.
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I really can't take it
Aug 9, 2023
No. Why would anyone stop it?

I talked the other day w a suicide hotline. They didn't tell me to stop or rethink it, but just told me that they were there for me if I needed to talk. I felt more understood than I had ever talked to any person irl (i feel more understood here but anyways). At least they didn't try with the usual "its a permanent solution" "you have so much to live for" "think about the others" shit. And I think that should be their job, to understand, not to just "try to stop" a suicidal attempt.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
It depends on whether there would be any (legal, financial, etc) consequences for not saving them
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When I die, you'll love me.
Nov 19, 2019
This will probably be hypocritical but it would depend on who the person is. For example if I could go back to 2019 when my father figure CTB, I would save him in an instant without any hesitation - To be fair he did the same for me during one of my attempts in 2018. I may also save people who are less close like support workers but apart from that I feel everyone else has a right to die. I guess it's part of my fear of abandonment that makes me want to save the people I care about.


24/7 cold
Mar 17, 2024
I would talk to them first. It may help them feel a little bit better, but just talking doesn't always work for everyone. If they truly want to end it, then that's their decision.
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Autistic, death will give me peace.
Sep 21, 2022
No, I wouldn't want to meddle with their business and it's there own choice to CTB.

If it's like a family member then I will think twice and maybe speak to them. Hopefully I don't sound like a hypocrite.


I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
No. Why would anyone stop it?

I talked the other day w a suicide hotline. They didn't tell me to stop or rethink it, but just told me that they were there for me if I needed to talk. I felt more understood than I had ever talked to any person irl (i feel more understood here but anyways). At least they didn't try with the usual "its a permanent solution" "you have so much to live for" "think about the others" shit. And I think that should be their job, to understand, not to just "try to stop" a suicidal attempt.
You are so lucky! Where I live if you call a hotline and say you gonna ctb they will either call an ambulance on you and have you sent to hospital, or tell you to seek help. Some of the operators can be discrimatory even. Although some can be nice to talk to also.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
If it's someone I care about then most likely yeah. I'm kind of selfish and evil like that.

If it's someone I don't care about then maybe I'd at least pretend to attempt to save them if anyone else is watching. Otherwise I might be too paralyzed with fear to save anyone even if I wanted to.
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Not meant for this world…….
Nov 12, 2021
strangely enough, it's my job. So yes, would save them.
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Youre not even in the hole, are you?
Feb 13, 2023
No, only because I'm a coward and I don't think I can do much to help anyway so I would prob pretend I never saw anything and continue on with my day.


May 16, 2024
Its everyone's right to choose when, and the method in which they die.. who am I to interfere in that decision? I wouldn't appreciate if anyone tried to stop me during my CTB..
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"It's all just a dream"
Oct 26, 2019
No I wouldn't try to save them. It's their choice. I'm not trying to be here either honestly. Screw this sci-fi reality...I want something real.


Ready to have my forever date with suicide
Oct 6, 2023
It depends. If it's an adult I'd make myself available to talk, but I would not stop them because it's their body, if it's a child, I'm not sure if I can answer the same way.
No, I would try to join them
This might be something I would do (not joking at all)
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Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
yes. i dont think its the morally right thing to do but im still alive and dont want to get into trouble (legally or being condemned by everyone for being "pro death" or allowing someone to die)
yeah im a selfish person


Just wants more company
Apr 14, 2024
yes. i dont think its the morally right thing to do but im still alive and dont want to get into trouble (legally or being condemned by everyone for being "pro death" or allowing someone to die)
yeah im a selfish person
You can always say that you were too stoned to do something


Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
If it was someone I cared about to any extent I dont think I could stand by and do nothing. I am a human w/ emotions and want people to live and enjoy life, however improbable it may be for any person. I'm not a robot who can watch someone die because it can be logically construed as the most compassionate thing to do.

I think a lot of people here would do the same. Whatever the course of action is, it is easy to say what you would do when you are not making the split-second decision in the moment.
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Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
You can always say that you were too stoned to do something
thats true, but I'd have no idea whether their family would be the type to make a mess and sue me or something or not doing what i could. even if i dont get into legal trouble i dont think i have the guts to deal with the possibility of being socially ostracized and having all my life prospects ruined by the bad publicity involved. ofc i actually had the courage to ctb none of this would be an issue but i dont so...
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eternally atoning
Feb 1, 2024
I say it depends. Realistically, some people are in too much shock to appropriately respond. So even if they want to save, they may find themselves unable to. It also depends on the method, as I could reverse an OD with Narcan but definitely not undo a gunshot to the head.

If I saw a stranger acting weird near a bridge, I would personally avoid because it could be anything ranging from a suicidial person to someone ready to mug me.

If it was my friend, who is intoxicated with substances that made them impulsively attempt to CTB, I would try my best to save them, even though I'm a hypocrite and want no one to save me. Even if they weren't intoxicated I would try. I think it's mostly because I can't handle the guilt. The "what of I could of saved them" trauma echoing.

We can say all these things about letting people die or help them in hypotheticals, but to save them would be an action we would do on impulse when the right circumstances are met. The Internet can sometimes make us null to IRL crisis situations.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I would not stop them. I believe that anybody should have the right to die whenever they wanted to

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