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Dec 23, 2018
I know the other Christian threads didn't last very long, which is understandable and why I don't post about religion or my faith on here very often anymore, but I found this incredible video today that I wanted to share with everyone. This is from a completely unloaded and nonchalant stance, and is just an offering from me for you to consider. Even if you are a profound atheist, I want you to see this because this is the greatest clarification of the story of Jesus I've ever come across, that I believe could possibly clear up the misconceptions that may have led you to unbelief in the first place. I'm posting this because I love you and I care about you, and once you reach the end of the video you'll see why. So here it is:

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Nov 6, 2018
Jesus preached that the end time was immanent. His followers thought he was the messiah (as understood in Judaism).

When that didn't turn out. His followers had to justify their cult and so spun his death as saving the world.

Then, two Centuries later, Irenaeus came up with the doctrine of Original Sin.

Jump forward 1400 years and Arminius popularized the idea that you have the power to ask for redemption, a claim that until then was the Heresy of Semi-Pelagianism.

One thing the video gets right is that the afterlife picture of the Bible isn't heaven/hell, but the Olam Ha Bah.
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Hungry Ghost
Feb 14, 2019
I know the other Christian threads didn't last very long, which is understandable and why I don't post about religion or my faith on here very often anymore, but I found this incredible video today that I wanted to share with everyone. This is from a completely unloaded and nonchalant stance, and is just an offering from me for you to consider. Even if you are a profound atheist, I want you to see this because this is the greatest clarification of the story of Jesus I've ever come across, that I believe could possibly clear up the misconceptions that may have led you to unbelief in the first place. I'm posting this because I love you and care about you, and once you reach the end of the video you'll see why. So here it is:

I watched the video, and I wasn't impressed.

The first diagram drawn on the board may not represent what the speaker personally believes, but it is certainly representative of what many (if not most) Christians believe, and it's strange to me that he seems surprised and confused by the fact that this is how most people would summarize Christian doctrine.

Also, I don't really see that he brought up any points which were really in conflict with that first diagram--except for his assertion that "God didn't create Hell--humans did."

It's fascinating to me how theologians will never tire of trying to "sanitize" some of the more disturbing, barbaric and morally absurd doctrines in the Bible, rather than simply admitting that the Bible is full of a lot of senseless BS.

Also, the assertion that "God did not create Hell" is not biblically acurate: Matthew 25:41 explicitly states that God has prepared Hell for Satan and his angels, as well as for those humans who he choses to condemn.
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Dec 23, 2018
Also, I don't really see that he brought up any points which were really in conflict with that first diagram--except for his assertion that "God didn't create Hell--humans did."

Also, the assertion that "God did not create Hell" is not biblically acurate: Matthew 25:41 explicitly states that God has prepared Hell for Satan and his angels, as well as for those humans who he choses to condemn.
The misconception he was addressing, was the fact that people believe Christians go about living their lives with this empty faith, until they die and are faced with the destination of either Heaven or Hell. Regardless of whether or not he's correct about God creating Hell, the point he's making is that Hell is already here and has been here since the fall, and so has God. All of the suffering, death, ugliness and horrible things that exist in our world today, comes from sin, evil, and the devil. It specifically states in John 8:44 "He was a murderer from the beginning". However, just like Tim said in the video, God's love is so great that He came to the Earth to die on the cross in place of us, and take the punishment we deserve (death), so we have the opportunity to be cleansed of our sin and enter back into the perfect world He is coming to restore, from the evil and destruction that attempted to destroy his creation. He gives us the choice on whether or not we choose to participate by offering the sacrifice of Jesus, and honors our decision if we decline, as Hell is the only other option which He will not allow to exist in his perfect kingdom.
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Hungry Ghost
Feb 14, 2019
The misconception he was addressing, was the fact that people believe Christians go about living their lives with this empty faith, until they die and are faced with the destination of either Heaven or Hell. Regardless of whether or not he's correct about God creating Hell, the point he's making is that Hell is already here and has been here since the fall, and so has God. All of the suffering, death, ugliness and horrible things that exist in our world today, comes from sin, evil, and the devil. It specifically states in John 8:44 "He was a murderer from the beginning". However, just like Tim said in the video, God's love is so great that He came to the Earth to die on the cross in place of us, and take the punishment we deserve (death), so we have the opportunity to be cleansed of our sin and enter back into the perfect world He is coming to restore, from the evil and destruction that attempted to destroy his creation. He gives us the choice on whether or not we choose to participate by offering the sacrifice of Jesus, and honors our decision if we decline, as Hell is the only other option and cannot exist in his perfect kingdom.
I see. Well, agree to disagree, I guess.
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Nov 6, 2018
@Taylor , what about the doctrine of election?
Also, if we deserve death as punishment, don't we all die anyhow?
I thought what we deserved, according to standard doctrine was more radical. What about Anselm?
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Dec 23, 2018
I see. Well, agree to disagree, I guess.
Right and that's fine, I just wanted to offer what I thought was a great clarification of the Christian faith. I respect your beliefs either way.
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The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
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Apr 18, 2019
I'll limit myself to say that while I think religions are (usually) a good thing in the 21th century societies, I'd love to enter a church, burn a bible and piss on it to stop the fire.

But I'll just be respectful instead and not do it. for now
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The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Lol that's funny, I thought the Bible had around 1,200 pages.
Show me one page, or just one verse, that proves his existence. 1200 pages means nothing when there's no proven evidence in it.
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Dec 23, 2018
I'll limit myself to say that while I think religions are (usually) a good thing in the 21th century societies, I'd love to enter a church, burn a bible and piss on it to stop the fire.

But I'll just be respectful instead and not do it. for now
Thumbs up emoji
Show me one page, or just one verse, that proves his existence. 1200 pages means nothing when there's no proven evidence in it.
John 20:29
"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

The evidence itself is written in Scripture. It actually happened and was recorded by Jesus' disciples who were eyewitnesses to the events. Jesus allowed the evil of the Earth to do it's worst and kill him, and he rose from the dead three days later, officially defeating death and evil, and opened the gate to eternal life in the new creation simultaneously, just as he said he would.
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Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
John 20:29
"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Annnnnnnnd...... This proves..... What?

I see nothing there that points to evidence.
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Dec 23, 2018
Annnnnnnnd...... This proves..... What?

I see nothing there that points to evidence.
I won't be replying to anymore comments, I've already got the message across I wanted to. You don't have to believe if you don't want to. I wanted to help those who may not believe, because they might not understand the true meaning of the gospel. Just as it was put in the video, the choice is yours.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I won't be replying to anymore comments, I've already got the message across I wanted to. You don't have to believe if you don't want to. I wanted to help those who may not believe, because they might not understand the true meaning of the gospel. Just as it was put in the video, the choice is yours.

So you can't provide evidence? Thanks.
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Apr 18, 2019
Me reading this thread

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The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I can and I have, you choose not to receive it, and I couldn't care less. That is your decision.
So something you read, or heard, is evidence enough for you?

Of course you couldn't care less. That always happens when you're stuck with no explanation.
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Dec 23, 2018
Of course you couldn't care less. That always happens when you're stuck with no explanation.
Oh so you're putting words in my mouth now? I gave you a clear explanation, but you're too bullheaded to believe it. Well I've got news for you, which I know you don't want to hear, but that's okay because you don't believe it right? Thinking you are independent of the almighty righteous God who created you and has the authority to decide your eternal destination? Quite the gamble if you ask me...
  • John 8:21: "Then He said again to them, "I go away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin; where I am going, you cannot come."
  • John 8:24: Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins."
From these verses, it seems that the phrase "die in your sins" means that the person will, upon his physical death, retain all the sin that he has committed along with the consequences and punishment due to those sins. The result of dying with one's sins means that the person will undergo eternal punishment. "Physical death separates the spirit from the body; spiritual death separates the spirit from God."

Again, I don't care if you don't believe it. You're entitled to your own opinions and beliefs, and I'm not trying to convert anyone who doesn't want to. I was simply offering the grace of God as I am anointed to, to anyone who is curious or open to further clarification on it, as I provided. I know I helped a lot of people with this thread, and that is my primary concern. For you to call me a liar and accuse me of not giving you a proper explanation when I clearly did, for the sake of trying to win an argument, is beyond disrespectful and childish, and there's no way I wouldn't call you out on it.
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Apr 3, 2019
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Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Oh so you're putting words in my mouth now? I gave you a clear explanation, but you're too bullheaded to believe it. Well I've got news for you, which I know you don't want to hear, but that's okay because you don't believe it right? Quite the gamble if you ask me...
  • John 8:21: "Then He said again to them, "I go away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin; where I am going, you cannot come."
  • John 8:24: Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins."
From these verses, it seems that the phrase "die in your sins" means that the person will, upon his physical death, retain all the sin that he has committed along with the consequences and punishment due to those sins. The result of dying with one's sins means that the person will undergo eternal punishment. "Physical death separates the spirit from the body; spiritual death separates the spirit from God."

Again, I don't care if you don't believe it. You're entitled to your own opinions and beliefs, and I'm not trying to convert anyone who doesn't want to. I was simply offering the grace of God as I am anointed to, to anyone who is curious or open to further clarification on it, as I provided. I know I helped a lot of people with this thread, and that is my primary concern. For you to call me a liar and accuse me of not giving you a proper explanation when I clearly did, for the sake of trying to win an argument, is beyond disrespectful and childish, and there's no way I wouldn't call you out on it.
Again, no evidence. You're going by what you read in a book, and/or hearsay.

So when someone reads the book, The Wizard of Oz, does that automatically make the story true and real?

And I didn't call you a liar at any point. I'm just requesting evidence. Something you have yet to provide.
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Dec 23, 2018
Again, no evidence. You're going by what you read in a book, and/or hearsay.

So when someone reads the book, The Wizard of Oz, does that automatically make the story true and real?

And I didn't call you a liar at any point. I'm just requesting evidence. Something you have yet to provide.
You did, actually. Saying I'm stuck with no explanation, when I clearly gave you the explanation directly from Scripture. I didn't appreciate that. I get what you're saying, Jesus would have to appear before your very eyes, tell you he is God, and rise from the dead right in front of you for you to believe it, and I'm telling you, that already happened. 2,000+ years ago. Skeptics like yourself, witnessed it for themselves and were turned believers when Jesus appeared before them, risen from the dead in his glorified body. All of these accounts were then recorded in Scripture, which then evolved into the Bible and Christianity, which is still going strong today, worldwide. To say that that is wrong and to try and disprove that, is quite ignorant if you ask me. Like I've been saying, that's cool if you don't resonate with it. All I'm trying to do is help you see the way, the truth, and the life. Which would literally save your life, as we were created as eternal beings.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
You did, actually. Saying I'm stuck with no explanation, when I clearly gave you the explanation directly from Scripture. I didn't appreciate that. I get what you're saying, Jesus would have to appear before your very eyes, tell you he is God, and rise from the dead right in front of you for you to believe it, and I'm telling you, that already happened. 2,000+ years ago. Skeptics like yourself, witnessed it for themselves and were turned believers when Jesus appeared before them, risen from the dead in his glorified body. All of these accounts were then recorded in Scripture, which then evolved into the Bible and Christianity, which is still going strong today, worldwide. To say that that is wrong and to try and disprove that, is quite ignorant if you ask me. Like I've been saying, that's cool if you don't resonate with it. All I'm trying to do is help you see the way, the truth, and the life.
But yet again, what you told me came from a book. No evidence that it actually happened. Where are the photos? Were video cameras there recording this while it was happening?
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Dec 23, 2018
But yet again, what you told me came from a book. No evidence that it actually happened. Where are the photos? Were video cameras there recording this while it was happening?
Yes because they had video cameras 2,000 years ago. If you want evidence, look at all the miracles around the world that happen every day, healing the sick miraculously through the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit, when all of the doctors were convinced they would die. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is offered to us to heal and strengthen us through prayer.
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The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Yes because they had video cameras 2,000 years ago.
Now we are getting somewhere!!!! Give me the link to these 2,000 year old videos, and I will go check them out.
But can you prove all these "miracles" happened because of praying, and this......holy spirit?
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
healing the sick miraculously through the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit, when all of the doctors were convinced they would die.
Let's all see the the scientific evidence to back up these claims, in my experience the majority of people who fall ill either attend a doctor or a hospital.
FYI, not one single cure has ever been documented at lourdes.
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The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Hmmmm..... Guess finding these 2,000 year old videos require some time.

Go ahead and search. I'll wait.
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Dec 23, 2018
Now we are getting somewhere!!!! Give me the link to these 2,000 year old videos, and I will go check them out.
But can you prove all these "miracles" happened because of praying, and this......holy spirit?
You're honestly a waste of my time at this point. I don't need to prove anything for you, it's already been done. If you so choose to decline the free offering of God because you believe you're somehow above it and cannot be convinced by any means, and actually die in your sins just like the gospel warned, well that's on you. You better be damn sure too, because eternity is a hell of a lot longer than a mortal life on Earth is. I'd hate to be suffering forever in it.
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Mar 25, 2018
Lol that's funny, I thought the Bible had around 1,200 pages.

He said evidence. I am sure the bible is a great story. So is Harry Potter
Also you started off this thread so well, but then you completely made a fool of yourself by acting like you can provide evidence for something that doesn't have any in the first place.
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The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
You're honestly a waste of my time at this point. I don't need to prove anything for you, it's already been done. If you so choose to decline the free offering of God because you believe you're somehow above it and cannot be convinced by any means, and actually die in your sins just like the gospel warned, well that's on you. You better be damn sure too, because eternity is a hell of a lot longer than a mortal life on Earth is. I'd hate to be suffering forever in it.

Without proof, what can you prove? You have been a waste of everyone's time. You make the claims and can't back them up.

You're talking about eternity in hell now. I have a final question.....

You religious people claim that suicide is the most sinful thing you can do against god.

Can you please point me to the location in the bible where god condemns suicide and says you will go to hell for doing so?
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