

I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
I just want to erase myself from existence and be completely forgotten. The sooner the better.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think if there is a God- we're all in trouble. Just looking at the way this world has been designed- what kind of mind and moral compass comes up with that? Anything utterly grotesque and utterly unfair seems perfectly plausible after this.
Tears in Rain

Tears in Rain

Dec 12, 2023
I think this world can be a simulation like a game or something.
Yeah, I agree. It's probably a simulation/dreamstate, created by consciousness.

Consciousness and sentience is the only thing in the universe that causes unbearable pain , extreme suffering, extreme torture. So why would something design that on purpose?
I think consciousness created humans with egos for amusement purposes, to relieve boredom.
People watch violent movies and TV dramas to relieve boredom. Kids watch cartoons with violence for amusement (like Wile E. Coyote, falling to his doom, or blowing up, while chasing after Roadrunner). Humans were probably created to keep consciousness from being bored. Would you go watch a 2 hour movie of people just sitting around, holding hands in peace, singing 'Kumbaya'? I'm guessing not. Same for consciousness, drama=entertainment.

But consciousness gave us egos; egos matched up with our animal/primal brain, hardwired for survival and greed, has led to this shit-show called human society.

There is something magical layered underneath reality. An impossible property that defies our imagining. Likely, when we die we simply cease to be, like a sleep that never ends and without dream. But, if there were something else, a second stage, i naively like to believe it will be beautiful.
Yeah, the underneath reality is probably Consciousness. Hindus call it Brahman, others call it the Ultimate Intelligence, or Player One. I guess you could call it God too, but religions have copyrighted that term to describe some guy up in the clouds/heaven.

A second stage? Maybe the real part inside of you( consciousness) comes back again in another newborn human when you die/game over(a change of game character or whatever(i.e. reincarnation)), maybe not.

As long as machines do not have the capacity for subjective experience aka consciousness, they will not have the same autonomy as us, so they will not be equally intelligent enough to dethrone us. They still remained mere tools.
Yeah, I get what you're saying about capacity for subjective experience, but at the speed of computer processing power development, the Singularity (the point where A.I. surpasses human intelligence) may happen sooner than we think.

One A.I. pioneer, Ray Kurzweil, reckons A.I. will pass the Turing test( a test involving a computer or A.I., requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human) by 2029.
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Dec 17, 2023
they are not that close, I would say they are not even scratching the line between humans and machines. Machines can learn, but intelligence goes beyond learning. For example, you could program your computer with an encyclopedia of knowledge, but that doesn't mean your computer is smarter than you. Our brain can learn and have subjective experiences based on said knowledge is something that machines are very far from achieving.
As long as machines do not have the capacity for subjective experience aka consciousness, they will not have the same autonomy as us, so they will not be equally intelligent enough to dethrone us. They still remained mere tools.
Wish people here would stop pushing the ai nonsense, they don't understand that it's literally just a tool. It's regurgitation, it doesn't have complex thoughts, brain or emotions.
Tears in Rain

Tears in Rain

Dec 12, 2023
Wish people here would stop pushing the ai nonsense, they don't understand that it's literally just a tool. It's regurgitation, it doesn't have complex thoughts, brain or emotions.
Not pushing anything, just highlighting stuff that's going on in the world.

Google sacked one of their software engineers last year; he claimed that the Google chatbot he was working on is sentient. Here's a quote from him:
"If I didn't know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I'd think it was a seven-year-old, eight-year-old kid that happens to know physics".

Geoffrey Hinton, sometimes referred to as the Godfather of A.I., quit his Google job earlier this year due to worries about the dangers of A.I.. He had this to say:
" Right now, they're not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be."
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Dec 8, 2023
There is no god. A human is just a machine , a thinking learning machine.

The brain is composed of neural networks.

Chatgpt is also neural networks but different than those in the biological human brain

Imo ai will soon surpass the weak human ape brain
I believed in god until I had my severe depression 9 years ago. I developed a deep hatred towards god and I would actually curse at him/ her and I'd say,
What are you going to do to me, there's no worst punishment than what I'm going through but then I got better and started saying I'm sorry god for I know you gave me a second chance to be happy… Here I am 9 years later in the same state of mind so I don't believe anymore. If there is a god he's cruel sadist.


Feb 3, 2023
I also had that kind of communication during an NDE, at that time i had difficulty breathing, my body wasn't naturaly doing it and I had to force my breathing consciously. I finally accept that my body wasn't breathing and decide to let the death happened, i wasn't suicidal at this period but i trusted in destiny and i thought that pheraps i was destined to die and so my body was doing the work in regards of it. I completely let go, ready to leave. I felt like my consciousness was leaving my body to take off and then i saw blue clouds and the archetyp of the father god who told me " this is not the right time *my name*, you're not ready". I felt like i was coming back into my body and started breathing again.
I'm not religious at all, i think the culture or collective unconscious influenced the hallucination i had.
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