What would make my life better? A miracle. My ex coming back, acknowledging she made a mistake and giving us another chance. That would give me the motivation to go and fix my racecar again and go for a national record. And with both those things back in my life I'd be fucking unstoppable. Despite my crisis I haven't ruined the career I'm building as a bilingual interpreter, it's good paying job and with the morale boost from both my Michi and Violeta I'd be able to excel at it, enabling me to move out of my family's home and finally start living the life I wanted two years ago. We'd either live together here or apply for further education abroad and live together there.
What's holding me back? That miracles don't exist and I can't force her to come back. I was already fragile when we met and now I'm a broken man, specially after the wounds she left when she broke up with me. I cannot go on, I don't want to go on. I don't have the energy or motivation to keep working on myself (IT'S ALL FUCKING WORK I'M TIRED OF IT), specially because I've been working a lot on myself these past few years and it all was for nothing. I don't want to go through the trouble and pain and effort of meeting someone know, specially because that doesn't happen to me often. It's almost like a domino effect in which she's the first tile that would put everything back into place. I used to think I didn't need someone to save me, to fix my life, that I just wanted company while I did that myself, but last year was fucking atrocious and now I do need her to save me.