Alright, time to attempt to answer this question seriously.
This is actually something that I've thought about seriously on a number of occasions. I consider myself something of a storyteller on the side, even if I'm terrible at actually putting pen to paper. And on more than one occasion, I've ruminated on story concepts where characters end up trapped in horrific circumstances that they cannot escape, not even by death, usually as a result of some form of immortality. That or already being dead and enduring some form of torment in the afterlife.
As to what other 'options' there are, realistically speaking, there's only two. The first is to just shut down. Stop speaking, stop interacting. Go comatose, if you can. You see this with victims of torture out in the real world; at some point, they just stop reacting, except perhaps to scream if their body forces them to. For a lot of people, this would ultimately become the default response.
The other option is to cope. To find some way to pass the time, make living and breathing and engaging with the world somehow meaningful. This, too, you see in the real world when people are confronted with horrific circumstances. Some people turn to connection, a sense of shared community with those who have experienced similar suffering. And, in truth, it exists right here on this site. A lot of people realistically don't have the option to ctb, and for some of them, commiserating with others here is their only real meaningful consolation.
That's basically your options. Shut down and wait, or keep moving and wait. There really isn't anything else.