
Aug 13, 2020
Will medical staff finish off a person in bad shape if he begs for it, or will they make up some excuse to force him to exist? (doesn't apply to places which allow euthanasia)
Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
Medical staff will do whatever it takes to save you and keep you alive. It's their job. They can't just let someone die because they beg for it.
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Oct 8, 2020
They don't have to make up excuses. By default they are going to do everything to keep you alive.
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Mar 22, 2020
They'll force you to exist no matter what and the afterCTB life will suck more than before (personal experience).
No freedom, sometimes a psych ward, lots pills to drug you, weekly compulsory therapy, watched 24/7 and so on.
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
I've read or whatever tf 'read' means, the posts above and i couldn't help having a lot of impotence and anger. Existence/life shouldn't be a fucking obligation for fucks sake!!!!!! I literally just want to finally DISAPPEAR forever and NOT EXIST AT ALL NOR BE ANYWHERE/ANYTHING/ANYONE AT ALL and knowing that it's so fucking hard to finally get out of existence in general and not be anywhere/anything/anyone/any fcking way at all is frustrating and crushing. It's not that "something 'bad' happens to me/'I' have a 'reason' and thats why I don't" blah blah, no, nothing "bad" happens nor has ever happened AT ALL and I don't suffer any type of 'thing', I don't suffer in any way at all about anything and have NEVER "suffered" in any way, any type of "bad thing" at all and I 'have it all', and so what? I literally just couldn't care any less and don't want to at all. Its not that "everything is 'meaningless' and 'pointless' thats why I don't/don'twant to care" nor literally any other 'thing'/'reason at all, no lmao it's not because of that crap nor because of literally any other reason. I don't give a shit if x 'thing' is "meaningful" or "meaningless" lol i couldn't care any less i don't give a fuck about anything no matter what/how the fuck it is. I don't have any 'concept'/'definition'/'meaning' of "bad"/"good" nor "interesting"/"boring" nor "positive"/"negative" nor "meaningful"/"meaningless" nor "useless"/"useful" nor any other crap like that. I just don't give a f. Thats it. I don't want to want to 'exist'/'live'/'experience' or whatever that means nor literally any other thing, why do i have to. i want an explanation for that ffs. Everything is absolutely 'indifferent' to 'me' [and why it has to be 'different' for 'me' lol why can't i literally just not give a shit about anything without it being bEcAuSe oF a ReAsOn, seriously... Why...] And will always be and I have never had/don't have/never will have any "problem" with that. (and has always been and will always be, but I obviously have no choice but pretend that i care about things/life/the world/planet Earth blah blah blah and have no choice but pretend I'm "interested" and have no choice but move/use/take care of a 'thing' 'im' in called 'human body' or whatever this meat carcass is, have no choice but to 'think'/'say'/'speak'/'listen to'/'do' etc 'things' or else ill be suspicious and it'll be assumed that im "depressed" and or that something "bad" is happening to 'me', that there's a 'reason' why blah blah and would be taken immediately to psychiatrist/psychologist and all that garbage because they'd assume im "depressed" or wahtever other 'mental illness' and they'd force me into meds and therapy and all that crap THAT ILL NEVER WANT NOR NEED. So, to avoid suspicions and assumptions i have no choice but fake and pretend again and again. It's frustrating and makes me have so much impotence for having no choice but stay here and 'do'/'experience' a 'thing' called 'life' (if it was another 'thing' and called with a different 'name' i would be saying the same!!!! So it's not that "its because it's 'life' and because its 'this' or 'that' 'way' and this and that happens blah blah bUt iF iT wAs aNoThEr wAy or iF iT wAs aNotHer 'tHinG'/'lIfE'/'tYpE oF lIfE' i would want to live it and experience it/would care about/would be 'interested' in it" blah blah, NO. Its not because of that neither because of any other 'reason' at all. And i don't "hate" nor "dislike" 'life'. I don't "hate"/"dislike" nor "love"/"like" 'life' nor any other thing, i simply just DONT CARE. I DON'T CARE AND NEVER WILL AND I JUST SIMPLY DON'T WANT TO CARE AND NEVER WILL WANT TO. Why do 'i' have to? Just because 'i' was 'born'? Why can't ie just not want anything ffs. Why cant i just not want to experience 'life'/'existence'/'life on earth' (i dont want 'life' on 'planet earth'/a 'place' called 'the world' IN GENERAL NO MATTER HOW IT IS, NOT "BECAUSE OF HOW IT IS/THE WAY IT IS" , nor literally anywhere else lol. I don't want any 'life' in any sort/type of 'place'/'plsnet'/'universe'/'galaxy' nor literally any other 'thing'/'place'. I JUST DONT!!!!!! Just like 'people' want existence/life and no one tells them to not want it and even agrees with it and blah blah, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO NOT WANT TO (nor any other 'thing' at all ffs!!!!) AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO SIMPLY JUST LITERALLY NOT WANT TO AT ALL WITHOUT IT BEING BECAUSE OF A REASON!!!!! but oh, it's not wanting life, it's wanting death and death is """bad""" and its """irrational"""/"""unethical"""" (or whatever tf that means lol) so let's all take you to psychiatrist and psychologist and probably even a psych ward because obviously something "bad" happens to you and you're making iRrAtIonAl dEcIsIoNs aNd hAvIng 'irRaTiOnAl' tHouGhTs (or whatever the fuck "irrational" means lol and whatever the fuck 'decisions' and 'thoughts' are ew i wish i never had to think/say/speak/do etc any fucking thing at all of any fucking type at all sigh. seriously why can't i just not want anything... Ill never understand sigh.) THatS wHy yOu sAy tHaT aNd oBvIoUsLy yOu hAvE dEpReSsIon aNd yOuRe sUfFeRiNg Or hAvE a bAd LiFe oR wHatEvEr OtHeR tYpe oF pRoBlEM/mEntAl iLlNeSs/mEntAl hEaLtH iSsUe oR wHatevEr oThEr rEaSoN bUt tHe tHiNg iS tHaT tHeRe Is a ReAsOn wHy yOu sAy yOu dOnT cArE aBoUt/yOuRe NoT iNtErEsTeD iN aNyThInG aNd tHaT yOu dOnT wAnT tO lIvE lIfE, yOu cAnT jUsT nOt wAnt tO /nOt cArE aBoUt It nOr aNytHinG iN gEnErAl wIthOuT aNy rEaSoN aT aLl, tHatS nOt nOrMaL aNd iTs NoT rAtIonAl" (as if ie gave a fucking shit if it's "rational" and "irrational"// what's ""rational"" and what's ""irrational"" or whatever and what the fck it means looool) (i don't give a fck if it's "normal" or "abnormal" loool i don't give a fuck what's "normal" and what's "not" neither what the fuck "normal"/"abnormal" means lmao). Sigh.
It sucks that it's obligatory to exist/want to exist/live|experience life/want to live|experience life, care about/want to care about 'life'/'things'/'the world'/'planet earth' blab blah (i don't only not give a fcking shit and never will about any of 'this'/'these things and places' that 'we' 'perceive' and 'we' were 'brought' to, i dont want at all and never will and have no "interest" at all and never will/never will want to and I don't give a damn sht and never will/never will want to about ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL. I JUST DONT WANT ANYTHING FFS i dont want to be anything nor anyone nor anywhere at all. Why can't I just not want this (nor any other thing ffs) without it being bEcAuSe oF a ReAsOn ffs....

The 'word' or whatever tf a 'word' is "pro life" makes me even want to fucking vomit eeewwwww. I DIDN'T ASK TO EXIST NOR BE 'BROUGHT' ANYWHERE AT ALL SO THIS SHOULDN'T BE OBLIGATORY!!!!!! Ughh it's so fucking frustrating. What a fucking garbage that existing/living is an obligation. What if you're suffering so much and can't take it anymore? Or my case, WHAT IF I SIMPLY JUSR DONT FUCKING WANT TO 'EXPERIENCE' (or whatever tf 'experience' means lol) 'LIFE' NOR LITERALLY ANY OTHER THING AT ALL (WITHOUT ANY REASON AT ALL. AND? Why the fuck there has to be a 'reason' and if i don't iTs bEcAusE oF cHeMiCaL iMbaLaNcE/tHatS iRrAtiOnAl (or whatever the fuck "rational" and "irrational" means lol)? lol just because 'humans'/'people' say so and feel like it? Lmao i couldn't give any less of a fuck. I NEVER ASKED TO 'EXIST'/'BE' 'SOMETHING'/'SOMEONE' AT ALL NOR 'LIVE'/'DO'/'EXPERIENCE'/'LIVE IN'/'INHABIT'/'EXPLORE'/'DISCOVER' (or whatever the fuck those 'words'/'verbs' mean lmao) ANYTHING AT ALL I NEVER ASKED TO BE 'BORN'/'FORCED' INTO A 'HUMAN BODY'/'BRAIN' [nor any other 'thing']/BE 'BROUGHT' 'HERE' (with 'here' I mean 'here' to 'these things' we 'perceive' called 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' and blah blah in general, not 'here' as 'the house' 'im' in 'physically' lol nothing "bad" has ever happened/happens) NOR ANYWHERE ELSE AT ALL, it was all against my will, without my consent, uncontrollably/inevitably/forcedly so then why the fuck is it obligatory? Why is 'suicide' seen as something "bad"/"selfish"/"irrational" or whatever the fuck that shit means and it's ""not okay"" to not want to live life (nor any other thing lol no matter what/how it is) uNleSs yOu dOnT wANt bEcAusE oF a rEaSoN/bEcAusE yOurE sUfFeRiNg? Why? All just because 'humans' say so and feel like it lmao. Damn I'll never understand why is experiencing 'life' 'something' obligatory. I literally simply just don't want to ffs. Please dont answer anything to this post lol it's gonna be an assumption. Delete it if you want i couldn't give any less of a sht but please don't quote it/answer to it because it'll be an assumption and i don't want to read that lol
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
I saw a video of a person mangled beyond repair via car wreck (super disturbing) & all I could make out was their heart beating. There was a pipe going through their body from the wreckage & they were still attempting to save them. It was unbelievable. I believe this was a US case.
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
I've read or whatever tf 'read' means, the posts above and i couldn't help having a lot of impotence and anger. Existence/life shouldn't be a fucking obligation for fucks sake!!!!!! I literally just want to finally DISAPPEAR forever and NOT EXIST AT ALL NOR BE ANYWHERE/ANYTHING/ANYONE AT ALL and knowing that it's so fucking hard to finally get out of existence in general and not be anywhere/anything/anyone/any fcking way at all is frustrating and crushing. It's not that "something 'bad' happens to me/'I' have a 'reason' and thats why I don't" blah blah, no, nothing "bad" happens nor has ever happened AT ALL and I don't suffer any type of 'thing', I don't suffer in any way at all about anything and have NEVER "suffered" in any way, any type of "bad thing" at all and I 'have it all', and so what? I literally just couldn't care any less and don't want to at all. Its not that "everything is 'meaningless' and 'pointless' thats why I don't/don'twant to care" nor literally any other 'thing'/'reason at all, no lmao it's not because of that crap nor because of literally any other reason. I don't give a shit if x 'thing' is "meaningful" or "meaningless" lol i couldn't care any less i don't give a fuck about anything no matter what/how the fuck it is. I don't have any 'concept'/'definition'/'meaning' of "bad"/"good" nor "interesting"/"boring" nor "positive"/"negative" nor "meaningful"/"meaningless" nor "useless"/"useful" nor any other crap like that. I just don't give a f. Thats it. I don't want to want to 'exist'/'live'/'experience' or whatever that means nor literally any other thing, why do i have to. i want an explanation for that ffs. Everything is absolutely 'indifferent' to 'me' [and why it has to be 'different' for 'me' lol why can't i literally just not give a shit about anything without it being bEcAuSe oF a ReAsOn, seriously... Why...] And will always be and I have never had/don't have/never will have any "problem" with that. (and has always been and will always be, but I obviously have no choice but pretend that i care about things/life/the world/planet Earth blah blah blah and have no choice but pretend I'm "interested" and have no choice but move/use/take care of a 'thing' 'im' in called 'human body' or whatever this meat carcass is, have no choice but to 'think'/'say'/'speak'/'listen to'/'do' etc 'things' or else ill be suspicious and it'll be assumed that im "depressed" and or that something "bad" is happening to 'me', that there's a 'reason' why blah blah and would be taken immediately to psychiatrist/psychologist and all that garbage because they'd assume im "depressed" or wahtever other 'mental illness' and they'd force me into meds and therapy and all that crap THAT ILL NEVER WANT NOR NEED. So, to avoid suspicions and assumptions i have no choice but fake and pretend again and again. It's frustrating and makes me have so much impotence for having no choice but stay here and 'do'/'experience' a 'thing' called 'life' (if it was another 'thing' and called with a different 'name' i would be saying the same!!!! So it's not that "its because it's 'life' and because its 'this' or 'that' 'way' and this and that happens blah blah bUt iF iT wAs aNoThEr wAy or iF iT wAs aNotHer 'tHinG'/'lIfE'/'tYpE oF lIfE' i would want to live it and experience it/would care about/would be 'interested' in it" blah blah, NO. Its not because of that neither because of any other 'reason' at all. And i don't "hate" nor "dislike" 'life'. I don't "hate"/"dislike" nor "love"/"like" 'life' nor any other thing, i simply just DONT CARE. I DON'T CARE AND NEVER WILL AND I JUST SIMPLY DON'T WANT TO CARE AND NEVER WILL WANT TO. Why do 'i' have to? Just because 'i' was 'born'? Why can't ie just not want anything ffs. Why cant i just not want to experience 'life'/'existence'/'life on earth' (i dont want 'life' on 'planet earth'/a 'place' called 'the world' IN GENERAL NO MATTER HOW IT IS, NOT "BECAUSE OF HOW IT IS/THE WAY IT IS" , nor literally anywhere else lol. I don't want any 'life' in any sort/type of 'place'/'plsnet'/'universe'/'galaxy' nor literally any other 'thing'/'place'. I JUST DONT!!!!!! Just like 'people' want existence/life and no one tells them to not want it and even agrees with it and blah blah, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO NOT WANT TO (nor any other 'thing' at all ffs!!!!) AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO SIMPLY JUST LITERALLY NOT WANT TO AT ALL WITHOUT IT BEING BECAUSE OF A REASON!!!!! but oh, it's not wanting life, it's wanting death and death is """bad""" and its """irrational"""/"""unethical"""" (or whatever tf that means lol) so let's all take you to psychiatrist and psychologist and probably even a psych ward because obviously something "bad" happens to you and you're making iRrAtIonAl dEcIsIoNs aNd hAvIng 'irRaTiOnAl' tHouGhTs (or whatever the fuck "irrational" means lol and whatever the fuck 'decisions' and 'thoughts' are ew i wish i never had to think/say/speak/do etc any fucking thing at all of any fucking type at all sigh. seriously why can't i just not want anything... Ill never understand sigh.) THatS wHy yOu sAy tHaT aNd oBvIoUsLy yOu hAvE dEpReSsIon aNd yOuRe sUfFeRiNg Or hAvE a bAd LiFe oR wHatEvEr OtHeR tYpe oF pRoBlEM/mEntAl iLlNeSs/mEntAl hEaLtH iSsUe oR wHatevEr oThEr rEaSoN bUt tHe tHiNg iS tHaT tHeRe Is a ReAsOn wHy yOu sAy yOu dOnT cArE aBoUt/yOuRe NoT iNtErEsTeD iN aNyThInG aNd tHaT yOu dOnT wAnT tO lIvE lIfE, yOu cAnT jUsT nOt wAnt tO /nOt cArE aBoUt It nOr aNytHinG iN gEnErAl wIthOuT aNy rEaSoN aT aLl, tHatS nOt nOrMaL aNd iTs NoT rAtIonAl" (as if ie gave a fucking shit if it's "rational" and "irrational"// what's ""rational"" and what's ""irrational"" or whatever and what the fck it means looool) (i don't give a fck if it's "normal" or "abnormal" loool i don't give a fuck what's "normal" and what's "not" neither what the fuck "normal"/"abnormal" means lmao). Sigh.
It sucks that it's obligatory to exist/want to exist/live|experience life/want to live|experience life, care about/want to care about 'life'/'things'/'the world'/'planet earth' blab blah (i don't only not give a fcking shit and never will about any of 'this'/'these things and places' that 'we' 'perceive' and 'we' were 'brought' to, i dont want at all and never will and have no "interest" at all and never will/never will want to and I don't give a damn sht and never will/never will want to about ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL. I JUST DONT WANT ANYTHING FFS i dont want to be anything nor anyone nor anywhere at all. Why can't I just not want this (nor any other thing ffs) without it being bEcAuSe oF a ReAsOn ffs....

The 'word' or whatever tf a 'word' is "pro life" makes me even want to fucking vomit eeewwwww. I DIDN'T ASK TO EXIST NOR BE 'BROUGHT' ANYWHERE AT ALL SO THIS SHOULDN'T BE OBLIGATORY!!!!!! Ughh it's so fucking frustrating. What a fucking garbage that existing/living is an obligation. What if you're suffering so much and can't take it anymore? Or my case, WHAT IF I SIMPLY JUSR DONT FUCKING WANT TO 'EXPERIENCE' (or whatever tf 'experience' means lol) 'LIFE' NOR LITERALLY ANY OTHER THING AT ALL (WITHOUT ANY REASON AT ALL. AND? Why the fuck there has to be a 'reason' and if i don't iTs bEcAusE oF cHeMiCaL iMbaLaNcE/tHatS iRrAtiOnAl (or whatever the fuck "rational" and "irrational" means lol)? lol just because 'humans'/'people' say so and feel like it? Lmao i couldn't give any less of a fuck. I NEVER ASKED TO 'EXIST'/'BE' 'SOMETHING'/'SOMEONE' AT ALL NOR 'LIVE'/'DO'/'EXPERIENCE'/'LIVE IN'/'INHABIT'/'EXPLORE'/'DISCOVER' (or whatever the fuck those 'words'/'verbs' mean lmao) ANYTHING AT ALL I NEVER ASKED TO BE 'BORN'/'FORCED' INTO A 'HUMAN BODY'/'BRAIN' [nor any other 'thing']/BE 'BROUGHT' 'HERE' (with 'here' I mean 'here' to 'these things' we 'perceive' called 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' and blah blah in general, not 'here' as 'the house' 'im' in 'physically' lol nothing "bad" has ever happened/happens) NOR ANYWHERE ELSE AT ALL, it was all against my will, without my consent, uncontrollably/inevitably/forcedly so then why the fuck is it obligatory? Why is 'suicide' seen as something "bad"/"selfish"/"irrational" or whatever the fuck that shit means and it's ""not okay"" to not want to live life (nor any other thing lol no matter what/how it is) uNleSs yOu dOnT wANt bEcAusE oF a rEaSoN/bEcAusE yOurE sUfFeRiNg? Why? All just because 'humans' say so and feel like it lmao. Damn I'll never understand why is experiencing 'life' 'something' obligatory. I literally simply just don't want to ffs. Please dont answer anything to this post lol it's gonna be an assumption. Delete it if you want i couldn't give any less of a sht but please don't quote it/answer to it because it'll be an assumption and i don't want to read that lol

Make sure you do it properly then, and write a DNR and get your GP to sign it - sorted!


Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
I've seen some videos of people that had accidents that they should have died from immediately. How they didn't is beyond me. Anyways what do I see? Them trying their hardest to save some who will be worse off if they live.
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Nothing lasts
Oct 31, 2020
They will do everything in their power to save you, no matter the circumstance. Then, if you survive you will maybe be sectioned/sent to a ward.
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