Wth are you on about? How is it my fault that I was born!? I can't birth myself. Please explain! : )
edit: Although if you're using assumptions then maybe I shouldn't have asked.
Wdym? Are you saying that we chose this existence?
Ikr! I'm most definitely sure that I did not consent to this existence or to being born
I know that we live in a deterministic Universe, this is not an assumption, it is a fact.
Now, from here I do make assumptions about how it might all work, I've been trying to figure it out for a while now.
The fact is that if we live in a deterministic Universe, no person in this world is responsible for anything, not even their level of education, their illnesses,... if you don't have parents, if you have parents, who will be the his partner in the future (if he has a clear one, I've never had one), whether he will have children or not. This is so.
I find the whole thing so sad that I thought I'd find a meaning for it (spoofs and assumptions, nothing true) and one that occurred to me is this: Behind all this montage whose purpose we do not know, there is something ?, if there is something the purpose where does it come from?,...
So I came up with the positive assumption that we are beings who choose to live a life in this predetermined world only with the will to learn, because otherwise it would mean that we are merely means to someone else's end (like objects or tools).
And what would we like to learn? So emotions, situations, I guess to acquire experience to keep growing. That's why I think we choose that life that can provide us with this learning, that is to say we would have some shortcomings that we try to solve and we do this by exposing ourselves to experiences that help us strengthen these shortcomings based on the knowledge we get from living.
But I've said it before, the only thing I know for sure is that we live in a deterministic world, the rest of what I've written is just a way to find a positive meaning to it all... those who defend free will they do too, they want to believe they have the reins of their lives to give meaning to "their" efforts.
Sé que vivim en un Univers determinista, això no és pas una suposició, és un fet.
Ara bé, a partir d'aquí si que faig suposicions sobre com podría funcionar tot plegat, fa temps que ho intento esbrinar.
El cas es que si vivim en un Univers determinista, cap persona d'aquest món és responsable de res, ni del seu nivell d'estudis assolits, les seves malalties,... si no te progenitors, si te progenitors, qui serà la seva parella en un futur (si en té esclar, jo no n'he tingut pas mai), si tindrà fills o no. Això és així.
Ho trobo tan trist tot plegat que vaig pensar de trobar-li un sentit (cabòries i suposicions, rés del cert) i una que se'm va passar és aquesta: Darrera de tot aquest muntatge la finalitat del qual no coneixem, hi ha res?, si hi ha quelcom el propósit d'on surt?,...
Així que vaig idear la suposició positiva de que sóm uns éssers que trien viure una vida en aquest món predeterminat només amb la voluntat d'aprendre, perquè en cas contrari voldría dir que només sóm mers mitjans per assolir el propósit d'algú altre (com objectes o eines).
I que voldriem aprendre?, doncs emocions, situacions, suposo que adquirir experiéncia per seguir creixent. Per això crec que triem aquella vida que ens pot proporcionar aquest aprenenatge, és a dir tindriem unes mancances que tractem de resoldre i ho fem exposant-nos a vivéncies que ens ajudin a enfortir aquestes mancances a partir del coneixement que en treiem vivint.
Però ja ho he dit abans, l'únic que se del cert es que vivim es un món determinista, la resta que he escrit és només una manera de trobar-li un sentit positiu a tot plegat... els que defensen el lliure albir també ho fan, volen creure que tenen les regnes de la seva vida per donar sentit als "seus" esforços.