Unpopular opinion: It is not your job to worry about someone else. Many people think they are doing acts in the name of helping others and these acts often go unrecognized with zero outward benefit. Every human is nothing but a speck in the universe. People who like to force label everything as bad or good tend to have a limited perspective on the world. They also seek to push their opinions and values on everyone else as a means of controlling their environment. When one is able to control their environment it often makes them feel better about themselves.
Each person gets to decide the labels of good and bad for themselves outside of those pre-determined by the law to be legal, illegal, or even bordering on illegal. All that matters is how you choose to label it again within the confines of legality as I just mentioned above.
You are not some hero charged with the responsibility of saving the world from all perceived ills. People who open the Pandora's box called the internet should expect that encountering both wanted and unwanted content is a possibility.
For example, I think the majority of social media is garbage. I use the internet solely for learning and expansion of my mind. The likelihood of me coming across any undesired content is literally near zero because I don't hang out, online, in areas where that content would exist. If I were worried about a minor in my care accessing unwanted content, I would similarly add guardrails to their experience such that their likelihood of encountering undesirable content is also near zero.
If worrying about someone else is your only consideration for not livestreaming then you are not fulfilling yourself. And in your last moments I think you should be thinking solely about you. After all its the last thing you will ever do! Therefore I would approach this differently. As @Wasted Potential suggested, I would go through the process of determing why you want to do it. If your reasons start to vere towards areas of illegality or significant harm to others then I'd label it as "bad" or unhealthy. If your reasons for streaming are no where near any of that then I would go through with it.
For example, your reasoning may be to feel more connected to the world. If that were your dying wish then why should you deprive yourself of that feeling just because some person similarly using the internet for their purposes didnt consider that seeing your death was a possibility? I'm 100% sure I'd never come across your video unless it were here.
Imho people who are advising you not to do it, people automatically labeling it as unhealthy, or those suggesting that you go through unnatural motions to shield the world of your livestream are no better or different than those "fixers" that everyone here despises. Their advice suggests that you assist in sanitizing the world similar to those fixers wanting to sanitize the world of suicide by removing this website from *their* precious internet. Again the fixers are trying to control the environment. These suggested actions are more of the same.
Dignitas, a well recognized organization, has posted their assisted suicides on YouTube and other places on the web for anyone in the world to see. Why would your choice be any more different or repugnant if done with clean and pure motivations??