

Mar 25, 2019
Temple, mouth, or heart?
Which way would ensure the highest chances of death?
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
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Mar 25, 2019
Sure, if she wants to possibly live but just sever her optic nerve and cause brain damage...
Where would you say is the best place to shoot then? And why?
I'm looking up how to get a gun. Thinking about drinking SN and then shooting myself. If the SN doesn't kill me, hopefully the gunshot wound does.
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Jul 15, 2019
I am pretty sure it is between the eyebrows.


Mar 25, 2019
What with - revolver, automatic pistol, rifle or shotgun ?
I don't know what weapon yet. In the ideal world, I'd want a handgun, but realistically, getting shotgun might be easier for me.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
I don't know what weapon yet. In the ideal world, I'd want a handgun, but realistically, getting shotgun might be easier for me.

Shotgun is pretty much failsafest, get a short-barrelled 12 not a 20.
The trick is to shoot almost horizontally, and to hit not the upper part of the brain, but the lower, where it meets the spine.
You MUST hit the top of the spine, basically - the spinal cord being a prolongation of the brain.
The effect will then be better than that of the Guillotine.
You sit yourself on a chair in front of a table, put the barrel in your mouth, lay the rifle on the table in front of you with trigger pointing up. so that the angle is just right when you lean back in the chair. Make sure it's straight sideways, use a mirror - and, yeah.
Do this a couple of times before you go, because when you are serious, you need to overcome your fear and if you haven't trained the process you may make some mistake and accidentally shoot half your face off.
Always worked for me ;)
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Aug 27, 2018
Sure, if she wants to possibly live but just sever her optic nerve and cause brain damage...
Yeah because everyone survives a point blank shot to the brain with a handgun right. So many people on this forum make handgun suicide out to be rocket science when in fact a shot to the brain will mean a gaurenteed kill. These are just some of the examples of how effective a temple shot is.

Temple, mouth, or heart?
Which way would ensure the highest chances of death?
I will do a temple shot it´s the simplest way and easy to aim, above is several examples of how effective it is.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Yeah because everyone survives a point blank shot to the brain with a handgun right. So many people on this forum make handgun suicide out to be rocket science when in fact a shot to the brain will mean a gaurenteed kill. These are just some of the examples of how effective a temple shot is.

I will do a temple shot it´s the simplest way and easy to aim, above is several examples of how effective it is.

By all means do the temple shot, I think it's just what you need.
After all, you've been thinking about where to shoot since last August - so you must know best.
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Mar 17, 2019
Do you have guns . Dude you are very lucky . What are you waiting for.


Feb 8, 2019
Brain stem is instant, once that's happens its over instantly. The neck is a good start.
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Lucid Dreamer
May 30, 2019
Don't do the temple, it's painful. You'll die but it's not pleasant. People shooting themselves there almost always have an awful death groan. Shots to the brain stem OR the midbrain have people dropping like flies. The sweet spot for a fatality is slightly above the ear. That's where the stem is. Instant, fatal, and if the bullet is good enough, no chance of fucking up.

I was considering this route since it's easy to get a gun where I live, but I don't want folks to clean up a huge mess.
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Feb 18, 2019
Mouth, angled slightly upwards. Definitely not temple
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I second @restingspot and @Nitromask in terms of where to hit and easiest access to the brainstem. While the temple can result in death, there is more room for error, and never under the chin or neck (that's how people likely end up failing a gun suicide and become a vegetable + disfigured for life).
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Jul 2, 2019
Shotgun is pretty much failsafest, get a short-barrelled 12 not a 20.
The trick is to shoot almost horizontally, and to hit not the upper part of the brain, but the lower, where it meets the spine.
You MUST hit the top of the spine, basically - the spinal cord being a prolongation of the brain.
The effect will then be better than that of the Guillotine.
You sit yourself on a chair in front of a table, put the barrel in your mouth, lay the rifle on the table in front of you with trigger pointing up. so that the angle is just right when you lean back in the chair. Make sure it's straight sideways, use a mirror - and, yeah.
Do this a couple of times before you go, because when you are serious, you need to overcome your fear and if you haven't trained the process you may make some mistake and accidentally shoot half your face off.
Always worked for me ;)
Speaking some sense.


Jul 22, 2019
There is no such thing as a 100 percent guarantee fool-proof method. I am living proof of that.
Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
I think this is best place. 2 cm above the ear.

Brain transplants 05width 800


Jul 25, 2019
wow, I've never seen such an array of bad advice. I own many rifles, handguns, shotguns, semi auto, pump from .22, .17 HMR, 38, 9mm, 12g, .223, 40, and yes the 1911-.45 ... for over 30 years

Put your finger in the upper back of your mouth. Feel how soft it is? Bite down on the barrel full inserted, slightly upwards and your teeth holds the barrel firmly in place and a straight shot to detach the medulla oblongata.

A small caliber bullet (.22) to the temple can be deflected off the hard skull if the angle is not right with a shaky, unsteady hand.

In the mouth will provide the highest percentage of success.
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Jul 31, 2019
Just Google the video of an old Philly mayor shooting himself at the news conference...

His head didn't even explode. Just blood coming out of his mouth...

But I am still choosing N or SN over gun even though I can get a gun easily here. I also go to gun ranges to shoot. But still don't feel like it's my preferred method
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Mar 25, 2019
Just Google the video of an old Philly mayor shooting himself at the news conference...

His head didn't even explode. Just blood coming out of his mouth...

But I am still choosing N or SN over gun even though I can get a gun easily here. I also go to gun ranges to shoot. But still don't feel like it's my preferred method
Guns do make me very nervous. But I'm vaguely considering this method because it is one of the most effective methods. I already tried to buy N from A and I still haven't received it, so I'm considering the possibility I might never receive it. I would probably find it much easier to drink SN than shoot myself, but I feel like SN is less reliable than a gun.


Sep 15, 2018
I wouldn't use a gun if I have no experience shooting. If you live through it, you will be complety fucked. I'd rather hang myself
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Mar 25, 2019
I wouldn't use a gun if I have no experience shooting. If you live through it, you will be complety fucked. I'd rather hang myself
That's true. That's why the idea of using a gun makes me nervous. I'm worried about failing the shoot and ending up permanently disfigured and/or paralyzed.
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I Liked Ike
May 11, 2019
Just Google the video of an old Philly mayor shooting himself at the news conference...

His head didn't even explode. Just blood coming out of his mouth...

But I am still choosing N or SN over gun even though I can get a gun easily here. I also go to gun ranges to shoot. But still don't feel like it's my preferred method

If you mean Budd Dwyer, he was Treasurer of Pennsylvania.

The video is ugly, of course, but instructive. So don't watch it gratuitously, and I am not going to provide a link.

Some versions are cropped before he pulls the trigger.

He shot upwards into his mouth, and the bullet must have exited in the middle of the parietal bone, (top of his head) as you can see blood pouring from that region, as well as the blood streaming from his mouth and nose.

The wound track cannot have passed anywhere near the medulla.

A pistol/revolver bullet, even .357 Mag, is not likely to "explode his head." You need the expanding gas from a shotgun contact shot to do that, or a Kronlein shot from an HV rifle round.
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Aug 6, 2019
Define "best". The biggest problem with a gunshot to the head is that if it doesn't kill you, it will cause serious, irreparable injury.

Yes, if you manage to shoot yourself in the brainstem, you die instantly. Downside is that it's harder to do than most people think - there are lots of horror stories about people who survived suicide attempts this way with severe consequences (and verified tales of people who've had to shoot themselves in the head multiple times because they missed the brainstem). Aim at that and miss, and you could end up paralyzed, blowing half your jaw off, messing up your face, your neck, larynx, esophagus, etc., as well as the potential for serious, non-fatal brain damage (depending on the bullet path).

If you shoot yourself somewhere other than the brainstem, the actual cause of death is blood loss (exsanguination). On the bright side, for how much blood the brain uses, it happens quickly - a few minutes in most cases. According the medical literature, if you want it to be fatal, the best option is for the bullet to cross the sagittal plane (side to side), and damage both hemispheres of the brain, or you might end up having one half of the brain compensate for damage in the other half. Mess that up, and you'll end up brain damaged and possibly blind and/or deaf. Depending on what part of the brain is damaged, you could find your personality, impulse control and so on permanently changed for the worse as well.

Either way, you want a medium to large caliber round, and if you've ever shot a gun, you should know that recoil is always an issue if you're shooting such a round, even before your survival instinct kicks in. Use a long gun, with higher muzzle velocity (and therefore, a more lethal projectile) and it's a lot harder to control the recoil, use a handgun, and you're using a less lethal projectile, so it's a trade-off either way. Flinching at the last moment or being unable to control your gun's recoil and you could end up taking a glancing blow through one hemisphere (in the case of the side-of-the-head gun suicide), or to one side of the neck or so on (in the case of the in-the-mouth-to-hit-the-brainstem approach), neither of which is especially lethal, but would cause devastating injury.

Personally, I'd be too worried about missing the brainstem going through the mouth to try that, and too worried about non-fatal brain damage or consciously bleeding to death with a chunk of hot lead in my brain to press a gun against the side of my head and try that way, either. (So, at least for me, guns are out.) Ultimately, it's down to which set of tradeoffs and risks you personally feel is less bad. There's just no perfect one-size-fits-all solution. It's a highly lethal method overall, bit there's still a small chance (maybe 5% or so, based on what I've read) that even if you do everything right, you wake up alive and seriously injured.
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Sep 15, 2018
That's true. That's why the idea of using a gun makes me nervous. I'm worried about failing the shoot and ending up permanently disfigured and/or paralyzed.
Yeah, try another method. Usually people who die by gun have experience using them like military
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Jul 22, 2019
That's true. That's why the idea of using a gun makes me nervous. I'm worried about failing the shoot and ending up permanently disfigured and/or paralyzed.
Yes, that does happen to people. Talk about living hell on earth.... living disfigured from a failed gunshot attempt!
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Mar 24, 2019
To my mind, if you lock the door and put a noose around your neck making sure that once your body falls limp you'll get strangled to death and then shoot yourself it should be near 100%. If you're still worried drink a poison as a step two before step three i.e. the gunshot. Guess the bigger problem is obtaining a firearm (for most people).


Dec 11, 2018
To my mind, if you lock the door and put a noose around your neck making sure that once your body falls limp you'll get strangled to death and then shoot yourself it should be near 100%. If you're still worried drink a poison as a step two before step three i.e. the gunshot. Guess the bigger problem is obtaining a firearm (for most people).
Reminds me of a guy who shot himself atop a multistoried roof. Only problem is he shot himself in the chest but having done that and then fallen to the ground his chances of survival were greatly diminished I imagine.

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