tove 𓆩♡𓆪
- Mar 22, 2023
- 129
I still can't shake the idea of ctb'ing or OD'ing on purpose, though I feel like I'm slowly getting guts to OD(without dying yet), I'm wondering if I should make an "in case" suicide note, in paper or digital, what do I risk being hospitalized?(I have medical insurance) also, should I plan something just in case my OD doesn't work, I live in the same house as some family members though we rarely spend time together. they don't really keep track of what I do. something to cancel out whatever substance/med I take? the ones I planned only have severe and partial intoxication, which would pass with time and the body's reactions. I'm scared if I manage to die I will put them through something harsh by not making a suicide note. anyone else?