
New Member
Oct 21, 2023
Just why. So many think death penalty should be a common thing, so why me killing myself is a bad thing? I am a bad person according to today's society standards. Why am I forced to live? Why does everyone think they can decide who is good and who is bad, who deserves to live and who doesn't? It sounds really hypocritical. Same with all the pro-choice bunch. If abortion is okay, because it's a woman's body and life, why I can't decide about my life the same way? And to clarify, I am not saying I don't agree with some of the things they say, it's just that their logic can be so twisted. You can't be pro-life and support death penalty (and many do), same you can't be pro-choice and think you have any right to say what people should do with their life (and even more people do that). Like am just trying to make sense out of all of this, but no matter what is just won't, there's no logic.
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Reactions: stormynight, why am i alive?, letmejoindeath and 1 other person


Apr 16, 2023
restricting suicide methods while giving the death penalty is just a system of control that disregards body autonomy
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Reactions: DyingToDie123, pthnrdnojvsc and Kurai


Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
Our suffering is what other people compare their lives to. How can they appreciate their own lives by having something to compare it to?

If we are gone who will make them feel better about themselves? How will they make us suffer for their nobility? Or for the greater good?

Who will subsidize the middle classes retirement that holds stocks in these pharma companies we all use for our "mental illnesses"?

Who would do all the crappy jobs the upper and middle class don't want to do?

Getting angry about having to hold a crappy job is a mental illness. It's not a failure of society or our parents and grandparents. It's our fault and nobody else's.

We manifested a shitty life and if we just wake up optimistic it would fix all of our problems.

"look on the bright side, you woke up this morning"

Waking up may be a bright side for them but their inherent narcissism and psychopathy doesn't allow them to see the world from the eyes of anyone else.

For me waking up is a dread because it means I am still here and still breathing and nothing has changed no matter how optimistic I am about it.
why am i alive?

why am i alive?

Look where i ended
Oct 18, 2023
They think they are helping us and that we will change our mind. They don't understand how much we suffer.
"Bad" people are allowed to die because someone with a diploma signt up on it.
Society is literally the worst.
Only ppl who want to live can die those who want to rest are forced to live.
I hate it so much.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It disgusts me how this society is so incredibly anti-suicide despite the fact that we were so cruelly burdened with the ability to exist in the first place, it's like we are being punished ultimately because other people so decided to selfishly procreate.
It will always be unacceptable to me how there isn't the option to just easily leave this existence in peace, it just shows what a hellish world we exist in where people are expected to suffer no matter what with no straightforward way out.


Oct 25, 2023
The person who got the restraining order against me supposedly doesn't want me to die and hopes I get better. He wrote into his original petition asking if I could be kept 500 feet from the suicide bridge I frequent. I keep wondering this too. It seems cruel to want somebody to live with their unfixable mistakes.

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