
Jul 27, 2019
Yes, but the idea seems like a never-gonna-happen dream. I can't imagine any country or society ever actually assisting people who would like to make a peaceful, "early" exit.
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May 22, 2019
Yes, but the idea seems like a never-gonna-happen dream. I can't imagine any country or society ever actually assiting people who would like to make a peaceful, "early" exit.

This. Exactly.
Crystal Labeija

Crystal Labeija

Jun 3, 2019
The rates of risky suicides would absolutely go down. Part of the reason why this forum exists is to provide methods of suicide that are safe and quick. If such methods become readily available, then people would pursue them right away.

As for me, I would absolutely do it.
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Need cats to comfort me
Jul 28, 2018
If it is possible yes. Unsure if they will let your family know about your choice.
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May 22, 2019
The current bill in New Zealand mentions a "grievous and irremediable medical condition." Depression probably wouldn't be considered grievous, and certainly wouldn't be considered irremediable. I wouldn't get my hopes up on this bill.
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Aug 8, 2019
euthanasia yes I definitely would, I like the idea of having the legal right to ask to be "put to death"
assisted suicide no thank you, I can do that myself


May 22, 2019
I am rather skeptical of how many doctors would be willing to perform assisted suicide on a depressed person, even if it were legal. I mean, it's hard enough in Oregon for terminally ill people to find doctors willing to carry out assisted suicide. Now imagine trying to find a doctor to kill you if your only medical condition is depression.
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
No because I find the idea of dying in some weird clinical setting with a doctor or nurse to be repulsive. If it made means available for your own place and time that would be one thing. But I don't want to die in some "appointment"...rather if I HAVE to go out intentionally, I want it to be when its right for me and I cannot schedule that.
This is my first reaction too–I'd rather do it on my own. Several reasons:
  • I have developed a pretty deep cynicism towards the medical establishment and would prefer to go without them being present. However, in a hypothetical world where they allowed people to choose to suicide without much moralizing, I probably would be a much bigger fan of healthcare providers than I am now
  • The clinical setting would really suck. I prefer my room, a cabin, or hotel room. Anything but a doctor's office
  • I think that between hanging (first choice) and shotgun (second choice) in a secluded cabin there's not much risk of me failing... knock on wood
  • I think my family would want to be present which I do NOT want. I don't understand the desire to die surrounded by loved ones. It seems like a nice concept on some gut level but in reality I don't want an audience for such a personal experience. It's funny people mention hanging yourself in a closet as such a sad thing cause that's my ideal situation and what I fall asleep wishing for almost every night
What I like about getting it done through a healthcare professional is the social legitimacy and sanctioning it would provide. That I very much want. I'd like to kill myself on my own and have people be okay with it, best of both worlds.
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deader than dead
Aug 10, 2019
Of course
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Apr 24, 2019
Sounds like a good premise for a movie or book. The philosophical debates that would erupt in a society that allowed this would be interesting to watch.


Mar 13, 2019
Yes I would. Though it would be hard for me to convince my parents and loved ones to support me on this procedure, I would want to minimise their mental trauma after I go.


Aug 4, 2019
As someone who has assisted in many euthanasias (vet med) I would definitely choose this over any ctb method. I wish with my whole heart that this could be legalized where I am and that it were an option for me. It would be such a quiet peaceful way to go and anyone who wants to say goodbye to me could have their time to do so.


Aug 20, 2019
It's interesting with overpopulation as it is on this planet, that voluntary exit wouldn't be something just more widely available.

Wouldn't it be nice if we invested resources into a plan where those who could not find a way to live either guidance and support in finding a functional place in society, or an ability to exit provided their determination was clear and consistent enough to do so.
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Aug 22, 2019
It is actually legal here but the requirements are so insanely high actually getting to that point is Almost impossible on top of that you would need a doctor to actually do it and it isn't uncommon for them all to refuse since it is their legal right to do so.

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
The problem with that option is twofold:

1) it usually takes years before they allow it. Euthanasia is not a legally enforcible right: it merely offers legal immunity to medical doctors who kill their patients with their consent (under a number of conditions) but obviously no-one can be forced to do it.

2) during that time you'll have to be a good little doggie and do everything they tell you to and suffer any 'treatment' they wish to inflict on you. No matter how harmful and/or degrading.

For those reasons: no way.
t's interesting with overpopulation as it is on this planet, that voluntary exit wouldn't be something just more widely available.

The overpopulation is located mainly in China, India and to a lesser extent Africa. Most western nations are actually declining in population.
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Jun 28, 2019
The objections to this possibility and the concerns people are expressing about it are really interesting. This is already a reality in some countries and to my knowledge it has had zero impact on the number of suicides nor has their population size decreased because the number of approved cases is still very small. As for having to die in an empty room in some cold hospital, that's not how it works. You can have your loved ones present or the physician&staff can even come to your home so you pass away in your own bed if you like.

Personally I would love to have a system like this in place in my country, especially if they offered counseling for the loved ones of the person who makes the request. Imo it would be so much less traumatic for everyone involved than having to discover your child's/partner's/friend's lifeless body, wondering why they did it, if you could have helped them, feeling guilty and having to make all the necessary arrangement while grieving and in shock. Of course many families will oppose it no matter what, but there's nothing to do for them either way.

I also don't believe the world's population would suddenly drop if this were implemented worldwide. We're talking about assisted suicide, not death upon request to anyone who asks. The conditions are so strict, it's only intended for specific cases and it excludes the whole range of suicidal people who are not mentally ill or who feel the need to ctb immediately. Not to mention, even if you're not approved you can still take matters into your own hands. This would just make it more peaceful and dignified. I don't see how the lack of this service could possibly be why the earth is overpopulated because if you want to die you'll find a way; it's just going to take a long time (unless you're lucky) to figure out an effective method, a lot of suffering every time you fail an attempt and often times agony if you only have access to brutal methods.


Aug 19, 2019
With no mental health issues history, I would worry that it would turn it into a long torture before they allow it on those grounds.

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
With no mental health issues history, I would worry that it would turn it into a long torture before they allow it on those grounds.

That is a legitimate concern. Plus it's impossible to diagnose these problems objectively so what it comes down to is having to convince them of your misery and the need to die. Like someone mentioned above: this is rather humiliating, isn't it?

What is needed is not euthanasia for mental suffering but a general right to die: this could be a compromise between the interests of the individual and society (e.g. a waiting period to ensure the decision isn't impulsive/irrational) but ultimately the decision should be up to the individual and no-one else.
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Aug 19, 2019
That is a legitimate concern. Plus it's impossible to diagnose these problems objectively so what it comes down to is having to convince them of your misery and the need to die. Like someone mentioned above: this is rather humiliating, isn't it?

What is needed is not euthanasia for mental suffering but a general right to die: this could be a compromise between the interests of the individual and society (e.g. a waiting period to ensure the decision isn't impulsive/irrational) but ultimately the decision should be up to the individual and no-one else.

Precisely. If that were available, I think sick systems could not survive for long, since the fodder for those systems would just quit. Anything from abusive relationships to mobbing to workers not having reasonable rights.
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misery factory
Nov 15, 2018
I'm also from NZ and the mental health system here is fucking appalling. I would 100% try to access this if it was ever an option here, but I can't ever see it happening
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I imagine it would only be a matter of time but it would make it easier to live in the meantime knowing it was available to me whenever I wanted it


żyję cicho krwawiąc
Aug 28, 2019
i would. you would know you wouldn't wake up with disappointment, and the places that allow assisted suicide, they do make you go through some form of therapy to make sure you're persistent and adamant that this is what you want. imo it's inhumane forcing people to stay alive and force them into a psych ward over and over again. humans are selfish. however its a lot better than having a family member find your body as you would only cause trauma. being given the choice for a dignified death would immediately fix that issue.
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Aug 22, 2019
Honestly my preferred method would be to slit my wrists and throat and then use a shotgun to blow my brains out, but assisted suicide by euthanasia would be my second choice. Sounds peaceful.
I'd love a very bloody death though, I fantasise about it far too much and I wouldn't give it up just for a quick and simple assisted suicide.
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Aug 19, 2019
Honestly my preferred method would be to slit my wrists and throat and then use a shotgun to blow my brains out, but assisted suicide by euthanasia would be my second choice. Sounds peaceful.
I'd love a very bloody death though, I fantasise about it far too much and I wouldn't give it up just for a quick and simple assisted suicide.

I think I get it, but it is not the wisest way to carry self-punishment into ctb. Best to focus on what works, and avoid surviving with damage.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Sounds a bit crazy to me
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Aug 22, 2019
I think I get it, but it is not the wisest way to carry self-punishment into ctb. Best to focus on what works, and avoid surviving with damage.
Luckily, I don't think a shotgun would leave much chance for survival :P
But I definitely understand what you're saying. I always think about the smallest chance that I could survive and it's a bit terrifying. The only thing that comforts me is the high and almost assured lethality of my chosen method.
As a self harmer I've also always wanted to slit my throat and wrists, so it'd be a pleasant addition. It'd make my demise a lot more enjoyable, personally. The calm and clinical setting of an assisted suicide puts me off a little bit.
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Aug 19, 2019
I believe you have done research, I hope you find peace whatever you choose to do.
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