I was born and raised atheist, but religion always intrigued me because I don't know or understand how people can believe in something so strongly (that has no proof or evidence). Where do you draw the line between religion and a cult?
If you removed me and I put you in the chair at the church and you stayed there for the full 90ish minutes. You would come to the conclusion that it's a cult.
Everyone standing up and sitting down, the chants, everyone saying the same things, the mumblings (unfortunately there are no cockatoos in the church lol - that would have been great!). I think to neurotypicals it's a way to say that they are good people - so by attending you can say oh they bad thing I did is resolved now because I attended church.
I went to a catholic school and bullying was often, the knife robbing an outside the school - the teachers did nothing. Yeah great religion lmao. They are all the same - just for the club status or the cult status. You weren't missing out. Lol
idk if theres a god but if there is he legit owes me cash for all this bs hes put me thru
im not even talking like karmic rewards or w/e i mean cash
like 40k & were even
lol. Kinda like how the Loch Ness Monster owed Chefs parents Tree Fiddy. Shameful salescreature.