-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Especially if they are old or/and poor. Life is hard as it is not to mention if child is born with health issues.

I see life as a pointless struggle just to die in the end. Average people don't want to die but they will so why continue reproducing? What is wrong with being extinct or not existing? Why is everyone so pro-life no matter the cost?

Even when we look at our situation, there are people that would rather keep as alive no matter how much we suffer. Why?
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
***heads in as a women who has reproduced and legs it fast.....

These debates CAN get heated, just a warning!!
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Jan 5, 2019
Simply, the need to reproduce is a biological imperative, not a logical one. We are, essentially, highly conscious animals controlled by primitive desires.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Simply, the need to reproduce is a biological imperative, not a logical one. We are, essentially, highly conscious animals controlled by primitive desires.

This, we're definitely animals, we just like to think we're not. Just because we have consciousness doesn't mean we're above it all. If anything consciousness can be a hindrance as it causes us to question our biological imperatives or survival instincts.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
People usually aren't thinking about the child when they reproduce and that's what makes the whole thing sick.
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ᴘʜᴀꜱᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ
Nov 19, 2019
I wish there were requirements you have to meet in order to have children the same way there are requirements expected of you when you try to adopt. But even that isn't 100% foolproof. And what happens to the people that do not follow the requirements and have kids anyway? I'm so conflicted with that. I know women in China deal with that. I read an article way back where a woman was forced to have an abortion during 7 months of her pregnancy due to it. Which is really vile. I just wish people would think shit out before bringing other people into this world to suffer. Having children is a very selfish act, and parents think they can shape or mold their child to who they want them to be, live through them, etc. Well jokes on you, time to wake the fuck up. Because in the end your child is going to do what they want in the end, even if it isn't something you exactly 'approve' of. These are the many consequences that come with being a parent and having a child, don't act surprised now.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
We are programmed to reproduce, but often many people don't think it through. Birth Control as much as it has improved is not without serious side effects for some people. Condoms often kill the intimacy or the pleasure for some people. So wether u like it or not most people will reproduce wether they actually want to or not. The only for sure guarantee for most people is they have a desire to have sex and in modern times we have separated sex from what the main purpose, and that is children.

So it's not so much that people want kids, they want sex and intimacy. It's one of the few free pleasures we get to have in this shit life. Ok not free if someone gets pregnant. If abortion was illegal more women would have a lot more kids but more of those kids might die off too, especially among the disadvantaged. Even though we still have first world healthcare and most babies survive this will likely not be forever as our civilization declines because fertility among the more intelligent is decreasing which leads to nobody being able to provide the care to keep people alive that ordinarily would not survive. Damn I went off on tangent. Lol!
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
At the end of the day human beings are just animals controlled by a few impulses.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I have a kid. While I did choose to give birth to him, I did not choose to get pregnant.

I never saw myself having children but not because of any moral reason. I just didn't want any. But life happens, and I don't think it's anyone's business.
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Looking for...?
Dec 15, 2019
People just want to fuck and they don't think too much about the consequences
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
The thing about having a child is not for the child it usually comes from the ego of the parent. The child didn't ask to be born as it didn't exist. You cause the child suffering by creating them. It's selfishness, blinded by ego and society, and an illogical thing to do.
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I hate being alone. So please don't leave me.
Dec 1, 2019
Because they have no idea about the circumstances. They don't think, just act. They think having a child can make their life happier, but they usually don't think think about that their child can have physical disability or mental disorder.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Ancient programming like religions, some ideologies also plays a big role. They are just programmed to reproduce, they don't think at all. Some might think but the thoughts can be oppressed, religion will say reproduction is sacred and crap like that while fascist states will oppress people and force reproduction. However, all of this assuming the so-called advanced humans that somehow use their minds but only to receive the stupid programming.

Biologically, its all about sex and people will just have sex and reproduce. However, with many factors like the oppression in the current world or the advancement and birth control, they need to come with some lies to enforce reproduction.

Its just a stupid species program, some can be out of it and be a glitch or a bug and discover the reality.

People aren't logical and even most of the types that claims to use their minds don't actually use it. What happens actually is advanced animalistic behavior. If humans use their mind and logic and be really different, they would do at least one of three things. First, make the life better generally and efficient scientifically. Second, utilize scientific knowledge and logic to satisfy themselves and their needs like food and sex and make the process efficient. Third, acknowledge how life actually is and acknowledge that not existing is better.

However, this is only theoretical and humans will still continue the shitty programming, human life is not arbitrarily long and probabilistically its low to discover and less humans knows the bugs and glitches. However, now, its increasing because of the information age. But unfortunately, many people will still reproduce because of the whole shitty programming and societal crap. Not to mention, how many would just have sex or don't care if they reproduced and children, many people are toxic and bad and unborn children are not safe from this.
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Dec 1, 2019
I always said this..... and what I don't get is the same people that reproduce want to commit suicide shortly after and eventually did(like my own dad and grandpa ). My grandfather had 12 children back to back. After the 12th one he ended his own life early. He was only in his early 40s. doesn't make any sense?!? You don't even want to be here so why bring someone else here in on this pointless nightmare
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In the wrong timeline
Nov 14, 2019
I think it might be out of the fear of being lonely and helpless in old age. Some do it because society pressures them and because they feel it's "the next big thing".
Sadly the mental wellbeing of that child is the least thought out thing during that decision. In the end, it's all so that the parents can find meaning in life, who gives a fuck if the child is gonna have the bare necessities for life or be happy by themselves.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
I know, right? My mother said my father punched her in the stomach when she was pregnant with me, punched me as a baby and as a little toddler,
punched me as a child and throughout adulthood, including choking me when he didn't get his way one horrible day, traumatized my entire nervous system from a very early age from the beginning, and on top of that I was born into a family that the majority don't even care.
another reason why I am so very protective of children in general, if anyone even raises their voice in anger to their child I get upset, it's so difficult to trust men, and I even protect teenagers although sometimes they can be brats (I will stand up for their rights to safety) and I want to also protect adults to if they are the victims of predators and evil people. I'll protect animals from evil cruelty as well.

my father also violently abused my mother who is one of the sweetest people on earth, my sister, and then even my half brother and half-sister and their mother. He caused so much PERMANENT DAMAGE to the brain, the nervous system/Neurological physical issues that AFFECT ME DAILY, and then on top of that I've been further traumatized by car accident injuries to my spine, sexual assault, domestic abuse terrors that I finally escaped, into a society where half the population will rob you and assault you,

Where you can almost never afford real medical care at least most of the time, where everything is a constant struggle. Gosh, why wouldn't I want to stay alive so I can keep suffering? Wow I'm so grateful I'm alive, so I can keep suffering. (Sarcasm)

For real?

No help, no care, no support, just either physical abuse, abandonment, etc with the exception of my mother, sister and grandparents (grandparents not alive now)

Then I'm born into a society that is based on a bunch of greed and illusions, America, where everything is convenient yes with the freedom to be as rude and disrespectful as you want, (not that I'm that way)

surrounded by predators...
with no hope and no help.

(Unless I marry a cop or something?!)

I've never had kids and NEVER will, Why bring an innocent child into this horrible place of constant struggle, stress, danger, suffering,

unless you have an amazingly loving and supportive family or you're absolutely certain that the child will have tons of money and be rich enough to buy their way out of bad circumstances?!?

People just want to spread their DNA, and it is selfish. People act like you should be grateful to your parents, why?

Why should I be grateful to them bringing me into this horrifying world?

if My ultimate 'survival' is to pass on someone's DNA ... i'm absolutely refusing to acquiesce. No thanks, NO WAY.

I mean if you were trapped on an island that had monsters and chaos, but then you say you "want to have a baby"? What the hell is that?
I care so much more about my children by never having them in the first place.

I don't want them to suffer like I have. So I refuse to reproduce in this ridiculously stressful and chaotic environment.

So I have my violent father to thank partially for a lifetime of stress, Including long-term chain reaction since from the very beginning of my birth into this physical realm surrounded by abuse and violence and rage; turn into a violent society called America the land of illusions.

Why keep bringing more people into this place of constant struggle, stress, danger, suffering, EXHAUSTION.

There will be an end to life on this planet anyway, they say the sun is going to eventually burn up the planet anyway, so eventually every person and everything will burn up at some point regardless...in the final end... do you really want your future great great etc grandkids to suffer that fate?
It's their choice of course, But at least don't have kids unless you have a wonderful family that you know will be there for them and/or you're rich enough to make sure they have plenty of money for their life to avoid the majority of the horrors out there.

As I think it's stupid when some people say things like "well, that's life".
Well I never asked for this life!!
and I don't want it. It's horrible
the majority of the time for me.

And that's just not enough for me.

Or any future innocent children that I refused to have in order to protect them from this horrifying place of suffering.

78193C01 045B 41B6 B735 14139C47CC04 99A1D685 BE4A 4D82 8A08 3AE431A5422A AEBC1FD0 886C 46AB AADF E9CC16A305BE EBB1BBDE 5AB7 4F6B 965F 7E2DF92CFA82 2D6CBEC7 22B2 4C19 98B6 2A046F210F77 1381C8BD A285 4D54 ABC2 F1357DC55462

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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
I think it might be out of the fear of being lonely and helpless in old age. Some do it because society pressures them and because they feel it's "the next big thing".
Sadly the mental wellbeing of that child is the least thought out thing during that decision. In the end, it's all so that the parents can find meaning in life, who gives a fuck if the child is gonna have the bare necessities for life or be happy by themselves.
The "Life Script" so to speak.
Wish people could be better than that
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
These threads frustrate me because everyone always acts like it's all so black and white.
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Looking for...?
Dec 15, 2019
Sometimes that's true, but not always.
Yes, not always. There are as many stories as there's people. But it's sad some of them don't think beforehand or act like there's no consequences. Sometimes things just happen and that's how it is, I guess. But still, it's sad to watch those people who ruin somebody's else life just because they 'went with the flow' and others who have to suffer because of it.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
"Your actions have consequences."
Basically saying that if you have a kid, you're responsible for that kid if they have depression, anxiety, mental disorder, physical disorder, etc. Cause you basically created that kid.
On the other hand, if you have any kind of hardship you're dealing with, you shouldn't have a kid. How are you going to take care of another person when you can't take care of yourself? It's irresponsible.
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Nov 4, 2019
Because some people are more animalistic than others. Put in religious terms: some people are closer to the gods, and some people are closer to the animals. If there were more people in the first category and fewer in the second, the world would no doubt be a better place.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
True, and I understand accidents happen, and I sympathize if somebody does not want to have an abortion, I respect that completely. In fact, if that ever happened to me, it would be very catastrophic and difficult to make that choice. I don't think it's just so easy, everyone has different circumstances.
People have a right to have their baby if they feel that's best for them.

I respect their right to choose.

However, what I wish at least more people would understand around the world is that they're not going to be tortured if they're abstinent, they can still choose abstinence or at least wait until somebody really loves them or at least they think so.

At least minimize the risks of getting pregnant or someone impregnating others.

It's an entire life that could be created, and sex is NOT a sport.

What's mind boggling is some of the men out there that act like they're so shocked and even irrational angry when a woman gets pregnant... it's like did she get pregnant by herself or with you?!?

That's a risk you take when you have sex with anyone.

Even condoms are not 100%.

The only thing that is 100% is abstinence, or a total hysterectomy. Even a vasectomy can possibly fail, and people have to be prepared for that.

They should ask themselves, if they have sex with this person tonight,
and if they end up pregnant...what would happen?

Would you two become a family?

Do you have enough money if you did have a child to help support that child and give it a decent life?

If the answer to any of those questions is possibly no, then don't have sex.

I don't care if it's natural, they should try to at least understand that it is possible the child can be created. It's called self-control.

If you want pleasure, go get some chocolate truffles or something.

I wish they had a law for both men and women, that you're allowed one "accident" pregnancy so to speak, but if it happens a second time whether you're a man getting a woman pregnant, or woman getting pregnant, and you don't end up marrying that person,
...they make those people infertile after that.

Instead of people having 3,4,5 kids by all these different fathers is not only damaging to those children, but to the entire society.

Both men and women need to take the pregnancy risks more seriously.
Because some people are more animalistic than others. Put in religious terms: some people are closer to the gods, and some people are closer to the animals. If there were more people in the first category and fewer in the second, the world would no doubt be a better place.

Fantastic insight you have...:halo:
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
Having a baby is still immoral cause the baby can't consent to their own birth.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I am sorry if my thread offended some people, that was not my intent.
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I Have the Light Inside, Surrounded by Darkness
Sep 22, 2019
I am sorry if my thread offended some people, that was not my intent.

i certainly wasn't, I think it's great that people are sharing their real thoughts so genuinely.

It really helps everyone who reads the posts reflect and think.


There are others in the world that don't want to think for more than a mere 5 seconds, or cannot intellectually fathom anything past with they've been brainwashed to believe because it creates cognitive dissonance which is emotionally uncomfortable and often times the truth is too painful to face.

It takes guts to face reality; I'm not judging those people harshly, however, I am sick and tired of being affected by them and their overly-simplistic thinking.

They have a negative impact on everyone over time, and it's frustrating.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
I am sorry if my thread offended some people, that was not my intent.
People are going to get offended regardless, so don't be sorry. You don't have to apologize ❤️
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I am sorry if my thread offended some people, that was not my intent.
I don't think your thread is offensive. It's good discussion. Some of the answers tend to be very judgemental and closed minded, though.

Not everyone resents having been born. Not every parent is bad and selfish for having children. Not every depressed person should be banned from starting a family. Not every woman who gets pregnant was irresponsible.
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Antinatalism + Efilism ❤️
Nov 4, 2019
My answer is going to be controversial but every parent is narcissistic to a degree. If they weren't, they wouldn't have babies just for the sake of having them or wanting to preserve their genes or legacy for that matter.
If someone's depressed, all the more reason not to have a baby. Depression isn't going to go away when you have a baby. It never does.
People who don't resent being born have what is called the "optimism bias." Which is a coping mechanism. Everything inherently is a coping mechanism.
You shouldn't have a baby to cope with your depression. What about the baby? There's a big chance the baby will inherit your depression.
I definitely don't want that for my unborn child. I don't want them trying to cope with life when they don't have the desire to exist.
Having enough compassion for another means you don't force someone else to go through the horrors by creating them. You don't create them period. There is too much pain in life and it aint worth it. None of it. They(unborn children) deserve peace/non existence.
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