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Nov 2, 2021
Well, sort of the title. I thought I would talk about my own experiences just so people know what to expect, or to maybe prevent a dumb situation. Feel free to make fun of me, beccause I already hate myself for failing. Especially this badly. But I haven't had a chance to talk about it with anyone, so I'm hoping this is also cathartic.

So when I found this site a few years back, I had bookmarked the SN information guide. I was surprised to learn how difficult it was to get the product, but I finally found some (I triple checked that it was the correct one) and measured out 20 g (which is a lot). I went on a looong journey to find an antiemetic. It was so difficult. I even have a history of stopmach issues and nausea and migranes, but doctors continued to refuse to prescribe any. So one day, I just thought that I needed to do it. Or at least test it without the antiemetic to see how bad it is. Plus, I have been eagerly looking for a way out that is slow and painful- as I feel its what I deserve.

Because I read all the warning comments about not dissolving it anything but 50ml of water, I decided to portion a small amount out and preserve the rest in an old pill bottle (not sure why, but I wasn't really thinking anythign was going to happen besides throwing up), dissolved it in the water and drank. My god it was disgusting. The NASTIEST. I get nausiated thinking about it alomst a year later. I laid in bed and thought I would try to go to sleep (it was midnight). I immediately felt my heart beating hard, but no other symptoms. I wasn't able to fall asleep, as I felt slightly nauseated. It really wasn't bad, just a little annoying. After an hour of ignoring it, I was just like- 'Since I know what it'll feel like, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this up". I figured a larger does would be more extreme, but that I would be better prepared.

The SECOND I stood, everything spun around me. I have had random fainting spells before and this is exactly what it felt like. I fell to my hands and knees and felt extreme nausea. I knew I needed to head to the toilet, so I started crawling my way over. I couldn't keep straight and kept bouncing off the walls. Then I projectile vomitted all over my bathroom floor. Never made it to the toilet. I kept falling over in it, and was extremely disgusted. By the time my stomach had emptied and I started dry heaving (very quickly), I grabbed a towel and started to very poorly clean it up, and the plan was to show, but I was still heaving and was too dizzy to even be on all fours. I heard my roommate call down to me asking if I was ok, which I said I was fine and that I was about to shower (slightly annoyed that she was awake).

I laid on the ground for a moment to try and steady myself. The next thing I know, I am being caried out of my bathroom by paramedics. My roommate is trying to explain my many illnesses and what her side of the story was and I was just thinking 'fuck. I failed and they know'. I was too angry and embarrassed to talk, and I was freezing, so when they tried to talk to me, I would just ignore them and tried closing my eyes. On the ambulance ride, I tried to get some rest in, but they were already poking and proding and telling me that they were going to give me oxygfen. At that time, my O2 sat was at 70% (which is very low). I was put in a room with about a 20 very beautiful doctors and nurses all trying to talk to me and yelling at each other.

The put on a O2 mask that forced air into you every time you breathed in, but because I was so cold, it was hard to have normal breaths. As time went on, it would be impossible to sleep, so I decided I would talk, but not tell them what I had done- act dumb about it. I didn't think it would work, but luckily because of my weird health history, it seemed understandable. I was also as honest as I could be without disclaiming what I had taken. Hide a lie in truth as they say. So I told them that I had just not been feeling well that evening and late at night I had just started feeling sick, got really dizzy and passed out after vomitting.

I told them that I usually have a sensitive stomach and thought it was food poising at first. I told them that this fainiting has happened before, where I would pass out for a long time. I also freely said that the last time it had happened I took shrooms and passed out for a long time and stopped breathing- whcih was true. They asked if I ever turned blue, which was when I noticed that my had was disgustingly transparent. I could see all of my veins through zombie grey flesh and it was a weird site. So I was like 'uh, no never'. They asked me if I ever thought about suicide before, and I told them truthfully that I think about it all the time (I also have very obvious scars on my body). They asked if this was an attempt and I said no. I know they believed me, because of a later conversation that they had in private that I over heard.

After a short conversation, I was pulled off to scans and all sorts of tests, and throughout this, I was wide awake, joking, telling them they were all doing great, but my O2 was still dropping at a pretty quick rate. They called the CDC, they had doctors zoom call from other countries, they were taking pictures. They had no idea what to do. Plenty of residents and med students also were able to filter through my room and I spoke to all of them and was totally truthful about everything. Except the one thing. At one point, one of the doctors that had been with me from the beginning and just held my hand and shook his head as he watched my O2 drop again. I have to admit, I was pretty excited. Besides a really bad headache, and vomit in my hair, I felt totally fine. I thought it would finally happen, and no friend or family or roommate had to find my body.

More time passes, and I finally feel just so exhausted as they poke and prode me for blood and questions. Then at one point, one of my doctors comes in with several other doctors and a few med students and told me that they had been consulting with so many doctors and their only guess as to what was happeneing to me was that I was suffering from methemoglobinemia. Fuck. He said there was one drug to reverse it: methlyn blue. FUCK. He told me that no one at that hospital has ever given it before, and he didnt think it would work, and the issue with this is, if that they were wrong, it would definitely kill me, but that without trying it I was likely going to die. He said he was agaisnt giving it to me because my ethnicity was prevenlent for some blood diseases, and normally he would have genetic testing done prior but there would be no way I stayed alive long enough to find out. Other doctors voted to have it given to me, and at that point I was just praying that I had this genetic disorder.

I dont. clearly. The shit hurt going in, they even had several residents and doctors and nurses come watch since it was the first time they had ever administered this drug, and within an hour I was totally fine. They kept me in the ICU, had students filtering around asking me questions. At one point when I was trying to sleep I heard one person talking to residents outside my door and the students were asking about drugs and psych, and the person updating them told them that I was very open about my history with suicide and drugs and that none of the doctors believed this was an attempt.

So I got away with it. They tested me for another genetic disorder that is common among my race that could have caused methemoglobinemia, but it was negative. It all came to a dead end of course. I looked at my charts, and the tests all put me as a normal ranges for everything, except for elevated WBC and platlettes. To this day, no one knows what happened and I still act dumb about it. But now that it's in my charts, I would have to plan better to not be found. atm in time, I'm still seeking another method, but now I'm just gently overdosing on Iron- which hasnt been fun- but hoping for some sort of painful organ failure.
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Nov 23, 2021
Jesus, so many failed attempts with N recently. That's disturbing.
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Nov 18, 2021
Please change your post. Ur talking about SN not N
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Nov 18, 2021
@RainAndSadness @Meretlein there has been an increase number of fear mongering posts about n. Please clarify for people
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Nov 2, 2021
Hi lot, sorry about the mistake. I've changed it
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Quiet Desperation

Lonely wanderer
Dec 7, 2020
Sorry you had to endure all of that. Thank you for sharing your experience.
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Nov 3, 2021
Well, sort of the title. I thought I would talk about my own experiences just so people know what to expect, or to maybe prevent a dumb situation. Feel free to make fun of me, beccause I already hate myself for failing. Especially this badly. But I haven't had a chance to talk about it with anyone, so I'm hoping this is also cathartic.

So when I found this site a few years back, I had bookmarked the SN information guide. I was surprised to learn how difficult it was to get the product, but I finally found some (I triple checked that it was the correct one) and measured out 20 g (which is a lot). I went on a looong journey to find an antiemetic. It was so difficult. I even have a history of stopmach issues and nausea and migranes, but doctors continued to refuse to prescribe any. So one day, I just thought that I needed to do it. Or at least test it without the antiemetic to see how bad it is. Plus, I have been eagerly looking for a way out that is slow and painful- as I feel its what I deserve.

Because I read all the warning comments about not dissolving it anything but 50ml of water, I decided to portion a small amount out and preserve the rest in an old pill bottle (not sure why, but I wasn't really thinking anythign was going to happen besides throwing up), dissolved it in the water and drank. My god it was disgusting. The NASTIEST. I get nausiated thinking about it alomst a year later. I laid in bed and thought I would try to go to sleep (it was midnight). I immediately felt my heart beating hard, but no other symptoms. I wasn't able to fall asleep, as I felt slightly nauseated. It really wasn't bad, just a little annoying. After an hour of ignoring it, I was just like- 'Since I know what it'll feel like, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this up". I figured a larger does would be more extreme, but that I would be better prepared.

The SECOND I stood, everything spun around me. I have had random fainting spells before and this is exactly what it felt like. I fell to my hands and knees and felt extreme nausea. I knew I needed to head to the toilet, so I started crawling my way over. I couldn't keep straight and kept bouncing off the walls. Then I projectile vomitted all over my bathroom floor. Never made it to the toilet. I kept falling over in it, and was extremely disgusted. By the time my stomach had emptied and I started dry heaving (very quickly), I grabbed a towel and started to very poorly clean it up, and the plan was to show, but I was still heaving and was too dizzy to even be on all fours. I heard my roommate call down to me asking if I was ok, which I said I was fine and that I was about to shower (slightly annoyed that she was awake).

I laid on the ground for a moment to try and steady myself. The next thing I know, I am being caried out of my bathroom by paramedics. My roommate is trying to explain my many illnesses and what her side of the story was and I was just thinking 'fuck. I failed and they know'. I was too angry and embarrassed to talk, and I was freezing, so when they tried to talk to me, I would just ignore them and tried closing my eyes. On the ambulance ride, I tried to get some rest in, but they were already poking and proding and telling me that they were going to give me oxygfen. At that time, my O2 sat was at 70% (which is very low). I was put in a room with about a 20 very beautiful doctors and nurses all trying to talk to me and yelling at each other.

The put on a O2 mask that forced air into you every time you breathed in, but because I was so cold, it was hard to have normal breaths. As time went on, it would be impossible to sleep, so I decided I would talk, but not tell them what I had done- act dumb about it. I didn't think it would work, but luckily because of my weird health history, it seemed understandable. I was also as honest as I could be without disclaiming what I had taken. Hide a lie in truth as they say. So I told them that I had just not been feeling well that evening and late at night I had just started feeling sick, got really dizzy and passed out after vomitting.

I told them that I usually have a sensitive stomach and thought it was food poising at first. I told them that this fainiting has happened before, where I would pass out for a long time. I also freely said that the last time it had happened I took shrooms and passed out for a long time and stopped breathing- whcih was true. They asked if I ever turned blue, which was when I noticed that my had was disgustingly transparent. I could see all of my veins through zombie grey flesh and it was a weird site. So I was like 'uh, no never'. They asked me if I ever thought about suicide before, and I told them truthfully that I think about it all the time (I also have very obvious scars on my body). They asked if this was an attempt and I said no. I know they believed me, because of a later conversation that they had in private that I over heard.

After a short conversation, I was pulled off to scans and all sorts of tests, and throughout this, I was wide awake, joking, telling them they were all doing great, but my O2 was still dropping at a pretty quick rate. They called the CDC, they had doctors zoom call from other countries, they were taking pictures. They had no idea what to do. Plenty of residents and med students also were able to filter through my room and I spoke to all of them and was totally truthful about everything. Except the one thing. At one point, one of the doctors that had been with me from the beginning and just held my hand and shook his head as he watched my O2 drop again. I have to admit, I was pretty excited. Besides a really bad headache, and vomit in my hair, I felt totally fine. I thought it would finally happen, and no friend or family or roommate had to find my body.

More time passes, and I finally feel just so exhausted as they poke and prode me for blood and questions. Then at one point, one of my doctors comes in with several other doctors and a few med students and told me that they had been consulting with so many doctors and their only guess as to what was happeneing to me was that I was suffering from methemoglobinemia. Fuck. He said there was one drug to reverse it: methlyn blue. FUCK. He told me that no one at that hospital has ever given it before, and he didnt think it would work, and the issue with this is, if that they were wrong, it would definitely kill me, but that without trying it I was likely going to die. He said he was agaisnt giving it to me because my ethnicity was prevenlent for some blood diseases, and normally he would have genetic testing done prior but there would be no way I stayed alive long enough to find out. Other doctors voted to have it given to me, and at that point I was just praying that I had this genetic disorder.

I dont. clearly. The shit hurt going in, they even had several residents and doctors and nurses come watch since it was the first time they had ever administered this drug, and within an hour I was totally fine. They kept me in the ICU, had students filtering around asking me questions. At one point when I was trying to sleep I heard one person talking to residents outside my door and the students were asking about drugs and psych, and the person updating them told them that I was very open about my history with suicide and drugs and that none of the doctors believed this was an attempt.

So I got away with it. They tested me for another genetic disorder that is common among my race that could have caused methemoglobinemia, but it was negative. It all came to a dead end of course. I looked at my charts, and the tests all put me as a normal ranges for everything, except for elevated WBC and platlettes. To this day, no one knows what happened and I still act dumb about it. But now that it's in my charts, I would have to plan better to not be found. atm in time, I'm still seeking another method, but now I'm just gently overdosing on Iron- which hasnt been fun- but hoping for some sort of painful organ failure.
Thanks for writing this all up but I'm finding myself annoyed that you took up so much medical time by not telling them what you had done, those doctors and nurses could have been treating others.

I know you were hoping to die but it must have been pretty clear you weren't by then.

Its a difficult line to cross really but I just feel uncomfortable with wasting their time in this way
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
Jesus, so many failed attempts with N recently. That's disturbing.
You can't really fail N or SN if you take a lethal dose without being found/intervention.
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Nov 28, 2021
Thanks for writing this all up but I'm finding myself annoyed that you took up so much medical time by not telling them what you had done, those doctors and nurses could have been treating others.

I know you were hoping to die but it must have been pretty clear you weren't by then.

Its a difficult line to cross really but I just feel uncomfortable with wasting their time in this way
They could have ended up in a psych ward if they said it was an attempt. Let's be more empathetic towards people's experiences, yes?
You can't really fail N or SN if you take a lethal dose without being found/intervention.
I think it's about trying to overcome the SI too.
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Sep 8, 2021
How small was the portion? No antiemetics right?
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
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Dec 1, 2021
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
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Nov 18, 2021
Oh for sure, arguably SI is the hardest part to overcome, it is for me anyway.
Honestly I'm glad ur still here bro. U were the first person I talk to here and u helped me a lot
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Sep 8, 2021
Man I'm sorry with your experience. :( ugh.


Sad Sack
Jul 29, 2021
Thanks for sharing. Sounds like quite the ordeal. So you wouldn't use SN as a method again?
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Nov 3, 2021
They could have ended up in a psych ward if they said it was an attempt. Let's be more empathe
They could have ended up in a psych ward if they said it was an attempt. Let's be more empathetic towards people's experiences, yes?

I think it's about trying to overcome the SI too.
Yes and others could have died elsewhere because medical resources were tied up trying to work out how to save the OP. Its a difficult choice but if my ctb attempt caused suffering or the death of others then I would have some serious questions to ask myself
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
Oh yes i think the failure could be attributed to not taking an antiemetic too
it was almost no doubt attributed to them being found. Their oxygen level was at 70%, which is dangerously low. If they were not found they most likely would have died.

Also, I wish you nothing but the best @AMeaninglessLife, thank you for taking the time to share your experience. <3
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Nov 18, 2021
Yes and others could have died elsewhere because medical resources were tied up trying to work out how to save the OP. Its a difficult choice but if my ctb attempt caused suffering or the death of others then I would have some serious questions to ask myself
I mean it's a fair point, however I'm sure If they are bringing in med students and stuff, I'm sure it was a teachable moment so future patients could get saved quicker?
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Nov 3, 2021
I mean it's a fair point, however I'm sure If they are bringing in med students and stuff, I'm sure it was a teachable moment so future patients could get saved quicker?
Agreed, if I'm honest I am torn on it too. I just still feel uncomfortable at tying up medical resources (doctors and nurses as well as students) when essentially the game is up.

Others here may have a different set of values but I would feel terrible if my attempt caused the suffering of others
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Nov 18, 2021
Agreed, if I'm honest I am torn on it too. I just still feel uncomfortable at tying up medical resources (doctors and nurses as well as students) when essentially the game is up.

Others here may have a different set of values but I would feel terrible if my attempt caused the suffering of others
Honestly it's the correct feeling and I agree, but there are too many unknowns to make a certain judgement. However I feel u are a good person so there is that.


Nov 3, 2021
Honestly it's the correct feeling and I agree, but there are too many unknowns to make a certain judgement. However I feel u are a good person so there is that.
Thank you for saying that, it's really appreciated.

All of this around ctb raised so many moral questions that nobody really has the right answer to
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Nov 18, 2021
Thank you for saying that, it's really appreciated.

All of this around ctb raised so many moral questions that nobody really has the right answer to
Morality is measured by the person so there is never a clear definite answer as there are many differing opinions, people, and cultures.
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Nov 28, 2021
Yes and others could have died elsewhere because medical resources were tied up trying to work out how to save the OP. Its a difficult choice but if my ctb attempt caused suffering or the death of others then I would have some serious questions to ask myself
Look honestly, it's their job to figure out what is wrong with the patient. Yes op in question knew what was wrong with them but what if they were unconscious and couldn't answer? It wasn't game up for them. They were still hoping to die. They almost did. It's the fact that the doctors figured out what was wrong that they were saved. In that moment between life and death, you do not know how you would react. What op did and felt is very much valid and I do not think it matters whether it annoys you or you would have done something differently. You don't know what you would have done, you weren't there. Peace out:)
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Sep 8, 2021
Yeah. I agree when you're depressed or you're suicidal, you're likely not going to be thinking straight. I don't blame OP for not saying anything for the fear of the psy ward. Certain psy wards are just horrible according to what I've read.
And by the time you're really suicidal and desperate, you're in that moment, you don't care about anything else but wishing to die. So I feel you OP. At my worst moments, I was so desperate to find a building to jump from. It was horrible and that's all that went through my head. Nothing else.
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Nov 5, 2021
OP how much SN do you think you took? You said you had measured out 20g but "decided to portion a small amount out and preserve the rest in an old pill bottle"
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New Member
Sep 4, 2021
Well, sort of the title. I thought I would talk about my own experiences just so people know what to expect, or to maybe prevent a dumb situation. Feel free to make fun of me, beccause I already hate myself for failing. Especially this badly. But I haven't had a chance to talk about it with anyone, so I'm hoping this is also cathartic.

So when I found this site a few years back, I had bookmarked the SN information guide. I was surprised to learn how difficult it was to get the product, but I finally found some (I triple checked that it was the correct one) and measured out 20 g (which is a lot). I went on a looong journey to find an antiemetic. It was so difficult. I even have a history of stopmach issues and nausea and migranes, but doctors continued to refuse to prescribe any. So one day, I just thought that I needed to do it. Or at least test it without the antiemetic to see how bad it is. Plus, I have been eagerly looking for a way out that is slow and painful- as I feel its what I deserve.

Because I read all the warning comments about not dissolving it anything but 50ml of water, I decided to portion a small amount out and preserve the rest in an old pill bottle (not sure why, but I wasn't really thinking anythign was going to happen besides throwing up), dissolved it in the water and drank. My god it was disgusting. The NASTIEST. I get nausiated thinking about it alomst a year later. I laid in bed and thought I would try to go to sleep (it was midnight). I immediately felt my heart beating hard, but no other symptoms. I wasn't able to fall asleep, as I felt slightly nauseated. It really wasn't bad, just a little annoying. After an hour of ignoring it, I was just like- 'Since I know what it'll feel like, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this up". I figured a larger does would be more extreme, but that I would be better prepared.

The SECOND I stood, everything spun around me. I have had random fainting spells before and this is exactly what it felt like. I fell to my hands and knees and felt extreme nausea. I knew I needed to head to the toilet, so I started crawling my way over. I couldn't keep straight and kept bouncing off the walls. Then I projectile vomitted all over my bathroom floor. Never made it to the toilet. I kept falling over in it, and was extremely disgusted. By the time my stomach had emptied and I started dry heaving (very quickly), I grabbed a towel and started to very poorly clean it up, and the plan was to show, but I was still heaving and was too dizzy to even be on all fours. I heard my roommate call down to me asking if I was ok, which I said I was fine and that I was about to shower (slightly annoyed that she was awake).

I laid on the ground for a moment to try and steady myself. The next thing I know, I am being caried out of my bathroom by paramedics. My roommate is trying to explain my many illnesses and what her side of the story was and I was just thinking 'fuck. I failed and they know'. I was too angry and embarrassed to talk, and I was freezing, so when they tried to talk to me, I would just ignore them and tried closing my eyes. On the ambulance ride, I tried to get some rest in, but they were already poking and proding and telling me that they were going to give me oxygfen. At that time, my O2 sat was at 70% (which is very low). I was put in a room with about a 20 very beautiful doctors and nurses all trying to talk to me and yelling at each other.

The put on a O2 mask that forced air into you every time you breathed in, but because I was so cold, it was hard to have normal breaths. As time went on, it would be impossible to sleep, so I decided I would talk, but not tell them what I had done- act dumb about it. I didn't think it would work, but luckily because of my weird health history, it seemed understandable. I was also as honest as I could be without disclaiming what I had taken. Hide a lie in truth as they say. So I told them that I had just not been feeling well that evening and late at night I had just started feeling sick, got really dizzy and passed out after vomitting.

I told them that I usually have a sensitive stomach and thought it was food poising at first. I told them that this fainiting has happened before, where I would pass out for a long time. I also freely said that the last time it had happened I took shrooms and passed out for a long time and stopped breathing- whcih was true. They asked if I ever turned blue, which was when I noticed that my had was disgustingly transparent. I could see all of my veins through zombie grey flesh and it was a weird site. So I was like 'uh, no never'. They asked me if I ever thought about suicide before, and I told them truthfully that I think about it all the time (I also have very obvious scars on my body). They asked if this was an attempt and I said no. I know they believed me, because of a later conversation that they had in private that I over heard.

After a short conversation, I was pulled off to scans and all sorts of tests, and throughout this, I was wide awake, joking, telling them they were all doing great, but my O2 was still dropping at a pretty quick rate. They called the CDC, they had doctors zoom call from other countries, they were taking pictures. They had no idea what to do. Plenty of residents and med students also were able to filter through my room and I spoke to all of them and was totally truthful about everything. Except the one thing. At one point, one of the doctors that had been with me from the beginning and just held my hand and shook his head as he watched my O2 drop again. I have to admit, I was pretty excited. Besides a really bad headache, and vomit in my hair, I felt totally fine. I thought it would finally happen, and no friend or family or roommate had to find my body.

More time passes, and I finally feel just so exhausted as they poke and prode me for blood and questions. Then at one point, one of my doctors comes in with several other doctors and a few med students and told me that they had been consulting with so many doctors and their only guess as to what was happeneing to me was that I was suffering from methemoglobinemia. Fuck. He said there was one drug to reverse it: methlyn blue. FUCK. He told me that no one at that hospital has ever given it before, and he didnt think it would work, and the issue with this is, if that they were wrong, it would definitely kill me, but that without trying it I was likely going to die. He said he was agaisnt giving it to me because my ethnicity was prevenlent for some blood diseases, and normally he would have genetic testing done prior but there would be no way I stayed alive long enough to find out. Other doctors voted to have it given to me, and at that point I was just praying that I had this genetic disorder.

I dont. clearly. The shit hurt going in, they even had several residents and doctors and nurses come watch since it was the first time they had ever administered this drug, and within an hour I was totally fine. They kept me in the ICU, had students filtering around asking me questions. At one point when I was trying to sleep I heard one person talking to residents outside my door and the students were asking about drugs and psych, and the person updating them told them that I was very open about my history with suicide and drugs and that none of the doctors believed this was an attempt.

So I got away with it. They tested me for another genetic disorder that is common among my race that could have caused methemoglobinemia, but it was negative. It all came to a dead end of course. I looked at my charts, and the tests all put me as a normal ranges for everything, except for elevated WBC and platlettes. To this day, no one knows what happened and I still act dumb about it. But now that it's in my charts, I would have to plan better to not be found. atm in time, I'm still seeking another method, but now I'm just gently overdosing on Iron- which hasnt been fun- but hoping for some sort of painful organ failure.
Thank you for posting this. Immense hope you have given me with the information that you felt fine other than a headache, and oxygen depletion continued well after you vomiting. Wish me luck as i try essentially the same thing but with meclizine, dimenhydrinate, and diphenhydramine. If it works, i'll watch over you from the other side if there is one.
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Aug 24, 2021
I am sorry you had to go through this experience. But the good part is that you are fine and were no repercussions regarding your health. And thank you so much for sharing with us your experience, it is very helpful knowing the info you gave us.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Yeah. I agree when you're depressed or you're suicidal, you're likely not going to be thinking straight. I don't blame OP for not saying anything for the fear of the psy ward. Certain psy wards are just horrible according to what I've read.
And by the time you're really suicidal and desperate, you're in that moment, you don't care about anything else but wishing to die. So I feel you OP. At my worst moments, I was so desperate to find a building to jump from. It was horrible and that's all that went through my head. Nothing else.
Honestly, you are spot on with this. If the medical establishment weren't so keen on imprisoning people and taking their rights away, we wouldn't have this problem.

If they could respect that NO means no, and people don't want to be subjected to drugging, imprisonment, and procedures against their will, I'm sure that people like the OP would me more likely to be candid in their conversations with them. As long as doctors are complicit in blatant violations of bodily autonomy, I feel no sympathy for them.

All they have to do is stand up, shut this down, and refuse to forcibly detain patients in psychiatric wards anymore, but they think they are saving lives rather than inflicting trauma upon innocent individuals who have committed no crimes, but have shown honesty when it comes to their suicidal ideation.

When you're already in a terrifying, painful predicament and you're threatened with the possibility of further unknowns and probable mental scarring once you've been shipped off to the overpriced holding pen, who would want to speak their mind? I understand completely why OP did not want to disclose their true intentions to these doctors.

Whether it's moral or not, that's not a judgement for any of us to make. Many of those students could have been doing other work, but they wanted to watch an "interesting" case they'd never seen before. Is that entirely pure in motivation??

It sounds more like most of the staff saw the OP as the lab rat at the crux of an intriguing puzzle rather than a person on the verge of death who needed some compassion. Common in the medical field. At least one of them took the time to extend a hand for holding and squeezing, that was a really sweet gesture that you don't see often.

It sounds like an awful experience all around. I'm sorry that both of you had to go through your respective struggles. Let this be a lesson to all of us that we can't predict what's going to happen and what sort of thoughts will rush through our heads when we have to face these decisions head on. It's definitely scary the lack of control we have.
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