Hello, I'm Eduard. Today we had to consult and my idea is that Lorena talk to the doctor, but she became very nervous and I had to take control jj
Eduard (and
@Geturdone), thank you so much for your kind words.
Eduard & Lorena, I'm proud of you (what you accomplished today), but even more so for your abilities to love and care for each-other.
Eduard, I believe Lorena mentioned something about you attending a party 2 days ago and she (please forgive and correct me if I use the wrong pronouns, I'm making my best guess) Lorena thought you were sad after the party. Only if you're comfortable, would you like to talk about it? I'm also very impressed with what Lorena said about you, Eduard, exploring gay, male intimacy for her benefit. And, I understand that that is difficult for you. I certainly appreciate that. Finally, Eduard, do you have any insight into Lorena's nervousness? What can be done to help her with that?
Lorena (if available), great job today! Although it may be some time in the future—please don't rush any of this—at some point the wise thing for Eduard to do may be not to take control—or to do it more gently—when you get anxious. Anxiety, although none of us like it,
is part of having a life of your own. I'm even scaring myself a little thinking about it, but it's the truth. But, one does not have to jump off the high diving-board first thing! What are some smaller, nervousness-inducing things you can explore? For practicing it? Maybe pick one thing every day. You can also pretend-imagine situations that would usually cause problems, and then "feel the feelings" as a practice to getting to be friends with them. I know I'm asking something that can be very uncomfortable, but I think you might find the rewards are worth it. But again, no rush! Also try to be nervous about real things. It's easy to make the mistake of getting anxious—
about being anxious itself. That happens to me often and I find it so silly. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, sorry. Finally, when you're feeling nervous, what sort of thoughts are happening? Often, feelings of fear come with thoughts of danger. But, if you really pay attention, there's almost never any real danger, statistically, most of the time. Sorry to ramble.
Anyway, again, I'm so very proud of you both!