
Dec 6, 2020
So finding an anchor for hanging has been tough for me. Especially considering that I'm 220 lbs. But I think I may have found the perfect solution.

I've thought of using the horizontal wood in my garage. But after hanging from it in a pull up position and hearing a creaking noise, I've been very skeptical.

However, as I was chilling at my friends house the other day, I saw his Iron gym pull up bar placed on a door arch and tried hanging on it in a pull up position. I was able to hang for 30 seconds until my arms gave out. During that whole time, I heard no creaks and felt no bending. So I thought to myself: "This may be the PERFECT thing to use as an anchor". I have a very strong nylon rope meant to hold at least 350 lbs (said on the box). And after doing some research, the iron gym pull up bar is meant to hold up to 300 lbs.

So do you think I'm all set? I think I'm going to either ask to borrow it from him or just buy my own. I think the best way to do it is to get a hotel room and do it there. Just set up the Iron Gym on the door, tie my rope up with a slip knot on both sides, put my head in the knot and then finally CTB and end this miserable life I live with a shit eating grin as I finally succeed in stopping this pain and madness.

So how do you guys think my plan sounds? Do you think from what I've said that the Iron gym will hold me? Do you think even though I heard no creaking while hanging from it for 30 secs, I still have to worry about it breaking or no? Does it sound like I'm doing anything wrong based on the description of my plan? (Knot type, rope etc) I just wanna make sure I do this the right way and it really kills me. I wanna make sure that with my weight it doesn't collapse leaving me a vegetable.

I appreciate your advice so much!
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Ugh, full suspension really should get more respect around these parts... :hmph:

Look, my general impression of this is that this would be a serious and lethal attempt. I would personally make several improvements just to increase the lethality further:

Installing a pull-up bar in a hotel could attract attention from eventual noise. The reliability of the bar could be tested ahead of time, if it seems like it's going to hold up (no bending, breaking, creaking, moving) I don't think we have to worry about any anchor point (branch, bar, fan, ceiling, etc) breaking.

The rope would ideally be able to handle a lot more than your body weight (I've seen the figure 10x, not sure if this is needed), which is why I'm going to hang myself with 10mm static climbing line.

A slipknot would most likely work fine but I'm going with a bowline. I don't think this matters, but I would want a second opinion from a climber/sailor or other rope enthusiast. The better the rope the less important the anchor knot, I believe.

I'm using a "simple noose", I believe a slipknot has a bit more friction. Not sure about the difference between these but a slipknot looks like it would be a less reliable knot, I'm sure it would work fine though, again I'd want confirmation from an expert. I'll also lubricate the rope to minimize the risk of friction or the knot jamming.

It's important to not give yourself any way of escaping the predicament once the chair is kicked. A pull-up bar that's in a doorway might give someone a possibility of, you know--pulling themselves up, if within reach. A rope alone, with nothing else within reach would not be possible to pull yourself up with if the knot is placed on the back of the neck. Even having two walls leading to a door could have someone ninja-climb them and loosening the noose.

We should count on SI going 100% from the first millisecond we kick the chair, and that we'd instantly do whatever we can to stop the excruciating pain.

I would consider the risk of interference from others to be low enough in a hotel if you can reasonably expect for no one to disturb you for several hours, like during the night. Sound shouldn't be a factor to be worried about if we do this correctly.

My own attempt is also halted by the anchor point problem. I have yet to find a good anchor point, might have to do partial, I really don't want to since its low lethality. I've considered structures in the gym, doing it at night in the women's section, but I believe I would be able to reach and pull myself up from these structures.

Suicide is such a pain in the ass FUCK MY PARENTS.
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Mar 21, 2019
It will work.
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bob mcbob

Feb 19, 2021
So finding an anchor for hanging has been tough for me. Especially considering that I'm 220 lbs. But I think I may have found the perfect solution.

I've thought of using the horizontal wood in my garage. But after hanging from it in a pull up position and hearing a creaking noise, I've been very skeptical.

However, as I was chilling at my friends house the other day, I saw his Iron gym pull up bar placed on a door arch and tried hanging on it in a pull up position. I was able to hang for 30 seconds until my arms gave out. During that whole time, I heard no creaks and felt no bending. So I thought to myself: "This may be the PERFECT thing to use as an anchor". I have a very strong nylon rope meant to hold at least 350 lbs (said on the box). And after doing some research, the iron gym pull up bar is meant to hold up to 300 lbs.

So do you think I'm all set? I think I'm going to either ask to borrow it from him or just buy my own. I think the best way to do it is to get a hotel room and do it there. Just set up the Iron Gym on the door, tie my rope up with a slip knot on both sides, put my head in the knot and then finally CTB and end this miserable life I live with a shit eating grin as I finally succeed in stopping this pain and madness.

So how do you guys think my plan sounds? Do you think from what I've said that the Iron gym will hold me? Do you think even though I heard no creaking while hanging from it for 30 secs, I still have to worry about it breaking or no? Does it sound like I'm doing anything wrong based on the description of my plan? (Knot type, rope etc) I just wanna make sure I do this the right way and it really kills me. I wanna make sure that with my weight it doesn't collapse leaving me a vegetable.

I appreciate your advice so much!
Hey there! I think this would work - my plan has been to use this kind of pull up bar in my house.

My only question - wouldn't this be partial suspension? If the bar is hanging from a door arch, I'd assume your legs would touch the ground? I might be visualizing this wrong

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