Chaos dose not make endless suffering
No, humans do - humans who ended up with the "big brains" over thousands of years of evolution, and who just happened to hit the evolution "jackpot" as far as acquiring the ability to reason on a far greater scale than any other living animal. Combine that with the interconnected and highly-developed senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling, all of which provide entirely individualized experiences depending on who is sensing what, thereby creating differing interpretations of experiences from human to human, and you end up with an infinite approaching amount of interpretations that individual humans process, and then express as beliefs and opinions. That is what creates chaos and
leads to endless suffering (amongst ALL earth's inhabitants). Eight billion human inhabitants, each with their own beliefs, ideas, and opinions.
As far as my beliefs - I believe we would be so much better off if no religion existed at all. Instead of so many living for a "higher power"
first, if everyone knew that there was no god, no afterlife, no reincarnation, no soul, then, *maybe* we'd all start to understand that what we have here on earth is all there is............and, just maybe, that understanding would begin to foster in us the understanding that
we are all there is, at least in this solar system, and that
we all have a collective responsibility to serve and help
each other for ONLY the betterment of humankind.