

Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
I agree with all you said. I just wanted to clarify that there isn't freedom of speech on a website and the fact that we can say almost anything here means we have unusually enlightened and compassionate site owners. But you are absolutely right. The spread of information shouldn't be blocked on this. SN gives people a way out that is less horrible than the other methods.

Of course websites like these are privately owned, so we view and participate at the pleasure and discretion of the owners, but no outsider can deem these places to be illegal, and no government entity can make such an attempt without automatically negating itself.

To be allowed to join this site was an honor, one I hope to validate.
When there's a will, there's a way. People always find a way to suicide.

BTW, Rotten was the shit back in the day, sites like Ogrish, BestGore, r/watchpeopledie desensitized me to death and dying.

This is how my sister introduced me to Rotten...:

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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
A great solution would be to lock the sites gates for new people to join and make this place viewable only for already registered users. I don't know why this place needs to grow in numbers. If the number of already existing users decreases then we can open the gates for new people until it reaches a certain number - and close the gate again.

If I found this place and was unable to register I would have a nervous breakdown because nobody in my life gives me any support.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
If I found this place and was unable to register I would have a nervous breakdown because nobody in my life gives me any support.
I think it should stay available to everyone without a gatekeeper. We are desperate for any kind of help and support. So I agree with you.
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Nov 9, 2020
I think yes, there are major sicko trolls on here, both as members and not. There are also people just reading posts who don't feel comfortable enough to make an account. And also people trying to advocate for people not attempting suicide/get this site shut down. Probably also people who are survivors of other's suicides who are trying to undertand. There are so many possibilities and trolls are a definite one of them.
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Aug 5, 2019
BTW, Rotten was the shit back in the day, sites like Ogrish, BestGore, r/watchpeopledie desensitized me to death and dying.
I used to lurk on r/watchpeopledie too, got really sad when it was banned. Kinda makes me feel like a sociopath or something, but I was never affected emotionally by any of it :/
Any idea if the other sites are still a thing? I kinda wanna get desensitised to it all again
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
I used to lurk on r/watchpeopledie too, got really sad when it was banned. Kinda makes me feel like a sociopath or something, but I was never affected emotionally by any of it :/
Any idea if the other sites are still a thing? I kinda wanna get desensitised to it all again

I like to show this stuff to prigs just to freak the shit outta them. (Just the thought of how people might react makes me laugh. Considering how asshole teachers, principals and school psychologists liked to laugh at and ridicule me, I feel good about this.)
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Sep 30, 2020
I noticed a while back that you are able to view how many people are actively viewing any part of the website. Users and Guests both. While in a recent thread discussing a live event, I noticed there were a significant amount of guests actively viewing it. This brought to mind some concerns, as I'm sure it does most of us, but also brought up something else:

How many of these trolls are involved in trying to get this site shutdown, while secretly browsing threads that they're supposedly so opposed to?

It just doesn't add up. Seems to me maybe there are more than a few out there who are "fighting the good fight" against SS, but secretly getting their sick fucking rocks off hoping they can just waltz in here undetected and watch someone off themselves. You people are the problem, not us! We are here as a community to support and love one another through a common struggle. You're here for God knows what, but if you have to stay hidden and secretive the intentions can be any form of pure.
I'm technically a new member but I just have a decent amount of posts, I was scared that I'd be singled out at some point.
I swear guys I'm not an agent. :ahhha:
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Oct 10, 2019
Are you aware that everything that is discussed on this site is illegal and can lead to users being locked up - either in jail or in a hospital? There is no place on this planet that I am aware of that makes it totally okay to carry out the topics we discuss - obtaining substances, importing substances, how to purchase substances, even using the substances. What may be okay in one place may not be in another - see the ongoing discussions of obtaining SN.

It is a risk that we each take. So I will read this site for useful information, and always as a guest. Only when I want to post something do I go to my computer and log in so that I can post. I think too many here see this site as another social media place where we can all be friends. Unfortunately, everyone of us is at risk from scammers or others who want to lock us up or otherwise prevent us from carrying out our own wishes. There have been users who have been reported to authorities. Users have reported items being seized by customs or visited by police.

The "lurkers" who are not logged in have the same rights to view this site, looking for information. It took me a long time before I decided to take the risk and set up an account. And as I have said, while I view this site a lot, I rarely log in. So please be aware that while some may see this place as somewhere to make friends, others may see this place as somewhere to end our lives.
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Mar 31, 2020
I agree. I don't see a feasible way to fix the problem aside from gatekeeping access to the forum, which would likely further isolate vulnerable people who don't have outside support.

I think a better solution is for people to take posts here with a grain of salt and not immediately pull out the pitchforks whenever people voice concerns about possible trolls or red-flag posters. You can't trust everyone on here, and you shouldn't. There are absolutely trolls on this site, and they can be sophisticated in how they post and hook other users, far beyond what normal people would conceive or consider worth-while.
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Not gone yet but soon
Jan 14, 2020
Even though I still want to ctb this site has helped me on so many levels and I do not mean just methods. I mean it helps so much being able to talk to others that feel the same way. I remember a few months ago the site went down for a few hours. I was in tears. Like where the fuck was I suppose to go to talk to anyone else? Thankfully it came back up. I only speak for myself but I'm sure there are others that if the site went down I would feel lonely and lost.

I haven't seen it recently but I know there was pro lifers posting on good bye threads earlier this year. I know they got banned quick.
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Sep 12, 2020
I've noticed that too. Sometimes there are more trolls than members online. That worries me.

It seems like every time I'm online there are more guests. I browsed a little bit as a guest, in all honesty, but obviously my intentions were not ill. It just took me a bit to actually create an account.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
It seems like every time I'm online there are more guests.
The US election might be causing some a lot of stress so they come to this site.
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
It seems like every time I'm online there are more guests. I browsed a little bit as a guest, in all honesty, but obviously my intentions were not ill. It just took me a bit to actually create an account.
Yeah I also was a guest for quite sometime you are right in that. But I'm sure not all guests are here for solidarity some are spying.
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Sep 12, 2020
I too have grown concerned for the safety of this community but I do not know what I can do to help, if you have any ideas or potential solutions I would like to hear.

People can be two faced and sadistic, it's part of why I tend to isolate myself from them.

Full transparency, I found this site through a buzzfeed style article titled, " 10 sites you didn't know existed on the web" or something to this nature. It's actually presented quite differently on the list than what it really is, which is why it took me a bit to actually join. That's why I feel so many people are actually lurking around the site. Maybe the mods could send a request to the original article and ask it be amended to the true intention of the site ? I don't know really, but yes it's quite worrisome.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Why would anyone be here to spy? Unless you are personally interested in this I mean, I see no reason to spend time here. It would never occur to me to come to a site for the suicidally inclined just for grins, or some kind of ulterior motive.

Maybe the pandemic and all that goes with it has people stressed out.
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Sep 12, 2020
my post is waiting moderator approval, can somebody help?
I've had one post come through that way that I ended up deleting because I figured maybe it was about something that wasn't allowed on the site? I was trying to help a user ensure safety while browsing through a specific app that can be downloaded. Problem is that the site specifically says you won't be allowed membership if browsing through one while initially joining. Maybe it's something questionable within the post ?
Why would anyone be here to spy? Unless you are personally interested in this I mean, I see no reason to spend time here. It would never occur to me to come to a site for the suicidally inclined just for grins, or some kind of ulterior motive.

Maybe the pandemic and all that goes with it has people stressed out.

I absolutely thought the same thing. Some trolls are just messed up and want to make a joke of others suffering, that's who this is aimed at. They aren't decent people, and they're out there darling, unfortunately. Maybe there are some out there who have a morbid interest so they just want to see what the site is about as well? I can't say specifically why each guest is here, it's just for the assholes out there.
This seems to come up a lot. The problem with closing the site to the public is that it doesn't allow people to find a place of resource and refuge. Everyone of us that is here right now at one point was a guest that had not made an account yet, and it was not part of the community. I viewed this site for probably a couple months before I got the courage to actually register. If I didn't have access to read the resources and what people were talking about I never would've joined the community, and I probably would've gone with my completely moronic plan a year ago I would've just ended up making me ill. I understand and respect how at risk our safety is with this kind of content, but a simple solution is to just be careful how we word things.

I love this response ! It sums it up beautifully. In actuality and what most don't understand is we aren't here to encourage anyone to do anything. This site is here to do exactly what it did for you! Provide the resources available for the user/ some guests to better understand the decision they are making and find like minded people in which to discuss their thoughts, feelings, issues etc. I really wish I could bookmark this to my post somehow. Thank you for this !!!
My apologies for asking a silly question. but is a troll a lurker? I lurk all of the time. I do not see well and typing can prove very difficult. As can reading.

Haha I think lurking is one thing, Trolling is more like taking it a step further. Some people use the word troll for lurkers, but it's misused a lot. And for all guests actively viewing this thread, I'm not targeting all of you in this post, but the ones I am know who they are.

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topicmessages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
My absence was because I had a manic episode. I got arrested and was at the hospital.

I was just released.

In case anyone suspected me of mal-intent, I apologize.

I didn't realise I wasn't the only one who observes the numbers regularly.

Or that my absence would be noticed, at this level of anonymity.

Posting this was difficult so thanks for reading.

Very very happy you made it back to us! Hope you're doing well my dear! Sorry that jail was a result of your episode. It's never fun to visit, especially in those situations. Xoxo
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Sep 12, 2020
Are you aware that everything that is discussed on this site is illegal and can lead to users being locked up - either in jail or in a hospital? There is no place on this planet that I am aware of that makes it totally okay to carry out the topics we discuss - obtaining substances, importing substances, how to purchase substances, even using the substances. What may be okay in one place may not be in another - see the ongoing discussions of obtaining SN.

It is a risk that we each take. So I will read this site for useful information, and always as a guest. Only when I want to post something do I go to my computer and log in so that I can post. I think too many here see this site as another social media place where we can all be friends. Unfortunately, everyone of us is at risk from scammers or others who want to lock us up or otherwise prevent us from carrying out our own wishes. There have been users who have been reported to authorities. Users have reported items being seized by customs or visited by police.

The "lurkers" who are not logged in have the same rights to view this site, looking for information. It took me a long time before I decided to take the risk and set up an account. And as I have said, while I view this site a lot, I rarely log in. So please be aware that while some may see this place as somewhere to make friends, others may see this place as somewhere to end our lives.

Absolutely correct! There really are so many who browse as guests, but again I will say that I'm not speaking to ALL GUESTS, just those with ill intent and motives. This post, quite honestly, was just a "hey I noticed something, has anyone else" to begin with. I really didn't expect to receive the response I have so far. The main thing I found concerning with this topic is that the threads I've found the most guests on at any given time, happens to be the goodbye threads.

I personally, do not view this as another form of social media. I've described previously how I came across it, as I'm sure others have similarly. It's a place where I can share experiences, and be surrounded by like minded people working through similar circumstances as myself. Anyone who has read the introduction and resources listed at the very top of the forum list knows exactly the purpose for this site. I will say it again, it's in no way a site encouraging anyone to take their own lives. Majority of those who come here have already made their decisions and don't require any encouragement from anyone else. It would be done without SS in place. That's also what many do not understand about this site.

Thanks for your response! I love all the different perspectives being given on the thread.
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
Absolutely correct! There really are so many who browse as guests, but again I will say that I'm not speaking to ALL GUESTS, just those with ill intent and motives. This post, quite honestly, was just a "hey I noticed something, has anyone else" to begin with. I really didn't expect to receive the response I have so far. The main thing I found concerning with this topic is that the threads I've found the most guests on at any given time, happens to be the goodbye threads.

I personally, do not view this as another form of social media. I've described previously how I came across it, as I'm sure others have similarly. It's a place where I can share experiences, and be surrounded by like minded people working through similar circumstances as myself. Anyone who has read the introduction and resources listed at the very top of the forum list knows exactly the purpose for this site. I will say it again, it's in no way a site encouraging anyone to take their own lives. Majority of those who come here have already made their decisions and don't require any encouragement from anyone else. It would be done without SS in place. That's also what many do not understand about this site.

Thanks for your response! I love all the different perspectives being given on the thread.
Yeah I understand what you were trying to alert. Well done on you!
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Aug 5, 2019
Why would anyone be here to spy? Unless you are personally interested in this I mean, I see no reason to spend time here. It would never occur to me to come to a site for the suicidally inclined just for grins, or some kind of ulterior motive.

Maybe the pandemic and all that goes with it has people stressed out.
Unfortunately there's a lot of people online who see us all as some kind of cult that encourages children to off themselves...
A quick search of 'Fixthe26' will probably send you to their website - yes a website dedicated to take down this community

It's probably not a stretch to say there are some who might even enjoy browsing the site, despite having no suicidal ideations of their own. The more publicity we get, the more guests we'll see who come here to have a look out of interest, or possibly even out of clinical interest. I think there's maybe more mental healthcare professionals, that know about this place, than we think
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
Unfortunately there's a lot of people online who see us all as some kind of cult that encourages children to off themselves...
A quick search of 'Fixthe26' will probably send you to their website - yes a website dedicated to take down this community

It's probably not a stretch to say there are some who might even enjoy browsing the site, despite having no suicidal ideations of their own. The more publicity we get, the more guests we'll see who come here to have a look out of interest, or possibly even out of clinical interest. I think there's maybe more mental healthcare professionals, that know about this place, than we think
And unfortunately one of our members joined them can you believe that?
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
A past member of SS joined the petition group?
Yes but it happened when I first joined. He announced it her out loud but rather not mention that op name. He's banned now.
A past member of SS joined the petition group?
Like that op there is a lot of spies here. We just dunno who they are.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
Are you aware that everything that is discussed on this site is illegal and can lead to users being locked up - either in jail or in a hospital? There is no place on this planet that I am aware of that makes it totally okay to carry out the topics we discuss - obtaining substances, importing substances, how to purchase substances, even using the substances. What may be okay in one place may not be in another - see the ongoing discussions of obtaining SN.

It is a risk that we each take. So I will read this site for useful information, and always as a guest. Only when I want to post something do I go to my computer and log in so that I can post. I think too many here see this site as another social media place where we can all be friends. Unfortunately, everyone of us is at risk from scammers or others who want to lock us up or otherwise prevent us from carrying out our own wishes. There have been users who have been reported to authorities. Users have reported items being seized by customs or visited by police.

The "lurkers" who are not logged in have the same rights to view this site, looking for information. It took me a long time before I decided to take the risk and set up an account. And as I have said, while I view this site a lot, I rarely log in. So please be aware that while some may see this place as somewhere to make friends, others may see this place as somewhere to end our lives.

It's illegal to describe and supply precise instructions on how to make your own pure nitrogen gas or pure sodium nitrite? Sorry, but that violates freedom of speech, the First Amendment in the United States, so anybody attempting to ban, arrest or lock up anybody who posts those explicit directions would themselves be breaking the law and going to jail. Any court which rules otherwise automatically negates their own authority.


Dec 20, 2019
tbh I've seen so many of these threads that I just don't care anymore
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
tbh I've seen so many of these threads that I just don't care anymore
Exactly. Now someone is saying what we write is illegal....and we would end up in jail.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
Unfortunately there's a lot of people online who see us all as some kind of cult that encourages children to off themselves...
A quick search of 'Fixthe26' will probably send you to their website - yes a website dedicated to take down this community
Pathetic lol
For every controversial yet well meaning website there always seems to be a counterpart.
tbh I've seen so many of these threads that I just don't care anymore
Yet you still made the effort to post..
It's illegal to describe and supply precise instructions on how to make your own pure nitrogen gas or pure sodium nitrite? Sorry, but that violates freedom of speech, the First Amendment in the United States, so anybody attempting to ban, arrest or lock up anybody who posts those explicit directions would themselves be breaking the law and going to jail. Any court which rules otherwise automatically negates their own authority.
It would be interesting to know where SS has its servers.
But I get if we / they don't want to reveal.

Edit: Erm, @GoodPersonEffed there is a screenshot with your username out there lol
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Oct 10, 2019
Sorry, you are misreading what I wrote. I said that the things that we discuss are illegal - not that the discussion is illegal. To CTB (and helping others ) is mostly illegal, purchasing N is illegal, importing N is illegal. Those in the US can talk about it, but carrying out the acts are illegal. And not everyone here is from the US.

People forget that even in places like Switzerland, Pegasus and Dignitas have very strict laws that they have to follow in order to allow people to CTB. A good deal of the cost for their services is to be sure that they don't violate any laws and end up facing prosecution for killing someone. The same with other places/states that allow people to legally CTB at the end of their life - but not just anyone can obtain the drugs since they need to get medical sign off, otherwise the physicians writing the prescriptions could face prosecution.

But we are not generally discussing legal methods of CTB, we are discussing how to do it ourselves.
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
Pathetic lol
For every controversial yet well meaning website there always seems to be a counterpart.

Yet you still made the effort to post..

It would be interesting to know where SS has its servers.
But I get if we / they don't want to reveal.

Edit: Erm, @GoodPersonEffed there is a screenshot with your username out there lol
Also a screen shot of a blonde member on a few occasions I've seen. Letze I think.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
Sorry, you are misreading what I wrote. I said that the things that we discuss are illegal - not that the discussion is illegal. To CTB (and helping others ) is mostly illegal, purchasing N is illegal, importing N is illegal. Those in the US can talk about it, but carrying out the acts are illegal. And not everyone here is from the US.

People forget that even in places like Switzerland, Pegasus and Dignitas have very strict laws that they have to follow in order to allow people to CTB. A good deal of the cost for their services is to be sure that they don't violate any laws and end up facing prosecution for killing someone. The same with other places/states that allow people to legally CTB at the end of their life - but not just anyone can obtain the drugs since they need to get medical sign off, otherwise the physicians writing the prescriptions could face prosecution.

But we are not generally discussing legal methods of CTB, we are discussing how to do it ourselves.

The great thing about the modern internet is that this is today's lawless Wild West where everything goes. Shut down a site and four more extreme sites can replace it.

Parental fuckheads who want to shut this site down because their children caught the buss after being bullied at school have only themselves to blame for bringing their children into this world and subjecting them to school. These parents are invariably the hyper irresponsible "Blame somebody else for MY fuckups!" losers who can't look themselves in the mirror to confront the fact that they alone created their children's distresses, whether those kids were born with inherited difficulties or poisoned when they were subjected to peers or schools. (Yes, I realize there may be mothers who are members of Sanctioned Suicide who only reproduced as a result of being raped, and yes, abortion is an inalienable right for any such female who genuinely loves their unborn children. Yes, I also understand that postpartum depression is widespread in mothers who planned their pregnancies and births. Nonetheless, for any parent who has a child getting bullied in school, the first option wherever possible is to INSTANTLY withdraw that child from school permanently.)
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Can you hear the wolf cry in a moonlight night?
Nov 1, 2020
Parents need someone to blame so they go on these revenge sprees. I'm sure every child on that site revealed one way or another they weren't doing well.
Parents need someone to blame so they go on these revenge sprees. I'm sure every child on that site revealed one way or another they weren't doing well.
@Meditation guide hello I wanted to ask you a question. But can't send you a PM can you sent me one if it's not asking for too much?
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