

Apr 8, 2020
When I was 15 years old all I wanted was to be successful, earning my own income and contributing to society and its so disappointing that little girl grew up to be fired at 25 years old from my first ever full time job. I have always been naturally confident and outspoken

Before I got fired I was always so nice and friendly towards everyone at work but my work colleagues especially one older work friend gossiped about me at work and others kept going behind my back to our boss. I experienced being ignored and unsupported at work. I got labelled a workplace trouble maker for accuratley criticising an extremely difficult unpleasant high maintenance customer behaviour. My words were harsh and I took full responsibility for my actions and learnt from my mistakes but the management continued to crucify and hound me over it even after the incident got resolved. Arsehole older male colleague I fell in love with humiliated me at work.

My boss blamed me for bringing problems in the department ever since my arrival and he was so cruel towards me. He was so hostile, belittling and practically terrorised me. I ended up shouting at my boss because he was being a supreme arsehole.

Since getting fired in February I never want to work again. My confidence is now gone completely.

I no longer find working attractive. I never want to work again. I will never get over this.
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Jan 24, 2023
Don't you think it's possible to find a workplace that is less toxic to you? I believe the answer is no because I'm in your exact mindset right now, but am asking anyways.

I quit my job last month, and the last thing I want is to start my new one in September. Working is so awful. It's not even that I don't like doing what I'm being paid for, but you work all day, every day, to make someone else richer, and when your workday ends, you have no energy left to do the things you really want and really like. This is alienation. We have to dedicate our lives to meaningless works, and it seems to be part of our very condition (at least for those of us who did not win the lottery). Let alone the "social ladder game" in most companies, where everyone's shooting in everyone's feet, just to gain more power or more wealth, even when it implies harming or humiliating others.

The fact that you don't want to be part of that game anymore is rather the sign that you're a good human being IMHO.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
I dunno if my perspective is helpful for you to read, but it's just wageslavery. Have you seen that TV show, "The Boys"? Workplaces are like those superheroes, all smiley & glamorous on the outside — but they're mostly just cults that turn people into dull degenerates

Some poor souls think "Ok, so I'll just do a good job!" But what does "a good job" mean? It could mean being effective at accomplishing the ostensible team mission: which I believe in your case was handling complaints for repairs in low-cost housing for the poor

("Sounds great! Who could possibly screw up such an important & helpful job!?")

But that's not commonly the case, due to the hierarchical team structure. It's usually: make your boss look good to their boss. If the stars align, the corporate/government gods grant you supportive bosses who just want to help people gracefully. Like occasionally good kings & lords popped up in feudal societies. Before some King Joffrey ascended & chopped their heads off, because he got nervous about their performance on a graph he was eyeballing

Obey your masters

"Disciplined Minds" is a favorite underground book on how to keep your sanity intact
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Jun 22, 2023
Sick world, people are destroying each other. One of the reasons for my fear of work.
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Jul 9, 2023
It's a valid choice to be among the minority of the population who, for various reasons, choose not to work. Personally, I have had limited work experience, having been employed for less than a year throughout my life, with sporadic jobs in different industries over a span of seven years. Unfortunately, I encountered challenges in some of these workplaces. In one industry, I faced issues with colleagues who treated me poorly, making me feel worthless and easily replaceable. In two other industries, I faced difficulties with certain customers or clients who directed hurtful words toward me. Although these occurrences were infrequent, I can still feel the impact it had on me. I remember a particular incident where a customer, without any justification, spat on me and hurled insults my way, even though I was simply carrying out my job responsibilities. Years later, I came to the conclusion that this incident was likely influenced by my gender identity. I struggle to find any other plausible explanation for it. Unfortunately, I cannot recall a single positive encounter during my time in those jobs.

Due to these negative experiences and other reasons, I have chosen to isolate myself and limit my interactions with the outside world. I find it challenging to trust in the kindness of others and feel safer within the confines of my home.

Living without a job is manageable as long as one is able to control their expenses and find alternative means of support, such as receiving welfare or other forms of social income.
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Apr 16, 2021
I wish I could find a job with no human interaction. Extremely hard to find and keep. The office backstabbing that goes on is beyond belief.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I just think that humans are the worst species in general, it's horrible to me how humans create even more suffering, it must had been awful being around people like that.


Apr 8, 2020
It's a valid choice to be among the minority of the population who, for various reasons, choose not to work. Personally, I have had limited work experience, having been employed for less than a year throughout my life, with sporadic jobs in different industries over a span of seven years. Unfortunately, I encountered challenges in some of these workplaces. In one industry, I faced issues with colleagues who treated me poorly, making me feel worthless and easily replaceable. In two other industries, I faced difficulties with certain customers or clients who directed hurtful words toward me. Although these occurrences were infrequent, I can still feel the impact it had on me. I remember a particular incident where a customer, without any justification, spat on me and hurled insults my way, even though I was simply carrying out my job responsibilities. Years later, I came to the conclusion that this incident was likely influenced by my gender identity. I struggle to find any other plausible explanation for it. Unfortunately, I cannot recall a single positive encounter during my time in those jobs.

Due to these negative experiences and other reasons, I have chosen to isolate myself and limit my interactions with the outside world. I find it challenging to trust in the kindness of others and feel safer within the confines of my home.

Living without a job is manageable as long as one is able to control their expenses and find alternative means of support, such as receiving welfare or other forms of social income.
@Shaylla1998 Virtual hug, you are profile picture is very cute 🫂 🤗

I don't understand how people terrorise other innocent people in the workplace. I was always good, respectful and friendly towards everyone at work. If I was bad person then I can understand people having motive for humiliating, gossiping and lying about me at work. I question what I did I do so wrong for people to treat me like this at work?

Bring humiliated by older work colleagues who should know better than to be playing these games has been disappointing and the worst thing I experienced in my career.

For human being to terrorise another human being is a special kind of evil piece of shit.,
I dunno if my perspective is helpful for you to read, but it's just wageslavery. Have you seen that TV show, "The Boys"? Workplaces are like those superheroes, all smiley & glamorous on the outside — but they're mostly just cults that turn people into dull degenerates

Some poor souls think "Ok, so I'll just do a good job!" But what does "a good job" mean? It could mean being effective at accomplishing the ostensible team mission: which I believe in your case was handling complaints for repairs in low-cost housing for the poor

("Sounds great! Who could possibly screw up such an important & helpful job!?")

But that's not commonly the case, due to the hierarchical team structure. It's usually: make your boss look good to their boss. If the stars align, the corporate/government gods grant you supportive bosses who just want to help people gracefully. Like occasionally good kings & lords popped up in feudal societies. Before some King Joffrey ascended & chopped their heads off, because he got nervous about their performance on a graph he was eyeballing

Obey your masters

"Disciplined Minds" is a favorite underground book on how to keep your sanity intact
@absurdtimeline I have seen The Boys I have not finished season 3. I have massive crush on Solider Boy that superhero costume he is so fine . When I was a teenager I watched Supernatural and I still see Dean Winchester in Soldier Boy. I had a massive crush on Dean too as a teenager.

It's so disappointing that in my first full time job since graduating university i got known as the work colleague who screwed up all the time, the workplace troublemaker and I never got to show my true potential.
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She’s lost control
Oct 7, 2021
Same thing happened to me. I got burnt out and I started to crack. Crying episodes, anger episodes, panic attacks, noticeable dips in performance. I was sent home early several times due to stress. I ended up lying on the couch, drifting in and out of sleep, and was rightfully fired.

I'm just tired of working. In general. I was already suicidal before. Now I'm really sure. Work is too much effort. Even starting a business, working for myself, too much effort.

It's not the end of the world. Get references from coworkers, not your boss, and lie and said you quit because of a bad cultural fit. You can find another job. I get it tho. Working sux
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Jun 10, 2018
I just got fired at 26 this week from my full time job at a Fortune 500 working in marketing because of an invisible disability. But before they fired me they humiliated mex accused me of faking my illness. Tore down every bit of my confidence and tries to get me to quit by ostracizing mw from everyone and making my job impossible/ making me the workplace outcast. I had a 4.0 at a top 20 university. I have no desire to ever work again either.. I was suicidal anyways since college but now I'm done. Planning to try taking my N this month.
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I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
I got fired over 5 years ago because I was and still am too sick to work. So many workplaces are total snake pits. I've seen the worst, laziest people get promoted. I live in a right to work state which basically means you can be fired for pretty much any reason or no reason at all with zero notice. There's no security at all. It creates a total fear based environment. I'd rather be dead. It's a moot point for me because I'll never be able to work again because of my health.
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Apr 8, 2020
I just got fired at 26 this week from my full time job at a Fortune 500 working in marketing because of an invisible disability. But before they fired me they humiliated mex accused me of faking my illness. Tore down every bit of my confidence and tries to get me to quit by ostracizing mw from everyone and making my job impossible/ making me the workplace outcast. I had a 4.0 at a top 20 university. I have no desire to ever work again either.. I was suicidal anyways since college but now I'm done. Planning to try taking my N this month.
@AH23 Big virtual hug 🫂 🤗 most people really underestimate how confidence damaging it is getting fired from your first full time job since graduating. Your first graduate job is an important milestone in a young adults life its natural to feel hurt, disappointed and depressed if it turned out terribly. As kids we are taught by our parents go to college/university and to get that job and to fail it can be a real shock to the system especially if one was good in school and university like we were.

My whole experience has convinced me older forget being young because as time goes on people change and so do our perspectives eventually older people forget how it feels to be that once young and depressed person who went through difficult periods.

I have been sharing my experiences of my last in online spaces because I can't talk about it publicly because my family are embrassed thier perfect daughter got fired yep. One moderator in a discord group for women she was mega super arsehole and responsed "stop writing novel long pages" and "go see a therapist". I can not afford therapy. I wrote 2-3 short clear paragraphs then she shamed me infront of the entire community no one defended me, everyone pretty much worships the moderator. This woman has no life of her own she lives her life on moderating reddit r/ForeverAlonewomen sub and FAW discord server she talks about the meals she having at restaurants, her translater WFH job, her weekend at home or how loves karaoke and yes being a forever alone woman. The woman eventually bans me from her server.
I got fired over 5 years ago because I was and still am too sick to work. So many workplaces are total snake pits. I've seen the worst, laziest people get promoted. I live in a right to work state which basically means you can be fired for pretty much any reason or no reason at all with zero notice. There's no security at all. It creates a total fear based environment. I'd rather be dead. It's a moot point for me because I'll never be able to work again because of my health.
@BlazingBob During the summer I went to a group course for unemployed people on welfare benefits. The people I met in my group were really lovely people and it was so shocking hearing their stories of how their jobs ended, how cruel their former bosses were and toxic environments the workplaces they worked in were. These were people from all different professions and backgrounds who found themselves in hard times through no fault of their own.

in the UK the British public really complain about others on welfare choosing not to work and living off the tax payer. Its big social divide here over the generous nature of the UK welfare benefits system. After hearing the people stories on the course it is not surprising we do have certain people within in the population who choose not to work. It's not attractive to work and too many workplaces dont want to change their toxic behaviours this is why welfare benefits claims in the UK have risen in the past decade.
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garota suicida

garota suicida

Sep 15, 2023
te entendo completamente. perdi um emprego que gostava muito por problemas de depressão e após sair de la entrei em um buraco mais fundo. foram dias difíceis me sentindo inútil e desprezível pra ser exata 4 meses até conseguir me levantar e voltar a trabalhar, porém, ainda não me sinto motivada como antes.

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