Sanctioned Suicide

Sanctioned Suicide

Jul 19, 2023
My heart is racing, I just saw something that showed me how fucked up humans can really be, but that also just made me fucking snap. Like my mental just broke, like who I am as a person just changed and became ever so slightly worse. I just want it to all fade to black, not even black though, like the lack of a true color or thing in general, whatever true nonexistence is. However I take the thought that the end of ones life should be based upon something more than the relationships we have to people, and though I have fully decided that my life isn't worth living, like the bad's immensely outweigh the goods, it doesn't mean I should ctb at a moment in time when I'm feeling more pain than I ever have just because that pain was caused by the fucked up actions of another. Though at this point none of it really matters, and even though this is like the only moment I could ever put one to my head and pull it, because in other moments there is a concept of (fear?) or I'm not even sure it's that, but in this one I could do it all sober, but not clear minded however I would rather be clear minded yet not sober. Fuck do I probably sound nuts.
  • Hugs
Reactions: Aloneisbestforme and tora


Feel free to contact me <3
Aug 29, 2023
Take a deep breath. humanity at its core is very fucked up and im sorry you had to see whatever it is you saw. if you need to tell anyone im here, i hope you find it in you to sort these feelings


Jun 11, 2023
I'm so sorry for whatever it is you saw :( humanity is seriously fucked up. it's hard to stay hopeful when there's so many evil people out there. please take care of yourself while you recover from what you saw ❤️ I saw a lot of traumatizing shit on the Internet when I was younger that made me feel sick to my stomach and I found it helps to watch videos of animals getting rescued; that's one of the few good things humans do anymore

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