I don't think this would ever happen. Based on my experiences with people, I can conclude that the massive majority of people are more oriented towards pro-lifer ideas due to the fact that they have been brainwashed into believing that these judgements are the ideal opinions concerning the choice to die. But, I'd love to have a society which accepts that people have dreadful lives and deserve to be provided the freedom of choice, instead of being stripped of something that should and should always be a basic inalienable human birthright. Unfortunately though, despite the fact that I, and many others are wishing for this to become reality, this right will never be within our reach. Significantly more people agree with the pro-lifer's ideas and many many less agree with pro-choice way of thinking. The human nature won't and may never change, the people in charge of the decisions regarding the allowance of euthanasia were too privileged all their lives, they'll never understand our struggles and our reasons as to why we so greatly wish to ctb.