I wasn't. Just a different prospective.
That's my worst nightmare, honestly.
I live in an area where you see folks living like that all the time.
It's really messed up and I feel bad for them.
Jail is tough. You seem to have survived eveything you've been through.
Im always curious about peoples experiences in jail. I never want to visit to find out.
I've been to a lot of jails, some okay and some a lot worse but Prison? I'm just going to be real to you and tell you prison is actually a lot better than jail.
At times it's a lot of fun even.
And the hardest thing about being incarcerated for me personally was losing my ex fiance. She was a total hoe bag and it messed me up and recently we talked again, and I was honestly wanting to ctb over my mistakes with her... But as it recently turned out, she was always going to be the snake in the grass no matter what I did. I feel like we're groomed in society to believe in every action has an equal positive or negative reaction. But a snake is a snake and I'm glad I got to see that before I ctb.
I feel like in a lot of ways spending a year planning to CTB at the end showed me a lot of different angles and perspectives that I wouldn't have seen otherwise however... Currently I don't know what to live for... like... Pardon my cluelessness but...
All this shit...
All of it;
It's pretty fucking boring.
Honestly the hardest thing about jail is basically watching yourself die and everyone else around you move on. While I would never recommend going to jail I will say it kind of makes the idea of CTB a lot less romanticized.
Yeah you can ask me whatever you want if you ever want a private message me about my experiences.
I didn't mean to start accusations. I'm drunk right now maybe I should have worded it differently
You're good bro. I'm a little defensive over people who post on this form because, I feel like a lot of people ctb over subconscious insecurities and unanswered questions versus actually wanting to end their existence. Me and the guy had an argument before that was really dumb so I wasn't sure of his character but that was bias on my part and I recognize that.
He actually seems like a really good dude.