tove 𓆩♡𓆪
- Mar 22, 2023
- 129
I hadn't felt the necessity to vent or come post here since I was collecting my thoughts a lot, reconsidering, I still kinda am, nobody can be decisive about ctb quickly, and I'm no exception, however it's been torture going back and forth between real consideration/planning/decision and listening to those who love you/trying to believe their promises when they say "it'll be alright"
it's so painful. my physical pain has been so irritating and my health condition has been difficult to control, I think I'm going anemic again and I'm skipping meals again too. I feel so disoriented however because I haven't done any of my responsibilities for days, and just been distracting myself and spending my time with my s/o, they bring me comfort, but it's scary to think it's kind of temporary because all of my issues often overshadow/overcome their love and affection, which hurts. I want to take a toll on my life and make changes but I'm rather paranoid/aware than simply scared of being disappointed again. because recently things took a bad turn, just as I expected. which is why I can't trust anything anymore, because I know how things around me work and things I don't have control over make my life so hard to live. I want to trust my family members and I love having chats with them because we get along but in the end they do something hurtful to remind me I can't trust them, that makes me want to hurt myself badly. I don't know what to do..
it's so painful. my physical pain has been so irritating and my health condition has been difficult to control, I think I'm going anemic again and I'm skipping meals again too. I feel so disoriented however because I haven't done any of my responsibilities for days, and just been distracting myself and spending my time with my s/o, they bring me comfort, but it's scary to think it's kind of temporary because all of my issues often overshadow/overcome their love and affection, which hurts. I want to take a toll on my life and make changes but I'm rather paranoid/aware than simply scared of being disappointed again. because recently things took a bad turn, just as I expected. which is why I can't trust anything anymore, because I know how things around me work and things I don't have control over make my life so hard to live. I want to trust my family members and I love having chats with them because we get along but in the end they do something hurtful to remind me I can't trust them, that makes me want to hurt myself badly. I don't know what to do..