- Apr 27, 2023
- 164
I want to suicide so badly, i have a rope and a lethal acid, for the last 15 days, before i sleep i wish there was a pill that i could take and never wake up, but i know it doesn't exist, the only thing preventing me from hanging myself is my retarded toxic mother, i know after i suicide she will be very sad and will try to follow my path, which i honestly don't care about, fuck her, i hate this bitch, she's one of the reasons i want to suicide, but i don't want to be buried with her, i know i won't be alive when i suicide so i won't care but i still don't want to be buried with her, i wan't to be away from her as possible, the second option is to drink lethal acid, this will definetely kill me, it will be painful because i will feel my stomach and everything inside of me burning but i dont give a fuck anymore that's better than being alive, but i also don't want her to wake up seeing me dead, i tried to suicide once time taking a lot of sleeping pills and i thought i won't wake up again but i woke up again because of her, she called the ambulance on me and she was screaming like a retard, when i reached to the hospital (i was unconscious at that time) she screamed and insulted the staff of the hospital and tried everything to be with me in the hospital room (which is illegal according to my country's law as i think but she still managed to fuck me again) i hate this whore badly, i waken up seeing her near me in a bed and that was the worst moment of my life, this whore thinks i'm a property to her because she was indoctrinated for 50 years by retarded muslim culture, which i honestly don't give a fuck about, WHY I'M EVEN WITH THIS WHORE, BEING IN PRISON IS MUCH BETTER THAN LIVING WITH HER IN THE SAME HOUSE, she "loves" me but i hate the way she "loves" me BECAUSE SHE'S A CONTROLIVE WHORE THAT TREATS ME LIKE HER PUPPY, i wish i can see the face on her when she figures out i'm not in the home since night and this time there's nothing she can do to change that i'm gone