I think it's a dark place here. Sometimes darkness does bring death, and nobody wants that to be true. They want to be able to do wrong. They want to create oppressive systems that takes advantage of the masses. They want to continue allow outrageous inequalities not even to secure their wellbeing but to satiate their ego, and then they just want everyone to be okay with it. They want those under the weight of oppression to be happy and content with what they have. They don't want anyone to just be like "Nah. This isn't for me. I'm out." They don't want that, and so they demonize people who are okay with people making that decision for themselves.
Now they do it under the pretense of protecting innocent children. Listen, I am all for protecting children. I took care of kids for seven years. I dealt with children, mom overdosed, dad was murdered, parents split up, addicted, borderline homelessness. You want to protect children? You talk about things with them. You control the conversation. I've seen people on here. Yeah some great people. Some people I would never want talking to any child I am responsible for, but I can't control everything, so instead I can prepare them and establish healthy lines of communication. That's what I always did with the kids, and they told me everything. I got kids telling me things they wouldn't tell their own mom, and I wasn't exactly comforting them all the time about it though sometimes that's needed. Sometimes they are killing themselves with what they got in their head, they set themselves up to be a failure in society and I would tell them that.
I remember a third grader major emotional issues. I told him to tie his shoes. He asked me why, and I told him "You got to be able to do the little things before you can do the big things. Do you want to be a failure? Do you want to be a nobody?" He said no, and so I told him to tie his shoes because you got to start somewhere. Never saw someone tie their shoes so quick, but I mean he just needed to value discipline because I knew with whatever was going on in his personal life he wouldn't make it without it. I could tell.
Anyways, the point is I totally understand caring about kids. That valid, but that's not how you care about kids. That's caring about your own ego and being able to tell yourself you're a good father. That's not actually being a good father or mother. You got to prepare them and keep healthy communication going. You don't shut down any voice that could be bad for them to hear. That's not realistic.
But that's the talking point. A lot of them don't even care about that point beyond the reality it is effective in swaying opinions. A lot of them just push their own narratives of morality because that narrative got them in power. They want to keep it that way. They don't want to continue to let the next generation develop it. They don't want to hear what's next. They want things to stay where they are at so they can enjoy their own prosperity as long as possible despite the weight it is putting on others.
I'll always consider it to be a bad decision to take your own life. However there are real consequences to a broken society. You can't fix everything, and you shouldn't hide what isn't working right. We should be able to see it. We should be able to see every time society has failed its people, and we should know the failures around us by name. There shouldn't be any hiding it because it doesn't get better that way. Leaving people blind and in the darkness won't make the underlying issues better. But if you don't have to experience it then maybe it's easier to convince yourself it's not real, and the number it is real for is hopefully a small enough stat it doesn't effect the economy. Maybe that's it, but it's so wrong.