

ex nihilo nihil fit
Oct 14, 2023
Hate is such a destructive mindset.

Despite all the shit people have put me through, and all of the destruction, bigotry and greed humans are capable of, I have never hated humanity (minus the police and bigots lol.) However I can't be too hard on the op. When I was at my worst I was a seething ball of self-hatred, and full of so much animosity for myself that I didn't feel I deserved to live. I've seen what hatred can do and how it can destroy a person.

I just cannot fathom wanting to bring down others with you. I wanted to die out of a belief I would be bettering the world and no longer burdening others (I was wrong, btw.) I would think a suicidal person would have empathy for people and not wish the same level of suffering they're experiencing onto others. I've been proven wrong.

Op isn't in a good place and I hope they find an end to their seething rage one day. It can't be fun to live with. It is not an excuse to goad and bully people tho. I agree.
I loathe and dislike the police, politicians, corporate goons, and so much about this world but I don't have the energy to hate it all. I hate one person, and I revel in the fact he's rotting in prison. That's exhausting enough.

Maybe they just don't truly understand the meaning of hate, and are throwing it around in place of frustration, which is understandable. I hope OP finds some peace. I really, really hope they don't hurt anyone else.
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Apr 18, 2023
To everyone who is somehow happy and content in this world of shit, fuck you. Your life is a fucking lie and you're a fucking moron for believing it.

I have so much fucking hatred for people who spend their whole lives acting like everything is okay, that things are going good, that there is any reason in this world to be happy and optimistic for anything.

If this world doesn't make you wanna die, you are fucking evil. And I fucking hate you.

That is all.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm happy they are. But I wish that people cared about each other.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
Polarising the world into them=happy and 'me'=not is not always going to be useful/true in most cases imo...unless someone really revels in them vs. world situation.

There are a lot of unhappy people trying to get by. A f**kton. If you can't see their sadness, what are you looking at? Is your pain that all-consuming? (for some it could well be). They might not quite be in the same boat as you, but treading water and having whatever moments of happiness they can, or they allow themselves, is not exactly living a sunshine life.

And 'they' will often run away from the notion suicide as fast as their weary legs will carry them, for various reasons, but often involving them clinging to a tiny tattered comfort blanket of happiness that becomes increasingly worn as the years go by and life takes its toll. Maybe you get that, maybe not.
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Oct 24, 2023
If you think becoming happy is so goddamn easy why are you even here? Do you not realize that there are literally thousands of people who have permanent problems that cannot be fixed and are actively preventing them from being happy? Disabilities, chronic pain, abusive families, psych wards, mental illnesses, shitty support systems, shitty governments, poverty, etc.?

This is what I despise about happy people. They don't understand shit about the world. As long as they are happy they are doomed to be ignorant and dismissive of just how evil this world really is.
As someone who is a bit of an emotional disaster, maybe the happiness you're seeing in others is just because at that time their thoughts are interrupted by whatever it is that is distracting them. Seeing people enjoy their life online or in public and thinking these things is normal, I think about it too, but when we're around others and we enjoy their company sometimes we tend to just focus on that. It's tiring having to constantly think about these issues and have them weigh you down, especially if you're also suffering with them, and a distraction from them doesn't mean you don't care, or that you're a bad person for not thinking about it. You can absolutely want reform and be angry that so many people are going through these things, and feel despair. But I think it's doing the people who are suffering with these issues a disservice as (you probably didn't do this intentionally) it's implicating that what they're going through means they don't feel any happiness. Being happy isn't easy, especially when you're in a situation where you feel doomed, but in finding something, anything, that does cheer you up you're gonna want to cling to that as it's an escape. And yeah, people who seem to be so effortlessly happy without any problems in their life can be quite irking, but it definitely doesn't mean they don't care or that they don't get consumed thinking about these things. They may not show it in public, but I don't think anyone can afford to not care about at least one of the issues you've mentioned.
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Sep 21, 2023
I get it man. I see families that look all happy and are treating their children awesome and instead of thinking "wow that's great", I think "fuck yous all".

But at the end of the day, I know I'm only seeing a brief moment in their lives. For all I know, the father is so drunk he can't help but be a little gregarious. Maybe that kid's life is hell too.

It doesn't stop me from getting angry and resentful but, I try to take the right perspective. I know my anger is a secondary emotion. What I'm really feeling is grief over the life I should have had and envy that others get the life I should have had.

My anger and frustration belong at the feet of the people that hurt me instead of raising me right. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), my abusers are dead. At least the most guilty ones. So sometimes it's the world I hate. Sometimes it's humans in general I hate. But at all times, I try to hold on to the idea that it's my abusers that deserve the fallout of my anger.
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Oct 26, 2023
If you think becoming happy is so goddamn easy why are you even here? Do you not realize that there are literally thousands of people who have permanent problems that cannot be fixed and are actively preventing them from being happy? Disabilities, chronic pain, abusive families, psych wards, mental illnesses, shitty support systems, shitty governments, poverty, etc.?

This is what I despise about happy people. They don't understand shit about the world. As long as they are happy they are doomed to be ignorant and dismissive of just how evil this world really is.
the world may be evil, but we live in it - is it not better to try every day to be happy then become cynical and hateful at those who do try? trying to be happy is far harder than being angry and hateful. it takes courage to get up every day and try. as someone who has fallen many times, i would never judge someone for falling and struggling to get back up. but i would also never hate someone for continuously getting back up. the world is evil, people suck, but why contribute to it? why not try to make the world a slightly happier place? why not make it a bit less evil? i understand you're obviously frustrated that people aren't going through what you are, but there are many people living out there in the world who have things "actively preventing them" from being happy, who continue to choose happiness over hatred. i suffer from mental illnesses, and i'm trying everyday. it's just food for thought. it's an active effort to choose happiness, whereas the sentiments you express are easy. it's easy to fall into hatefulness which i don't think makes you less naive than those choosing to look at the positives in life.
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Marcus Wright

Dec 20, 2021
Lol didn't OP previously called another user pro-life for making a "rage-bait" post? They're doing the same thing now :pfff:

Are you secretly a pro-lifer and trying to rile everyone up with your rage-bait post, Cage?
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Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
If I can throw in a penny for some thoughts; the thing that gets me on edge about most people putting aside my mental health for a moment would be the hypocrisy of which we live in. I don't like having to constantly trying to flip script and feel like I have to constantly walk on eggshells with any given person


If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I think the problem is not so much that there are happy individuals, but that the vast majority of such people - basically most of the population - will eventually reproduce, or defend others who do, argue against suicide, and so on. Not to mention that our existence is inherently parasitic to varying degrees. For example, it is the norm to eat meat, and even if you go vegan or vegetarian, you will still be exploiting other beings, human or non-human, in many other ways.

That said, I wouldn't have a problem with, say, an anti-natalist and vegan who is happy in his or her personal life. They're doing their best to reduce their destructiveness, the amount of suffering they inflict on the world, and so they deserve some peace and quiet if that's what they want.

Long story short, yes, as an efilist I understand the sentiment, but I believe that it's the actions you take that matter, not how you personally feel. Unfortunately, most people seem to neither care about the bleak state of affairs nor do anything about it, such as not having children. I may be wrong, though, and I'm open to hearing any objections from pro-mortalists, as they may have a point that I'm missing.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
That said, I wouldn't have a problem with, say, an anti-natalist and vegan who is happy in his or her personal life. They're doing their best to reduce their destructiveness, the amount of suffering they inflict on the world, and so they deserve some peace and quiet if that's what they want.

I'm not quite sure if I understand entirely what you mean by this paragraph. If you don't mind explaining, what do you mean by 'happy in his or her personal life', and 'deserve some peace and quiet'? I don't want to be presumptuous and misconstrue your opinions.


death is sustainable
Oct 2, 2023
This is pretty much the moral dilemma I'm going through right now. I was lucky to be given an alright life. It's far beyond tolerable, I just really fucking suck at keeping my shit together. But right now I can't really understand how anyone can live in a world with so much fucked up shit. Horrible and terrifying events take place everyday. I pray so badly that none of this is real. I don't understand how these acts are allowed, war crimes, rape, torture, the list goes on. The world is a cesspool of nasty and vile things.


Oct 23, 2023
To everyone who is somehow happy and content in this world of shit, fuck you. Your life is a fucking lie and you're a fucking moron for believing it.

I have so much fucking hatred for people who spend their whole lives acting like everything is okay, that things are going good, that there is any reason in this world to be happy and optimistic for anything.

If this world doesn't make you wanna die, you are fucking evil. And I fucking hate you.

That is all.
My belief is that they are not necessarily happy. Depression still exists within them and I'm sure it shows sometimes but they have a reason for living that outweighs suffering in this world all the time. And so they continue to live due to that reason or even if it is multiple reasons. No reason to hate the people who have that because after all they are suffering as well too it isnt all sunshine and rainbows
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If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I'm not quite sure if I understand entirely what you mean by this paragraph. If you don't mind explaining, what do you mean by 'happy in his or her personal life', and 'deserve some peace and quiet'? I don't want to be presumptuous and misconstrue your opinions.

My point is that, as another user has pointed out in other threads, there's a crucial difference between how you feel about your personal life and your outlook on life as a whole. Someone may rightly think that the world in general is too harsh, too evil, to bring babies into it, yet they may find something they enjoy in their personal life. And as long as they don't derive their happiness from the pain of others, I say let them be.

Of course, it would be better if they devoted themselves to reducing suffering rather than to some personal, selfish satisfaction, but most of us are so deeply wired to seek pleasure that we can't help it. It's hard to blame people for that, and if they don't procreate, they're already doing much better than the majority. I probably fall into that category myself, because all I've done for a long time is play video games and stuff like that. I'm selfish to a certain extent, like everyone else, and I admit it; it's nothing to be proud of, but the first step is to recognise it.

All in all, it's a complicated subject. It's not as simple as calling the OP "hateful" and "jealous" for questioning contentment, because they definitely have a point - our bliss comes at a hell of a price. My problem is that they don't seem to distinguish between what you do in your personal life and your beliefs about life and the way you act on those beliefs.
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Lolita ♡ I am a human doll
Oct 28, 2023
I hate people too, I don't think they're evil though. They've just been blessed to live their lives ignorant of everyone else problems, handled better cards I guess. I think it's just the universe and the way the world works. I understand the hatred though, the truth is I'm just jealous of them. I wish I was as happy as them tbh.


New Member
Feb 4, 2023
To everyone who is somehow happy and content in this world of shit, fuck you. Your life is a fucking lie and you're a fucking moron for believing it.

I have so much fucking hatred for people who spend their whole lives acting like everything is okay, that things are going good, that there is any reason in this world to be happy and optimistic for anything.

If this world doesn't make you wanna die, you are fucking evil. And I fucking hate you.

That is all.
I think that people who do not understand the suffering in the world are deluding themselves. Most are not even aware of the many problems that have existed throughout time. When I call the crisis hotline they argue with me and try to convince me I'm wrong. That certainly is no way to persuade people. Really all non suicidal people respond like that and it displays their intense desire to control me or anyone who acts or speaks like this. Little do they realize that they are driving people away and further into suicide when the attempt to overwhelm me with their illegitimate gaslighting.

Anyway, I see it like this: all of these people do not really care about me, as they are not involved in my life, or if they are, they do nothing to improve my situation, and are deaf to my cries for assistance with everyday circumstances. So they don't even care about me so why are they so interested in convincing me of their point of view. They lie and say its because they care, but that is not evident by how they behave. Basically, they are hypocrites. Certainly not a profitable way of converting someone.
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