Imo that makes you a nice person though.
It's through getting lied to and taken advantage of over and over by my immediate surroundings that I eventually learned not to trust people, lie whenever I need to, and thoroughly read and judge people to determine how far I should cooperate with them.
In short doing everything to protect myself first.
But that also means I'm not a nice person anymore.
I used to hate lying and pride myself in never telling a lie, now I lie easily as soon as I feel it necessary to protect myself.
Now I deceive people, presenting them precisely what they expect to avoid questions.
I present friendly and open to get them to be more cooperative while I am ready to drop them at a moment's notice.
It's not how I want to be and it's not how I really am at heart, but for me it's necessary to act that way to protect myself.
I don't like it, the more I have to lock away my true self and interact in the outside world the more I feel like I'm losing myself.
It sucks that people are taking advantage of your kindness and honesty, and I think that over time if that continues you'll learn to trust people less, but I really hope it doesn't get to that,.. it's not nice, not being able / allowed to be yourself anymore..