

I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
Like I really hate it so much. I feel weak and pathetic. When I was younger I was so confident and felt awesome with my body and physical capabilities.

Now I feel pathetic whenever I see a guy. I've also gained social anxiety whenever I see a guy. Like whenever one tries to talk to me or one walks past me on like an empty street I borderline start hyperventilating. I hate being a girl...everyone expects me to be cheery and all that but I can't. I hate the expectations and I hate how my body is and I hate how weak I feel. Honestly that's probably one of the top 5 reasons I want to ctb.

In every story the guys always the main charecters while the girls stay on the side to support them. Girls are also expected to be caring. I feel awful when my pet died I was relieved I didn't have to take care of it anymore. I'm the opposite of what people think a girl should be.
I feel like I don't matter at all. I hate being a girl. I feel like my existence is absolutely meaningless. I'm kinda a Christian and that's what makes it even harder.

God created Adam and created eve because Adam got lonely....then cursed eve with always submitting to man and having a man rule over her due to eating the apple. I always felt like I didn't even matter to God....just exist to support man and watch on the sidelines while they achieve things.

I hate being a girl and I hate being alive. I know I would still want to ctb if I was a guy because I hate myself and my personality sucks....but I still hate being a girl so much.
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becoming the lastnames by will wood
Jun 7, 2023
Im trans and I was at least able to get that to the side of my head, but its just so fucking daunting that this world was at some point made to be so fucking man centered
Now I have to listen to men saying that women were always made to be weak and fragile I hate how colonization just put that into peoples heads and no one questioned that there was once people just doing what they were good at instead of 'woman stay raise kid man go hunt strong' and you get people like andrew tate or most politicians tbh
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Sep 14, 2023
I'm a guy guy and I sometimes wish I was a girl. I feel like I would be seen as more "cute" and deserving of help and sympathy, instead of "nuisance" "asshole" "disgusting" or whatever.

Lots of guys also feel pathetic, ugly, disgusting when they see a girl.

… idk if this is helpful.

Either way I'm sorry you feel so bad about being a girl and makes you feel pathetic. I can say I like girls I don't think they are pathetic, I think they are adorable and I like them. I can imagine how it could be very stressful and terrible to always be expected to be cheerful, and to feel pathetic and weak a lot of the time. I hope you can feel safe and strong and comfortable and confident, and find an environment where you can be accepted as you truly are and don't have to put on a cheery facade.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
I'm a guy guy and I sometimes wish I was a girl. I feel like I would be seen as more "cute" and deserving of help and sympathy.

Lots of guys also feel pathetic, ugly, disgusting when they see a girl.

… idk if this is helpful.

Either way I'm sorry you feel so bad about being a girl and makes you feel pathetic. I can say I like girls I don't think they are pathetic, I think they are adorable and I like them. I can imagine how it could be very stressful and terrible to always be expected to be cheerful, and to feel pathetic and weak a lot of the time. I hope you can feel safe and strong and comfortable and confident, and find an environment where you can be accepted as you truly are and don't have to put on a cheery facade.
Lmao thing is I'm the opposite of adorable. I'm stand offish without even meaning to be. I can't help it...I don't know what to say when someone talks to me. I don't k3ep up with my appearance and even when I do I look ugly.
I have a resting bitfh face and everyone thinks I'm like this on purpose. I hate it. I hate myself for being like this but I can't change it no matter how much I try.

People always say dating is easier for girls. And yes girls get asked out alot...I've probably gotten asked out atleasy 10x...but thats the thing.

The guys who ask me out are not seeing me. They are seeing a girl that's it. It wouldn't matter who I was just that I'm a girl. That's why girls get asked out more cause guys don't give a damn while girls actually want someone they actually love and aren't willing to just take anybody.

Most guys if they got asked out I'm sure they would say yes. Girls...well most of them don't want a fake relationship like that. Also tbh alot of guys who ask me out are wierd. Like they'll run up to me or like put me in a corner while talking...or come up with their friends which just worsens Mt anxiety.

Though tbh I can't talk because all of my relationships with friends are fake cause I always drift off into my own world and can't keep up and my mood drags the conversation down.
Im trans and I was at least able to get that to the side of my head, but its just so fucking daunting that this world was at some point made to be so fucking man centered
Now I have to listen to men saying that women were always made to be weak and fragile I hate how colonization just put that into peoples heads and no one questioned that there was once people just doing what they were good at instead of 'woman stay raise kid man go hunt strong' and you get people like andrew tate or most politicians tbh
I hate incels so much....I can't stand them. What reason do they have to hate woman I don't understand. I never understood these dumbest gender wars. Girls have it hard boys have it hard everyone alive has it hard. Why are we comparing suffering...that's so dumb.
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May 29, 2018
I'm sorry. I too am trapped in a body i despise and it's crippled every aspect of my life. I genuinely can't relate to my peers at all and keeping up the normal facade while being mentally maimed over things outside of my control is torture. It feels like I'm living a life behind bars while I'm guilty of no crime other than being unlucky, but I have to watch everyone around me go through life as I'm stuck stagnating in misery
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Aug 31, 2023
I'm a guy and I find many faults in myself. I'm told I'm good looking, even though I think I'm ugly. I hate the way my nose looks, I hate how much shorter I am than my friends (I'm 5' 7") I hate having straight hair, etc... And I especially hate seeing myself in any type of photograph. There's a saying "You are your own worst critic" and that's true for me. I guess I have always had low self-esteem ever since I can remember.
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Cloud Busting

Cloud Busting

Formerly pinkribbonscars
Sep 9, 2023

More relevant now than it was in 1996 (nearly 30 years ago!)

I absolutely fucking hate being a girl as well. It's a miserable prison. As Simone De Beauvoir put it, "one is not born- but simply becomes- a woman." You are born with a vagina and from that moment on your identity is shaped for you. It is, of course, one that comes with less freedom and autonomy than a man. Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a short story about the liberty men were awarded that woman at the time envied.

Of course, it is not easy to be a man either. As uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility." Men are to provide and protect and gather the resources, which puts a large strain on them. They can not be helpless or despondent and seek support as a woman can due to stigma. It is my personal view that this is why men are more prone to violence, CTB, and alienation than woman.

However, much like the power of a man comes at a price, so does the softness of a woman. Instead of being seen as a strength like masculinity is, femininity is seen as a weakness. Women are then rendered helpless and defenseless and in need of a helper, and branded as hysterical when they bring up valid points.

And with the abuse of power and the objectification and devaluing of woman comes a near universal sexual trauma. I too am scared of men out of fear they will rape, murderer and harass me. This is not without cause. I have been raped (and did not report it), cat called, and sexually harassed. When you point this out, men feel personally attacked. What they don't understand is I don't want to be scared of men, and I want to believe men can be better than the primal, sexual, and violent deviants they are portrayed as. However, if men won't work to break the stigma and tear down abusers and misogynists to protect their egos, women will continue to fear. This is disadvantageous for both sexes.

This is why I cannot support terfs. They claim to be for woman, yet they reinforce the stereotype that men are predators and that woman need the state to protect them. They claim to be against objectification, yet reinforce the concept that woman are their bodies. Reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, and the freedom from objectification is a human issue, not a mere female one.

The westernized gender binary is an oppressive system designed to limit and put people in line. I hate it. I wish I could be genderless.

Also, quit reading romance novels lol. I can recommend you books where woman aren't mere damsels if you'd like. I also commend you for keeping your faith. The patriarchy of orthodox abrahamic faiths is why I deconverted.
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I'll wait for you ❤️
Sep 15, 2023
it sucks to be either lol
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Sep 21, 2023
I've always imagined that it must be difficult to be a woman; especially since people often don't take women as seriously as they should.

Gender roles do more harm than good, and sometimes it surprises me how much people cling to them. Everybody should be valued according to their ability and personality, not by what sex/gender they were born as. I'm a guy and it always feels like there is so much social pressure and judgement if you even slightly deviate from the norm.

I have been seeing more disregard for gender norms in recent years, and I do think people will judge less and less in the future. There will likely always be some level of unconscious bias, but at least it'll be less prevalent.

Also, I'm sorry to hear about your pet dying OP. If it's any consolation, I don't think it means you are uncaring if you were slightly relieved. Being both sad and relieved at the same time is not uncommon, even if it's a bit taboo to talk about.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023

More relevant now than it was in 1996 (nearly 30 years ago!)

I absolutely fucking hate being a girl as well. It's a miserable prison. As Simone De Beauvoir put it, "one is not born- but simply becomes- a woman." You are born with a vagina and from that moment on your identity is shaped for you. It is, of course, one that comes with less freedom and autonomy than a man. Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a short story about the liberty men were awarded that woman at the time envied.

Of course, it is not easy to be a man either. As uncle Ben said to Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility." Men are to provide and protect and gather the resources, which puts a large strain on them. They can not be helpless or despondent and seek support as a woman can due to stigma. It is my personal view that this is why men are more prone to violence, CTB, and alienation than woman.

However, much like the power of a man comes at a price, so does the softness of a woman. Instead of being seen as a strength like masculinity is, femininity is seen as a weakness. Women are then rendered helpless and defenseless and in need of a helper, and branded as hysterical when they bring up valid points.

And with the abuse of power and the objectification and devaluing of woman comes a near universal sexual trauma. I too am scared of men out of fear they will rape, murderer and harass me. This is not without cause. I have been raped (and did not report it), cat called, and sexually harassed. When you point this out, men feel personally attacked. What they don't understand is I don't want to be scared of men, and I want to believe men can be better than the primal, sexual, and violent deviants they are portrayed as. However, if men won't work to break the stigma and tear down abusers and misogynists to protect their egos, women will continue to fear. This is disadvantageous for both sexes.

This is why I cannot support terfs. They claim to be for woman, yet they reinforce the stereotype that men are predators and that woman need the state to protect them. They claim to be against objectification, yet reinforce the concept that woman are their bodies. Reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, and the freedom from objectification is a human issue, not a mere female one.

The westernized gender binary is an oppressive system designed to limit and put people in line. I hate it. I wish I could be genderless.

Also, quit reading romance novels lol. I can recommend you books where woman aren't mere damsels if you'd like. I also commend you for keeping your faith. The patriarchy of orthodox abrahamic faiths is why I deconverted.

Nah that's the thing it's not just romance novels. (I honestly don't even read romance that much) it's everything. Most stories add random romance for like no reason and ots always the same. The girl who used to be strong stops loving her life and dreams to follow the male lead around like a puppy. I hate it.

But the thing is I love woman. I'm not gay but I like woman alot more then men. I'm the same as you I try not to be stereotypical of man and try not to be sexist but it's so hard. I started getting somewhere but jot these incels are springing up and my hatred for man is beginning to increase.

I always try to be open minded though as I know most man are most likely not like that. But still it's hard. Why can't people just accept everyone has a hard life and gender doesn't matter that much.

Every man I talk to undermines everything I say as if I'm an idiot. People always say girls have it easier cause man are treated harsher but my dad treats my brother like a precious thing while he hits and curses at me.

And my parents say it's because he's a "boy" and had to be raised differently...and that I wouldn't understand. They are right I don't understand.


I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
I've always imagined that it must be difficult to be a woman; especially since people often don't take women as seriously as they should.

Gender roles do more harm than good, and sometimes it surprises me how much people cling to them. Everybody should be valued according to their ability and personality, not by what sex/gender they were born as. I'm a guy and it always feels like there is so much social pressure and judgement if you even slightly deviate from the norm.

I have been seeing more disregard for gender norms in recent years, and I do think people will judge less and less in the future. There will likely always be some level of unconscious bias, but at least it'll be less prevalent.

Also, I'm sorry to hear about your pet dying OP. If it's any consolation, I don't think it means you are uncaring if you were slightly relieved. Being both sad and relieved at the same time is not uncommon, even if it's a bit taboo to talk about.
Honestly I feel just as bad for man as I do for woman. It feels like you guys can't do anything without being called gay. (Nothing wrong with being gay) Toxic masculinity is real. My dad didn't even cry when his mom died he refused. Though honestly my dads a hypocrtie cause when i cry he tells me to grow up but when my brother crys he leaves my mom to comfort him. When my parents found out I wanted to ctb I was crying and Mt dad legit told me to calm tf down and stop crying. Like what I really dont understand.

I agree gender roles are so dumb...why tf is pink for girls and blue for boys. It is literally just a fucking color....like what that is so dumb. People are dumb tbh.

On social media whenever there is a woman I always find sexist comments. Without fail its so sad. She could literally be doing the most normal thing and the men are like. "She knows what she's doing" "Slut" "woman ☕️"

And legit alot of times woman make good points but these dumbass people are programmed to think a woman is a dumb and cant say anything worthwhile and only use is being pretty and satisfying their sexual urges so they dont take it seriously.

Like wtf are people a bunch of robots or something.
I'm a guy and I find many faults in myself. I'm told I'm good looking, even though I think I'm ugly. I hate the way my nose looks, I hate how much shorter I am than my friends (I'm 5' 7") I hate having straight hair, etc... And I especially hate seeing myself in any type of photograph. There's a saying "You are your own worst critic" and that's true for me. I guess I have always had low self-esteem ever since I can remember.
Thing is though we are our own biggest critic because we know ourselves the best....
I'm a guy and I find many faults in myself. I'm told I'm good looking, even though I think I'm ugly. I hate the way my nose looks, I hate how much shorter I am than my friends (I'm 5' 7") I hate having straight hair, etc... And I especially hate seeing myself in any type of photograph. There's a saying "You are your own worst critic" and that's true for me. I guess I have always had low self-esteem ever since I can remember.
Thing is though we are our own biggest critic because we know ourselves the best....
I've always imagined that it must be difficult to be a woman; especially since people often don't take women as seriously as they should.

Gender roles do more harm than good, and sometimes it surprises me how much people cling to them. Everybody should be valued according to their ability and personality, not by what sex/gender they were born as. I'm a guy and it always feels like there is so much social pressure and judgement if you even slightly deviate from the norm.

I have been seeing more disregard for gender norms in recent years, and I do think people will judge less and less in the future. There will likely always be some level of unconscious bias, but at least it'll be less prevalent.

Also, I'm sorry to hear about your pet dying OP. If it's any consolation, I don't think it means you are uncaring if you were slightly relieved. Being both sad and relieved at the same time is not uncommon, even if it's a bit taboo to talk about.
Honestly the reason I was happy when my pet died....was because I hate giving things affection. I'm bad at it and it's all fake. How can I love something when I csnt even love myself. Worthless feelings like another's love for me is annoying and unnecessary. It's just a bother and my pet sadly (I really do feel bad for it because it loved me alot) was blindly following me with expectations in its eyes no matter how much I ignored it.

I worry about what's going to happen when I get out of college...I dont plan on ctbing until I'm atleast 25 because I want to be confident in my focusing and I was thinking of getting cats to keep me company because I hate talking to people more then neccesary....but I feel like I'll only put those cats in pain.
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Sep 9, 2023
I'm a guy and I find many faults in myself. I'm told I'm good looking, even though I think I'm ugly. I hate the way my nose looks, I hate how much shorter I am than my friends (I'm 5' 7") I hate having straight hair, etc... And I especially hate seeing myself in any type of photograph. There's a saying "You are your own worst critic" and that's true for me. I guess I have always had low self-esteem ever since I can remember.
I really feel the same. Family and some friends in the past told me I'm looking good. But I also think I'm ugly. It is so hard to find out the truth. I also never was happy about my self. Hating my self feels so familiar.
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Jul 14, 2023
One lesbian went "undercover" to experience the "male privilege" that comes from being a member of The Patriarchy to write a book about it.

The experience broke her. After 18 months she had to check herself in to a psych ward. She wrote a book about that too.

But she never fully recovered from the experience and went to Switzerland for an assisted suicide….

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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
it sucks to be either lol
Living just sucks in general to be honest. But what's even worst is when people discredit your suffering. Honestly so often a bunch of incels discredit girls struggles cause girls have it "easy".

And the same with guys. Some girls discredit their struggles because they have it "easy" people are so dumb they can't see outside themselves and think they are the only ones suffering and everyone is is just being edgy and overdramatic. It's sad.
One lesbian went "undercover" to experience the "male privilege" that comes from being a member of The Patriarchy to write a book about it.

The experience broke her. After 18 months she had to check herself in to a psych ward. She wrote a book about that too.

But she never fully recovered from the experience and went to Switzerland for an assisted suicide….

Interesting to be honest thanks for sharing
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“What a beautiful day to haunt the earth.”
Apr 27, 2023
I hate it, too. The weird thing is that I wouldn't really want to be anything other than a woman. I think men have it hard too and anyone that falls outside of the binary has their own struggles, as well, so we're all shit out of luck. With the same personality and experiences I would want to walk out of this life no matter what I was. But being a woman is something that I've been grappling with for a really long time.

I'm not really what a woman "should" be either, I felt and sometimes still do feel a lot of despair about being a lot bigger than most and not having an ideal figure; I'm not small and dainty in the slightest. In some ways I overcompensate to feel like a girl, but in my rawest form I feel really gross. But even though I am at my size, I'm still weaker and less capable by default. I'm still a victim, I've still been harmed and I can be harmed again. I live my life in fear of it. I think about being violated or hurt all the time and I hate that. I don't like being around men or women, I just feel generally unsafe. I feel that way even in my own home, living alone is my worst fear. My trauma makes me want to ctb really bad.

I honestly can't even think of any perks to being a woman that appeal to me. A lot of people will cite beauty, having "value" from birth, ease of access to sex and affection, the ability to be cared for and kept, being able to get free shit. Those are true, certainly, but what good does that really do me now? I have to be objectified in some way, in the first place, to have those things, and that is a con that heavily outweighs any of the pros in my mind.

My life right now kind of feels like being a side character to a man. I realize this is an empty thing to complain about, in reality I have the control to not fall into this role. I just don't think of myself as anything else. I kind of feel like I have to be this thing that flaps in the wind for him. I uprooted my life so he could be happy and have his dream, as a result I'm the only person working to support us and I'm going to enter a marriage that will be more convenient for him than it will be for me. Once he gets what he wants out of it, I think the chances of me ctbing are high. It's the last thing I want to do as a woman.

Being a woman is giving, and giving, and giving, and not really ever getting back the things that are important. From the opposite perspective, understandably, it looks like all we do is take. I'm sure that men, in certain ways, feel that exact same way and are viewed the exact same way, so at least that's a little comforting to me.
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i am so lainpilled :3 (? days left)
Apr 15, 2023
Same and it's mostly because I struggle to get along with other girls. I don't hate other girls obviously but I often feel like I'm playing a character (and a poorly written one at that). I don't really get along well with people in general but I find it's easier with guys on average since it's easier to find guys with similar interests to mine. I hate this and really wish it wasn't the case. I desire nothing more than an all-female or predominantly female friend group but idk if it'll ever happen. I just wish I was normal
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Sep 14, 2023
In my experience, the most sexist people are usually the people that have had the least amount of contact with the opposite gender. This isn't because they are evil or dumb, it's because the only stuff they see is the dodgeball-like attitude of women complaining about men and men complaining about women online. I swear this shit does not happen nearly as often IRL. IRL, I had over 100 guy friends for years and none of them said they hated women or acted like it. The same goes for women liking men a lot more IRL as well. The internet really brings out the worst in everyone.

Edit: I realized this is a venting thread and not a discussion thread. Just ignore this comment.
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Aug 20, 2023
In my area, it's very common for women walking alone to get catcalled by men. It's so dehumanizing and makes me feel like an object. I've had old men at the store ask me creepy questions and one man even tried to follow me home. I hate feeling so weak in those situations, sometimes I wish I were a man too.

What you said about religion is very interesting. I know it's even harder for women in those communities. I'm not religious, but similarly I've often thought mother nature is inherently sexist for making us the way it did.

I don't hate men or anything like that, everyone has different issues I just think this is hard to understand this unless you actually live it. Please don't get mad.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Young girls are committing suicide at a very high rate now. Social media has a lot to do with that. It's all about looks. Being perfect, teeth hair makeup body has to be perfection. Being bullied. Being hated by males.
It's all out in the open.

I would prefer being asexual like I was as a child. I loved sports and athletics and was a tomboy. My mind became warped into thinking my only value was a sex object starting at age 14.

I want to be invisible.

Being a side character to a man <--- that says it all. Having a career and higher education is the only way out.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
I hate it, too. The weird thing is that I wouldn't really want to be anything other than a woman. I think men have it hard too and anyone that falls outside of the binary has their own struggles, as well, so we're all shit out of luck. With the same personality and experiences I would want to walk out of this life no matter what I was. But being a woman is something that I've been grappling with for a really long time.

I'm not really what a woman "should" be either, I felt and sometimes still do feel a lot of despair about being a lot bigger than most and not having an ideal figure; I'm not small and dainty in the slightest. In some ways I overcompensate to feel like a girl, but in my rawest form I feel really gross. But even though I am at my size, I'm still weaker and less capable by default. I'm still a victim, I've still been harmed and I can be harmed again. I live my life in fear of it. I think about being violated or hurt all the time and I hate that. I don't like being around men or women, I just feel generally unsafe. I feel that way even in my own home, living alone is my worst fear. My trauma makes me want to ctb really bad.

I honestly can't even think of any perks to being a woman that appeal to me. A lot of people will cite beauty, having "value" from birth, ease of access to sex and affection, the ability to be cared for and kept, being able to get free shit. Those are true, certainly, but what good does that really do me now? I have to be objectified in some way, in the first place, to have those things, and that is a con that heavily outweighs any of the pros in my mind.

My life right now kind of feels like being a side character to a man. I realize this is an empty thing to complain about, in reality I have the control to not fall into this role. I just don't think of myself as anything else. I kind of feel like I have to be this thing that flaps in the wind for him. I uprooted my life so he could be happy and have his dream, as a result I'm the only person working to support us and I'm going to enter a marriage that will be more convenient for him than it will be for me. Once he gets what he wants out of it, I think the chances of me ctbing are high. It's the last thing I want to do as a woman.

Being a woman is giving, and giving, and giving, and not really ever getting back the things that are important. From the opposite perspective, understandably, it looks like all we do is take. I'm sure that men, in certain ways, feel that exact same way and are viewed the exact same way, so at least that's a little comforting to me.
Omg I feel almost exactly the same way. Besides the fact I'm never planning on getting into a relationship. I also feel really comfortable around woman. I love woman but I'm not gay so I'm not attracted to them like that. I only have like one guy friend who i haven't talked to in years and his bestfriend used to harass my sister everyday to go out with him.

People say I've been blessed with a good body or whatever. But that doesn't matter I still feel ugly. I know the second I get into a relationship is the second I lose myself completely.

My oid self before was so confident all the way up until my tenth grade of highschool. I was always the top or close to the top of my class. I won alot of academic awards. And I participated in sports. That all changed in 10th grade when I joined my schools track team where boys and girls ran on the same track. I then realized once I saw the boys run that I would never be able to do that. And then I changed alot. Though ngl even before that I was suicidal mostly due to me having my personality but that didn't help at all. I hate being a girl but I love woman. It's hard to explain.

Also if it makes you feel better even though I'm not gay I think all girls are beautiful. Like I'm saying this sincerely. Big, small medium. I really love girls that's one reason I would never want to be a guy. I can't explain it but I admire woman so much. Wish that included myself.

Every girl I walk past I can't help but admire.
Young girls are committing suicide at a very high rate now. Social media has a lot to do with that. It's all about looks. Being perfect, teeth hair makeup body has to be perfection. Being bullied. Being hated by males.
It's all out in the open.

I would prefer being asexual like I was as a child. I loved sports and athletics and was a tomboy. My mind became warped into thinking my only value was a sex object starting at age 14.

I want to be invisible.

Being a side character to a man <--- that says it all. Having a career and higher education is the only way out.
I feel the same...honestly when the whole Andrew tate obsession was on the rise and incels started sprouting up I started really hating myself even more and hated being a woman. Not only that I started hating man for automatically winning just from being born a male.

I'm more open minded now....but it still hirts.
In my area, it's very common for women walking alone to get catcalled by men. It's so dehumanizing and makes me feel like an object. I've had old men at the store ask me creepy questions and one man even tried to follow me home. I hate feeling so weak in those situations, sometimes I wish I were a man too.

What you said about religion is very interesting. I know it's even harder for women in those communities. I'm not religious, but similarly I've often thought mother nature is inherently sexist for making us the way it did.

I don't hate men or anything like that, everyone has different issues I just think this is hard to understand this unless you actually live it. Please don't get mad.
Lmao you said nothing to get mad at. I agree accept I am kind of religious. But then I'm kind of not. I believe that God exists and I believe Jesus is God. But I don't dedicate alot of my time to reading the Bible. I used to spend more but then I started feeling so weighed down on the punishment God gave woman. It still exists today while I feel like the punishment he gave man really can't compare to what he gave woman.

But still there are woman in the bible who had an impact. One being Deborah who was a judge God appointed. Though I'm pretty sure she wasn't married and lived by herself so that mightve been why.

This is the punishment God gave woman

"I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."
In my experience, the most sexist people are usually the people that have had the least amount of contact with the opposite gender. This isn't because they are evil or dumb, it's because the only stuff they see is the dodgeball-like attitude of women complaining about men and men complaining about women online. I swear this shit does not happen nearly as often IRL. IRL, I had over 100 guy friends for years and none of them said they hated women or acted like it. The same goes for women liking men a lot more IRL as well. The internet really brings out the worst in everyone.

Edit: I realized this is a venting thread and not a discussion thread. Just ignore this comment.
Nah I'm good with discussing too. I agree...I don't hate man at all. I'm mostly just scared of them. A little part of me hates them because they are for thr most part born superior to me. But I don't see a man and hate his guts for no reason.

I honestly don't even hate Andrew tate...I just think he's a dumbass...I do however hate the woman who are pick me and are fucking in love with male attention and put other woman down for not wanting to be a man's plaything.
Same and it's mostly because I struggle to get along with other girls. I don't hate other girls obviously but I often feel like I'm playing a character (and a poorly written one at that). I don't really get along well with people in general but I find it's easier with guys on average since it's easier to find guys with similar interests to mine. I hate this and really wish it wasn't the case. I desire nothing more than an all-female or predominantly female friend group but idk if it'll ever happen. I just wish I was normal
I have an all female friend group. Though I am friends with a couple of gay guys. Honestly guys make me uncomfortable. Especially tall ones. Like literally when a tall guy walks past me my heart races out of fear.

Even though I'm friends with girls I don't get along with them that well. I always find out that they hung out without me. I never know anything that's going on with them or any drama that their in. I'm always the last to find out.

That's honestly all my fault though. Because I never cared and they know I don't care Mt friendship with them is superficial. It's not their fault at all though it's solely mine.

The only guys I've had crushes on were anime boys and celebrities. I had a few crushes in elemtry school but I don't think that's the same.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm only really comfortable around gay men who don't look at me like a lion looks at a deer, predatory.
My friends seem to usually be gay men.
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Wondering Waevern
Sep 19, 2023
Like I really hate it so much. I feel weak and pathetic. When I was younger I was so confident and felt awesome with my body and physical capabilities.

Now I feel pathetic whenever I see a guy. I've also gained social anxiety whenever I see a guy. Like whenever one tries to talk to me or one walks past me on like an empty street I borderline start hyperventilating. I hate being a girl...everyone expects me to be cheery and all that but I can't. I hate the expectations and I hate how my body is and I hate how weak I feel. Honestly that's probably one of the top 5 reasons I want to ctb.

In every story the guys always the main charecters while the girls stay on the side to support them. Girls are also expected to be caring. I feel awful when my pet died I was relieved I didn't have to take care of it anymore. I'm the opposite of what people think a girl should be.
I feel like I don't matter at all. I hate being a girl. I feel like my existence is absolutely meaningless. I'm kinda a Christian and that's what makes it even harder.

God created Adam and created eve because Adam got lonely....then cursed eve with always submitting to man and having a man rule over her due to eating the apple. I always felt like I didn't even matter to God....just exist to support man and watch on the sidelines while they achieve things.

I hate being a girl and I hate being alive. I know I would still want to ctb if I was a guy because I hate myself and my personality sucks....but I still hate being a girl so much.
I think at least in the bible that may of been how it began, with how woman were invented in it with some slight variation between versions. But I think in the end he loved everyone equally, on earth it is male oriented tho with them being in control and thought of first. male test dummies so that women were more likely to die, they finally at least began making female test dummies, instead of just shrinking the male one. Women in constant fear because someone can take advantage of the darkness and do horrible things. Then theres the documentries (where I would say women sometimes do these things too, but also men are just more likely to do this) where men are more likely to commit a crime over someone, whereas a women would try to just end it and not commit a crime I think. Women got rights later on, for some reason we didnt have them originally and were thought of as property and couldnt live on our own because we needed a breadwinner. I hate unfairness man. Also just a quick mention if a man or just anyone punches a hole in the wall redflag, just if they punch that then who knows how long till that progresses.
Anywho, society be ick with all these rules and regulations against people who dont fit the norm of what it set. Remember all it is societys construct, and that you can act however you want, no matter what you will be judged but eventually itll be numb to you because it happens so often and youll be able to be yourself and enjoy that again.


Aeternum Vale
Sep 18, 2023
it sucks to be either lol
This. Regardless of reproductive organs, being human is hard enough. Hell, being a sentient animal is hard enough. Little difference though.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
To me men are just a huge disappointment in every way. And the feeling I get around gay men is so refreshing. I can just relax. I'm on guard around straight men waiting for them to try something weird or creepy. All of them do at some point.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Also, quit reading romance novels lol. I can recommend you books where woman aren't mere damsels if you'd like. I also commend you for keeping your faith. The patriarchy of orthodox abrahamic faiths is why I deconverted.
Dunno if anyone finds it useful, but I'm reading Lisa Fithian's book "Shut It Down: Stories from a Fierce, Loving Resistance". She's a real-life badass who knows how to shut down a government's operations in its own headquarter city. Even many fictional heroes can't manage anything like that

And I'd be interested in learning more about commander Rojda Felat
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Jan 17, 2023
I do like being a girl since I like cute things and girls are generally more cute than guys, that's it lol
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
"Your focus determines your reality" so why do you focus on what other people think about you? Why don't you create your own person, your own character?

The system, the.. society is designed to strip personality so you fit easier into whatever role they need you to take but YOU let them! Fight it! Or fake it! You don't have to be whatever they need you to be! Both sexes have their own strenghts and weaknesses and both sexes can use those to their advantage or even reverse them.

I'm not saying it's easy, it can be hard, it can be really hard but sometimes certain things can be achieved.

Men are usually strong, or.. stronger (than women). Yes, true, but this is evolution, we worked hard to achieve this, and we still do, every day we do hard jobs, we do sports and we take so much shit! It's not always fun but this is how we get strong. Women don't do these things so how can you grow, how can you get better, stronger, smarter if there's no challenge!?

This is natural! Think! Think how wild animals have to fight for every little thing, for every little scrap.

I'm a man, I'm naturally weak, physically and psychologically, I used to get sick often, I forget things. But I fight it! I do hard jobs, I do sports and of course I take shit from men and from women. From men because it's what they do to eachother and from women because they know they can hurt without repercusions. I can hit a guy because they hurt me and I may or may not get away with it but if I hit a woman for the same reason no one will believe my side of the story and I'll be seriously punished by both sexes.

Doing sports helps me be just a little bit stronger, stronger than the average guy at least, and my immune system doesn't crash anymore. And doing hard jobs, doing things with my own hands builds character and I learn things. I'm not as lazy and as stupid as the average person is. I try to be a little bit better.

I can't do anything about my memory though so I just write down stuff.

Anyway, you get what I mean. I hope it helps a little bit.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Like I really hate it so much. I feel weak and pathetic. When I was younger I was so confident and felt awesome with my body and physical capabilities.

Now I feel pathetic whenever I see a guy. I've also gained social anxiety whenever I see a guy. Like whenever one tries to talk to me or one walks past me on like an empty street I borderline start hyperventilating. I hate being a girl...everyone expects me to be cheery and all that but I can't. I hate the expectations and I hate how my body is and I hate how weak I feel. Honestly that's probably one of the top 5 reasons I want to ctb.

In every story the guys always the main charecters while the girls stay on the side to support them. Girls are also expected to be caring. I feel awful when my pet died I was relieved I didn't have to take care of it anymore. I'm the opposite of what people think a girl should be.
I feel like I don't matter at all. I hate being a girl. I feel like my existence is absolutely meaningless. I'm kinda a Christian and that's what makes it even harder.

God created Adam and created eve because Adam got lonely....then cursed eve with always submitting to man and having a man rule over her due to eating the apple. I always felt like I didn't even matter to God....just exist to support man and watch on the sidelines while they achieve things.

I hate being a girl and I hate being alive. I know I would still want to ctb if I was a guy because I hate myself and my personality sucks....but I still hate being a girl so much.
First off, I'm very sorry you are struggling with these feelings. It is legitimate to feel this way, in large part because the world is such a mess in general that everything seems like shit, and all there is is negativity.

I'm going to challenge you on a few of these points, and I want you to know that I'm not saying you're "wrong," but when we feel horribly bad about ourselves we often go beyond what is right and are overly harsh to an unproductive extent.

everyone expects me to be cheery and all that but I can't.

You said this in relation to social anxiety around guys talking to you. Let me tell you, then, that plenty of guys don't expect that. I am now in my 30s and settled down, but when I was young and single, I was always falling for the quiet, gloomy girl. This is backed up in the media men see. Anime, TV, movies, etc. aimed at men very much promote a more serious woman as being sexy over a bubbly one. If anything, you not being cheery may intimidate them. Just as you feel inadequate, plenty of men do as well.

In every story the guys always the main charecters while the girls stay on the side to support them.

To me this seems pretty outdated. It could just be our experiences differing, or maybe you are focusing on examples that further reinforce this notion. Empowered women has been a growing trope for a while. We recently got a Mario Movie which was modern and pretty decent. Mario was a hapless loser until the very end. Peach was a badass throughout. Disney princesses have trended the same direction. Women are often leads with men in the background or being villains like in Wednesday. Ensemble casts will almost always have strong women these days: Game of Thrones and Kobra Kai come to mind. (I don't watch a ton of TV, lol, I'm sure there are better examples.)

I feel awful when my pet died I was relieved I didn't have to take care of it anymore. I'm the opposite of what people think a girl should be.

You are a HUMAN first, and a woman second. Depression, anxiety, etc. are real issues you are dealing with. It's okay for a human to be relieved when a trying time is over. People feel that way all the time with loved ones: so sad the person is gone but relieved they can finally rest.

I feel like my existence is absolutely meaningless.

just exist to support man and watch on the sidelines while they achieve things.

Absolutely not. (Well, your existence is no more meaningless than anybody else's.) If you want to look at this from a Christian perspective, we can do that. (For a more atheist approach, again, we're all pretty meaningless.) Bare with me, here, but let me present an alternative way of seeing things:

Women are able to produce life. Therefore, they are objectively more valuable than men (from a traditional worldview.) You only need one man to keep society afloat, but lots of women. Men are disposable, replaceable sacks of meat that accomplish things and build things and fight wars for the sake of protecting, comforting, and supporting their society's women, who will give birth to and raise the children which will inherit the earth. Chivalry and that old-fashioned stuff about holding doors open and what not is not about babying weak little women, it is about respecting and revering them. It's not, "you can't open that door," it's "you shouldn't have to open that door." Those men in the old stories you were talking about who were the heroes, etc., etc., they were being heroes because they wanted to look cool for the woman/princess, because without woman, man has no value.

Now, you may read the above and think, "oh so I'm only good to have babies??" I'm not saying that, anymore than you are saying "oh men are only worth something if they have great accomplishments and are heroes?". You don't have to have babies. I say the above to match your all-encompassing view with an alternative explanation for why traditional gender roles are what they are.

Another caveat: yes, men have abused their position of physical strength superiority. Plenty of men have not behaved as I described above, and they do baby women and see them as the weaker sex rather than the fairer sex . . . but isn't that another argument for the incredible value of women? Women are naturally less destructive, more nurturing, and more empathetic than men. It's oversimplifying it to say women "just exist to support man" . . . they exist to keep men from burning everything to the ground.

Anyway, you can disregard ALL of the above, because the fact of the matter is that gender roles are not in any-way all-restrictive. In the vast majority of situations, women can do anything men can do. Sure, the world's strongest men can lift heavier things that the world's strongest women, but those are huge outliers, and - again - men can't create life.

I hope this at least gives you some things to chew on. As to your specific issues with yourself that are hurting your self esteem, my guess is that you are exaggerating those flaws. That's how our brains work when we have low self esteem. We are overly hard on ourselves about every little flaw, much more hard that we would be on someone else. You won't be able to fix this easily or by simply changing your mindset, but you start by acknowledging areas where you are being overly negative or not giving yourself a fair shake. Believe me, I've been there: "I'm a piece of shit because X." "Well, if your friend was/did X, would you say they're a piece of shit?" "...No." "How do you feel now?" "I'm a piece of shit." Logic can't always fix the cycle right away. It takes lots of time. I'm really wishing you the best at dealing with your issues, and since you are Christian I will do something I haven't done in a while and say a prayer for you.


Jul 29, 2022
In every story the guys always the main charecters while the girls stay on the side to support them
Like in 90% modern hollywood movies you have strong female characters who need no man. This statement might be true > 40 years ago but now it is no longer the case.
If you feel physically weak how about starting lifting weights to get stronger?


I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
"Your focus determines your reality" so why do you focus on what other people think about you? Why don't you create your own person, your own character?

The system, the.. society is designed to strip personality so you fit easier into whatever role they need you to take but YOU let them! Fight it! Or fake it! You don't have to be whatever they need you to be! Both sexes have their own strenghts and weaknesses and both sexes can use those to their advantage or even reverse them.

I'm not saying it's easy, it can be hard, it can be really hard but sometimes certain things can be achieved.

Men are usually strong, or.. stronger (than women). Yes, true, but this is evolution, we worked hard to achieve this, and we still do, every day we do hard jobs, we do sports and we take so much shit! It's not always fun but this is how we get strong. Women don't do these things so how can you grow, how can you get better, stronger, smarter if there's no challenge!?

This is natural! Think! Think how wild animals have to fight for every little thing, for every little scrap.

I'm a man, I'm naturally weak, physically and psychologically, I used to get sick often, I forget things. But I fight it! I do hard jobs, I do sports and of course I take shit from men and from women. From men because it's what they do to eachother and from women because they know they can hurt without repercusions. I can hit a guy because they hurt me and I may or may not get away with it but if I hit a woman for the same reason no one will believe my side of the story and I'll be seriously punished by both sexes.

Doing sports helps me be just a little bit stronger, stronger than the average guy at least, and my immune system doesn't crash anymore. And doing hard jobs, doing things with my own hands builds character and I learn things. I'm not as lazy and as stupid as the average person is. I try to be a little bit better.

I can't do anything about my memory though so I just write down stuff.

Anyway, you get what I mean. I hope it helps a little bit.
I mean yeah I under stand what your saying but its not that easy to overcome biology 💀. No offense I also think man have it hard too everyone alive has it hard. But the average man will always be a stronger than the average woman. I work out too and I know I will still get beaten up if I went against a guy. It's biology no matter how much I may try to deny it it is. That is unless I have a weapon.

I'm not entirely sure what you were trying to say but thanks for your input.
Like in 90% modern hollywood movies you have strong female characters who need no man. This statement might be true > 40 years ago but now it is no longer the case.
If you feel physically weak how about starting lifting weights to get stronger?
Yeah but those stories are also unrealistic af and I personally hate them.
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